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Thursday, May 8, 2014

2 Guys and a Mothers Day Message

Who can relate?
I know I can.

Happy Thursday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. OMG that is us!!!!!! Every year for our Christmas card pics...it is really something to behold, now I just laugh...what can you do? Watching this funny video is like watching my boys all over again.......

  2. OMG Katie, I just spit out my coffee, I was laughing so hard. what a cute video. Happy Mother's Day to all.

  3. That is my two sons....David and Daniel...LOL and thanks for sharing..

  4. I have two boys EXACTLY like that! I'm laughing so hard I have tears coming out of my eyes!
    Forwarded to my husband.

  5. I have tears streaming down my face, and just sent the link to my two boys CJ and Nick. Nick's middle name is Tucker coincidentally, but this is the two of them to a TEEEEE. I found their bickering and assaults on one another maddening when they were younger, but I have to admit as they've gotten older I find myself more amused. Omg, thank you for this, and I hope your daughters treat you well this Sunday. Love your blog!

  6. this was a good one. I made my "only child" husband watch it so he could see what it is like to be from a pack of 7 kids.

  7. I have a daughter(26) and sons (21 and 20). I cannot wait to show them this, haha!

  8. I have two daughters and I can relate......tooo funny!

  9. Ha ha! I can relate - very cute! Happy Mother's Day! :)

  10. Katie, this is hilarious! I think regardless of gender .. we can all relate. Everything is always a process! Happy Mother's Day:) xxL


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