J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Barn Sale!

When I moved into my new/old house, I noticed a very pretty farm in the area.  It is impeccably maintained and painted in a bright, sunny yellow.  One day, while driving by with my #2, there was a big sign by the road with two of my favorite words, "barn sale."  

We turned into the driveway, and it looked like Sista's  idea of heaven on earth.  The most beautiful grounds laid the backdrop for a menagerie of fabulous finds.

 I was so delighted when I saw the sign again this weekend.  At last, Sista could see what I've been talking about these past couple of months. On our way to lunch we stopped by to do some browsing.

Do you not LOVE this flower box.  When I commented on it to the lucky lady who lived there, she told me her husband made it for her for her birthday.  
Helloooo Mister??? Are you reading this?

I told the Mister to sit down and I'll give him a shave.
A really close one if he doesn't build me a windowbox! 

OK creative DIYers... 
What would you do with one of these boxes?   
I love to hear your ideas!
although it makes me feel inadequate.

The Mister and BIL didn't think this barn sale would have anything of interest until they spotted this little beauty.

Again, a point of great interest to the Mister and BIL.  
Not the raccoon - the boat.

Love the "beware" sign.

Sista loves yellowware so she was delighted to spot some at the sale.

Sista showing the Mister a very old cookbook that she found.
He wasn't having it - he wanted the police car.

Sista delighted with her purchases.

Hope your day is filled with fabulous finds!

The Mister is not going to be happy when he sees this picture!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I would have stayed for hours! There my dear is your window box!!! I have an old wooden herb box a dear friend gave me for my birthday. Hubby added iron brackets to it and I use it as a flower box. You can drill holes in the bottom and line with plastic for drainage.

    1. Took the words right out of my mouth! Or, if you need to beef them up a bit, you can always add some moulding to the bottom to make them look bigger than they actually are.

  2. What fun!! It must be great living so much closer to your sister...you are lucky!!! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  3. Boxes, suitcases, ladders, stools. I could do something with them all! Wow, Wow, Wee! What fun! I wouldn't want to go home and the house! Oh the beautiful farmhouse! Yes, I could live there!

  4. Katie, check out the blog called Far Above Rubies. She uses a long box on her dining table and decorates it for every season. It's titled 17 ways to use a long box as a centerpiece (March 14, 2013). She has some great ideas!

    1. Thanks Susie! I'm headed over now. I'll leave a comment that Susie sent me. Have a great weekend!

  5. How FUN!!!! Omg I love things like this...talk about a relic of the past and such a beautiful one too, how much fun did you have!!! Thanks for taking us along.
    PS On a sidenote just finally got to Phyllis's post on me today, over at A Ribbon in My Journal and your comment just about made me cry!!!!!! You are a sweetie pie, and tell your husband he is one lucky man to not only have a supermodel as a wife but a darn nice one at that!

  6. PPS Those cool boxes...how amazing would they be for a buffet filled with all kinds of fun appetizers(ie crudite, or anitpasta) would be amazing!!

  7. What fun and what great things there!! Have a great weekend!

  8. So much to see and so many goodies. My husband would be dying over the boat! Needing that window box at my house - happy weekend!!

  9. What a lovely spot to spend a few hours on the weekend - I would have bought the yellow ware too :-)

  10. I could have spent hours digging through those treasures!! The Police car was a real winner! Love the flower boxes. I'll show my husband and I'm sure he'll bring home a plastic equivalent from Home Depot, proclaiming it to be a perfect replica!

  11. I want that house...and the crocks. I also love Sista's shirt; can you please find out where she got it?

    And, can you please tell the Mister that if he could grab those two granite steps for me and swing them by my house in OKC on your next trip to Texas, I would love him forever. Oh, and the pergola too if it is not too much trouble.

    1. Lori.... Sista's tunic is by Gretchen Scott. The Mister should be at your house by Thursday. He'll bring the pergola too. Have a great weekend!

  12. What a fun and beautiful place! Love the flower boxes, LOVE the police car and love the vintage suitcases. My daughter and son-in-law had a travel themed wedding and we used suitcases like these to decorate at the wedding weekend Cocktails and Cupcakes party.
    So the question is, are you now the proud owner of those fabulous wooden boxes?

  13. So much fun Katie! The old cop car is so cool and love the boat. So many great finds here Katie. Looks like a fun day! xxleslie

  14. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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