Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, May 12, 2014

happy monday

Hello dear friends...

I hope everyone enjoyed Mothers Day weekend.  I sure did.  The Mister and I spent it in our old home state, Texas. We were there celebrating our #1's graduation!!!   We had a wonderful time.  The weather was gorgeous.  Enjoyed delicious meals, did some shopping and proudly watched our girl accept her diploma.  

I haven't downloaded all of my pictures yet but I do have a few from my phone.  Let's start with the end of the trip.   

This is a selfie that the Mister strategically took of us celebrating the fact that we "lucked out" with middle seats again.  

We must have a special note in our file...  
middle seat rejects people.

As we drove home, I snapped these pics.

I'm falling more in love with my new home state every day.

Happy Monday and don't forget...
 use yah blinkah!

Mr. Chowdah obviously "tied one on" this weekend at the puppy hotel while Mom and Dad were away!  
Still holding on to his bone between his paws.  His favorite squeeze toy "funky chicken" always within reach.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. My nephew and his girlfriend just drove to Michigan from Boston and were talking about those signs - how funny! Congratulations to your daughter :-)

  2. Congrats to #1. Quite an accomplishment. Those road signs crack me up.

  3. This is so funny! I guess our signs should say, "Y'all use your dang blinker now, ya' hear?"
    Congratulations on the graduation!

  4. A big congratulations to you and your daughter!! Woo hoo...she's an official adlut:) That road sign is a riot.....and middle seats, HATE them (thats the claustrophobia in me). Sounds like Mothers Day was fantastic!

  5. Happy Mothers Day, and congratulations on the graduate (what ever will you do with all that money now that tuition is done)???? Love the signs and humor makes sitting on the roads slightly more interesting. Happy Monday

  6. Congratulations #1!!!! Katie you must be so proud!! I'm so happy you had a great Mother's day! Those signs are sooo funny; they would never so anything like that in NYC (no sense of humor I guess). Mr. Chowdah is just the cutest :)! Hugs, Dawn

  7. Congratulations to #1! One of my girls graduated from college on Mothers Day and it ranks up there as one of the best gifts ever - and a huge sense of relief... Love Mr. Chowdah!

  8. Katie,
    congrats on #1's graduation! Except for the middle seat syndrome, sounds like you had a great Mother's Day weekend! My Kate graduated on Saturday also and started her new job today. Can't believe how fast time is flying by! Love those street signs , makes traffic a little more bearable! Funny what our pets get attached to, Kate's cat carries around a small stuffed giraffe that she's had since she was a kitten, she's 9 now. We hardly ever see her with it but it goes all over the house.

  9. Congratulations to #1...and I LOVE that picture! Let's talk about how to MAKE SURE you are never in a center seat again, my dear! Have a fantastic week! xoxo

  10. Congratulations to you and your daughter! That's wonderful. I loved the street sign. Someone's got a sense of humor in the traffic department.

  11. Congratulations to your daughter katie!! My daughter graduates AGAIN (Masters) . We were on the 5 year plan with the extra tuition bonus year:) love the selfie!!

  12. Just read your Happy Monday post on Tuesday...once again, you made me laugh! From the cute and funny selfie to the traffic sign. Sounds like you had a great time at your daughter's graduation (except for the airline seats and the traffic); some of life's special and unforgettable moments. :-)


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