Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I Spy a Good Buy at Homegoods

I hate to brag, but my expert opinion is that Massachusetts has the best Homegoods I have ever seen.  And believe me, I have been to my share of these delicious shopping meccas all over the country.  Lucky for me, I am within an hour of  five of these incredible stores.  The Mister does not consider that lucky. 

My favorite Homegoods is in Norwell.  The only thing I don't like about it is the parking.  It stinks.  The parking lot is too busy and way too small.  But this store is definitely worth the effort. 

First thing I do is grab a nice big carriage because I am the eternal optimist.  
When it comes to shopping, that is.

How impressed will my neighbors be when they spot this little choo choo in my front yard?  I'll be the most popular girl in the 'hood! 

Kayaking anyone?    

Love this cute stool.

Darling sofa!  Would look great in #1's new pad.  
No - that doesn't mean I'm buying this for you #1! 

Great organizer for a mud room or office.

Antlers are really in these days.

My Chowdah is growing by leaps and bounds.  Too big for this darling bed.  
He wouldn't turn his nose up to chewing it up into a thousand pieces, though.

I have been eyeing this Ralph Lauren chest for months now and it has not been marked down.  
Oh well, I don't know where I'd put it anyway.
We could always move.
What am I, crazy?

Love these for the patio.

I positively adore the looks of copper but I know in my heart I am too damn lazy busy to keep it shiny.

This store always has a great selection of lamps.  
They refresh the inventory frequently.
Don't ask me how I know that.

I bought a Keurig when they first came on the market.  After a few weeks, I went back to my old coffee maker because the coffee was never strong or hot enough.  A strong, hot woman such as myself deserves a cup of joe to match. This could be the answer to my problems.  

Great price on this table and chairs.

Great for entertaining!  
I can just picture this sitting next to the train during one of our wild parties!

This is a first.  I have never seen a stove in a Homegoods.

Don't know whether I would make this investment without a guarantee.  Btw... the stove was gone 2 days later.  
Don't ask me how I know this.

Great chairs for the price.

I bought this for Sista.  
Matches her personality.
Don't tell her I said that.

Hope your day is filled with great deals!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. yowza! that Aga stove is a first for me too. I thought I had a good homegoods. holy cow. yours is definitely the holy grail of HG stores. might have to pay you a visit :)

  2. Yes, Home Goods is deadly! I can walk to our closest one (not a good thing according to MY mister). Oh, and I'll be sure to put the gigantic metal carriage in our front yard to go with your choo choo!

  3. I was thinking my HomeGoods was right up there with yours until I saw the stove - that's crazy!! We don't have a choo-choo, but a huge ferris wheel at ours!

  4. Your HomeGoods is sooooo much better than the one closest to me in NJ. I'm pretty sure HG corporate offices are in Boston. Maybe that is why the stores have so much good stuff.

  5. I have never been in a HomeGoods store...and I think that might be a wise decision after seeing the (wonderful) and crazy selection of goods!

  6. I try to stay out of HomeGoods. I turn my head away and start humming every time I pass it. Okay I occasionally drop in. xo Laura

  7. Hate to toot my own horn but I TOLD YOU SO! Have to take credit for 'introducing' you to the goodness that is Exit 14!
    BTW I think one of the reasons our HomeGoods are just so good is that headquarters are in MA - sorry Mister.
    Everything you featured is drool worthy!

    1. Denise... I give you full credit. The first weekend here I told the Mister we had to go to Exit 14 because you mentioned it. It was the first place I could drive to without using the GPS.... I've been to the one in Plymouth but I don't think it has as much good stuff. Have you been there? Hyannis is my next favorite.

    2. Blushing now😔. Plymouth is my closest so don't be surprised in a few weeks if you find a woman furtively stalking you. Have not been to Hyannis but if you recommend, might just take a little road trip.

    3. Denise... would love to meet you in person and have lunch sometime. Email me and let's set up a date!

  8. Alas, the curse of a small town is no Home Goods store! I just looked them up, and there is one in Pensacola, about an hour away. The next time I'm there, I'll be sure to go. I need a lamp. And some pillows. And that little room divider. And, and, and . . .

  9. Gotta love Home Goods! I try & stay away unless looking for a particular item because I NEVER leave empty handed!!!!
    Hugs, Dawn

  10. We have a brand new store and now I must go! Goodness- we have been missing out!

  11. We are just starting to get some good buys in our store.. usually not so much! Your store is much better!

  12. Hate that parking lot. You might want to try Braintree HG as well.

    1. Been there. Liked the store a lot. Have you been to Framingham?

    2. Nope - I don't venture out there at all - just a South Shore gal here :)

  13. I love to wander Homegoods and see what is new. Fun post Katie :-!

  14. Great Post, enjoyed everything! R

  15. Katie, I really think the Home Goods Corporation should create a position for you as a personal shopper, think of all of the people you could help, and all the merchandise that they could sell, it is the perfect job for you! the HG near my house is also a big store with many wonderful treasures that have made their way home with me, thanks for the update on current merchandise. Amazing about the stove, and how about that price! have a good day, nice and sunny here in Chicago.

    1. The Mister would be so happy if po got a real job!!!!


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