Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Operation: Graduation - Part 1

Good morning dear friends.  Here is a little recap of our trip to Texas to celebrate our #1's graduation.


We arrived at our hotel in Dallas late Friday afternoon.  Our #1 met us with a full wardrobe (even though she was only staying one night) and this adorable cookie for her old Mom.  

That evening, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at The French Room at the Adolphus Hotel.  

The room is positively breathtaking at night.

Dinner conversation included our girl asking her old Dad if he was joking when he told her that she was "completely off the payroll" now that she will be a graduate and gainfully employed.

Obviously, not the answer she was expecting.

The Mister doing his usual competitive analysis of the menu.  
He has to order the BEST thing on the menu.  
Then he brags about it for the rest of the meal.
#1 and I do our usual eye roll.

The idea of financial independence is not so bad when it is accompanied by a chocolate souffle.

2 relieved parents and one college graduate in-waiting.

Love this idea.  The restaurant gives a small banana bread to each couple to take home for breakfast the next morning.  
We devoured it on our way to the 9 AM graduation.

When we arrived back at the hotel, we had to twist #1's arm to go into one of the karaoke rooms.  
These rooms are private, 
so we didn't have to damage any eardrums.  
You can see how much twisting we had to do!

Obviously, this was not my first rodeo...  

Even the Mister agreed to a duet with our girl.

Ought oh... 
somebody just had a flashback to the "off the payroll" conversation!

A good time by all!
  The only thing that could have made it perfect is if #2 was able to join us! (She was studying hard at school).

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. OMG your family sure knows how to party & have a good time !!!! Must be that rich French food ! As always this post put a huge smile on my face despite the fact I've been laid up the last few days w/ allergies/flu ( I can't tell the difference anymore). Congratulations #1 you have made your parents so proud !! (Must go blow my nose now!) xoxoxo, Dawn

    1. Oh Dawn. So sorry you are not feeling well! Get better soon!

  2. What a fun weekend! The pictures are priceless. The restaurant looks amazing. I bet it is beautiful all lit up at night. Congrats again to #1.

  3. Love a beautiful dinner at a pretty restaurant like that - especially when celebrating a happy occasion. I bet you all missed your other daughter and she missed bring there, but such is life with older kids :-)

  4. What a wonderful weekend you shared in celebration of your daughter's graduation! Both the restaurant and the hotel look amazing! You all seem to have so much fun together! xoxo

  5. What beautiful surroundings to celebrate in !

  6. Don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful restaurant! No wonder you are glowing!
    Congrats again on the weekends accomplishments. (Me thinks #1 might still find occasional gifts from you and the Mister.)

    1. youthinks probably right, Denise. How's Florida?

    2. Ms. Katie you do make me giggle! Fl will be a distant memory tomorrow. I'm a senior so it doesn't take much to forget.

  7. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation!

    I just discovered your blog and I love your voice and the honesty with which you write!

  8. The French Room is so good! Perfect spot for a graduation luncheon! I want to come back and try the karaoke room soon! So glad you had fun in Dallas - we missed you here!

  9. How fun! Congrats to your beautiful daughter...you were all beaming (maybe you and the Mr. especially since shes off the payroll lol. Looks like a special weekend, and The French Room is gorgeous, wow...and any restaurant that gives you a sweet something to take home for a midnight snack has already earned my praises!

  10. What a fun evening. How did anyone ever remember all their fun times before we had blogs? I was just thinking how clever you were to document it. I love the "off the payroll" storyline! Ha!

  11. Congratulations to you and the Mister. One down one to go......oh and then weddings and then grand babies.....guess your wallet will be empty for a bit longer....xoxoR

  12. Children "off the payroll"...I can only dream! But I am so happy to see that you had a wonderful dinner with your sweet daughter.

  13. Love it, I must remember that in 3 years when I tell my daughter that she and her horse are off the payroll!! LOL! You daughter is beautiful and you must be so proud!

  14. Oh my goodness! You have the most flawless skin!! I'm jealous. Also, the chocolate souffle looks divine. Yum! :)

  15. Congratulations to have #1 off the payroll! We had the bonus year for our #2 (a fifth year..) and we are looking forward to her starting her career. Looks like a fun evening ~ love your pics! xxL

  16. Katie,
    I just love this post, as you were in my home town of DALLAS!!! We have celebrated some milestones at The French Room, too! Your daughter is just beautiful...apple didn't fall far! And Mister was rocking his bow tie. Smashing!!!

    Congratulations and all the best to your new grad!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  17. Congratulations to the graduate and the proud family!

  18. Love Dallas! I wish my daughter picked a school in Texas- TCU or SMU or Baylor, instead she is in Chicago, even worse than our hometown of NY! Your family is just precious. Love your blog!
    -Linda, NY


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