Talbots Spring Essentials

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Operation: Graduation Part 2

Saturday was the big day.  In a mass of purple, my #1 graduated with a BS (how appropos) in Strategic Communications from Texas Christian University. 
Our #1 girl did it in four years which was touch and go for awhile and we are very proud of her.  There is nobody who had a better time in college that our #1.

We got there nice and early so that we could get seats in the shade in the brand new stadium.

The last dollars that we handed over to TCU went to the purchase of our new hats.  It was a picture-perfect sunny, breezy day with temps in the low 80's.  I wanted to grab this day and put it in my pocket.

Here's our TCU Proud Parent Selfie.

That's our girl!

After graduation, we went to Northpark Mall in Dallas.  We did a little shopping and enjoyed a delicious lunch al fresco at La Duni, one of #1's favorite places.

That evening, we met Adorable Jonathon's family at Capital Grille in Fort Worth.

 No, you are not seeing double.  
Adorable Jonathon has an identical twin - Adorable Michael! 

Adorable Michael will be receiving his diploma from Baylor University this weekend.

The twins with their parents... 
Mr. & Mrs. Adorable

A very proud Mama with her girl.

Even though we were too full for dessert, the wonderful waiter brought this over for us to share.

It was a fabulous evening filled with great stories, lots of laughter, and delightful company.

Hope your Thursday is filled with great things!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Congrats again to your sweet #1. And, just have to give a shout out to Michael...Sic 'em Bears!!!

  2. Loved the photos! You all look happy and smashing!

  3. Looking beautiful Mrs. Clooney - flawless!

  4. We use to live in Dallas and just recently moved to Cleveland. Oh, how we miss Capital Grille! Great food!! Go Frogs!

  5. You all look so happy!!! What a special day! I adore your pearl and monogram necklace!!

  6. Congrats to #1. Love the picture of the two of you. xo Laura

  7. I like how they put the student's name and face on the jumbo screen. Touchdown!
    Congratulations again for movin' her along the pathway of life!

  8. Have never seen so many #%}^* photogenic people in my life - even the Adorable Family! You do know Capital Grill was founded in good old Providence, RI didn't you? We did our #2s graduation at the Boston local - yummy! BTW your hats are fetching!

  9. That is wonderful! Congratulations!!

  10. Congratulations, Katie. Your daughter is just beautiful and so are you! Loving the adorable family-hope they stay connected to your beautiful family for a long time! Congrats and Congrats to you! xo Diana

  11. congratulations it looks like you had an amazing time (and not to mention great deserts). Your beautiful daughter looks just like you. One down one to go.

  12. Congratulations dear Katie!
    Thank you for sharing. A wonderful family, everybody looks so beautiful!!
    I enjoy seeing and reading!

  13. Katie,
    Congratulations! What wonderful photos and a great day for all. You have looked great in all these photos.....please share your foundation and concealer. Do you use loose powder at all? Your skin is radiant.

    Thanks, Kathleen

  14. Congratulations Katie! Enjoy your weekend :)

  15. What a celebration ! Looks like fun was had by all (as usual) ! #1 looks so beautiful & happy. Thank you for sharing this very special day with us. And Kathie..... Girl why having you been hiding those legs!!!! I bet Dude is jealous ; ). Still a bit under the weather but improving each day. xoxox, Dawn

  16. Hi Katie! What an exciting time for your family. Congrats to the beautiful graduate and her fab parents!! You all have the most gorgeous skin by the way. What's your secret?? Happy weekend!
    xx, H

  17. Congratulations- first of all, you are gorgeous as is your beautiful girl#1. What a beautiful stadium! Everything is bigger ( and better imho ) in Texas!
    -Linda, NY (northern girl who really belongs down south!)

  18. Fun fun fun. You are so petite (true!) and adorable inside and out. Good skin like the others said. Adorable young couple. My husband has an identical twin, when I first met him I liked him and thought he was cute too lol.


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