Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Naughty Chowdah

#1 came home this weekend to meet her new little bro, Chowdah.  I asked her to babysit for just a few minutes and this is how it went.  Evidently, Chowdah told his big sis that his Mama lets him do anything he wants.

I put his toys away every night and he knows exactly where to find them.

Hope you get to play with your toys all weekend long!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. That is too cute! Smart boy! Sorry in my last comment I spelled your name as Kathie instead of Katie.....sorry,,,,still very congested. I told DH to bring me home some strong sinus medicine. What is the point of being married to a pharmacist if I can't get good drugs!! Enjoy your time with #1. Hugs, Dawn

  2. Wow! Chowdah has mad skills!!!!! so cute.
    -Linda, NY

  3. LOL- Chowdah is smarter than some humans I know!!!! Love it, Katie. xo Diana

  4. He thinks he's just building memories for you, you know...puppy stories.

  5. Wow you have a genius on your hands..he is soo cute! Love that stage, enjoy every minute!

  6. LOL. Yes, they are too smart for their own good!! Every time we open the fridge drawer, Kylee comes running (no matter where she is at the time) because she thinks she is getting cheese. We keep the cheese sticks in that drawer and she loves them!

  7. That's a smart dog! You'll have to remember not to keep the groceries down within his reach!

  8. How can you really be upset when (Mr Cuteness himself ) Chowdah is in involved?

  9. I can't believe how big he is getting so fast (what are you feeding him), now we have to work on him putting his toys away! what a cute boy.

  10. It's hard not to smile at the cleverness! Wow, Chowdah has had a major growth spurt. I think we'd all enjoy more Adventures with Chowdah.

  11. I half expected #1 to say, "I am telling mom on you." Ha!! He is adorable!!


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