Talbots Spring Essentials

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Mothers Day Gifts Under $100

Hello dear friends.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  It is a gorgeous crisp morning here in Massachusetts and I am trying to talk myself into going out for a nice long walk.  I'll have to see who Kelly and Michael have on before I make that life changing decision.

Here a few ideas for Mothers Day.  

Banana Republic

Banana Republic
Cute purse.  Stripes are so in this year.

Conair Face Brush
Bed Bath & Beyond

Reviews say this facial brush is just as good as the ones over $100.

A new twist on sending flowers.  Lasts longer too.

Napa Style

What Mom can resist the charm of a mason jar?

Napa Style

#1 and #2 
I won't think this is funny if you give this to me.


Love these new rope bracelets.


Lilly Pullitzer


Lilly Pullitzer
For the moms who love to rock.

For the moms who are fitness buffs...
(#1 & #2 ... you can skip this part)

These things have gotten so popular.  I wonder how it would work with donuts.

Best Buy
Seems like I'm the only one in the Northeast that doesn't wear one of these.  I'm fine with that.

The Saddle
This model attaches to the forearm as opposed to the upper arm.  
If your arms are in really good shape like Kelly Ripa and me, this one is for you!  

I want this one just for the cover.

 Every blogger loves this lady.  She has made bazillions, so she must be doing something right.

What Mother doesn't love MHC?

For the Mom who loves to decorate - head on over to The Enchanted Home for tons of steals and deals.  These are just a few.
(#1 and #2...are you listening??  Skip the juicer and get me one of these.)

Gorgeous Brass Planter
The Enchanted Home

Spectacular Candle Sticks
The Enchanted Home

Darling hand guest towel holders
The Enchanted Home

Happy Monday!

79 lbs. of love
Jody's goldendoodle
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Great ideas - I'd skip the juicer too... but, I do love my fitbit one! It has really gotten me off the couch!! ;)

  2. I have the juicer and the fit bit. guess which one I still use? yep the fit bit. love it. the juicer not so much. no, I like the juicer. works great. and the juices you can make are good. seriously. i'm just too lazy to use it because of the clean up. is that wrong? well if so I don't want to be right. I like your donut idea better.

  3. Fabulous ideas! So need that t-shirt!! LOL If my girls gave it to me I would laugh, hubby, not so much!! And, I am loving the new Lilly Lobstah print!!!

  4. Oh Katie! How you make my day! (You had me at "see who are on Kelly and Michael"). Then sharing all that loveliness minus the juicer and any kind of exercise paraphernalia.
    Hope you and Chowdah have a lovely day,

  5. OMG...what wonderful ideas. I would love any of these gifts for Mother's Day except for the Fitbit (had no idea what it was...had to google it) & the "Saddle". Saw the rope bracelet at J. Crew tonight...love it! Be well! Hugs, Dawn

  6. I love every one of these...but especially the t-shirt!! Have a beautiful week!! xoxo

  7. How nice for you to include some of my finds...thank you!!! I love all your ideas but that t shirt I MUST get. That is a riot......too cute. I can always count on you to make me smile, or laugh or both!

  8. Great ideas for me to past on to my own kids. ( I'm with you-minus the Fitbit ). A special thank you for Murphy's picture at the end of your post. Happy Homegoods Day. I'm also with you on loving that store.

  9. Great finds here Katie! I'd skip the juicer too...and go for the planter;)


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