Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Festival of the Arts 2014

Hello dear friends.  This post is part 2 of last weekend with my Sista and BIL.  

We got up bright and early to a gorgeous sunny day.  We feasted on a delicious breakfast before beginning our day at our first annual day at Festival of the Arts in Marshfield Hills.  

This small area of Marshfield Hills is sprinkled with lovely antique homes which were decorated in their finest for the weekend.  The locals take fierce pride in their festival.  Weeks before it begins, residents are out in their gardens preparing for the big weekend.

The community is brimming full of resident artists. The North River Arts Society is one of the busiest places in town.  They offer a multitude of classes in painting, drawing, writing, photography and lots more. 

Homes surrounding the Arts Society donate their yards for displaying The Arts.

A few of the gorgeous homes in the area.

This is the General Store otherwise known as "the Genny" which is also home of the Post Office.  If you live within a mile of the Genny, you are given a post office box to pick up your mail.

The Genny offers darling gifts, accessories - both fashion and for the home,  penny candy, and a fabulous selection of fine wine.  As you enter the store, the aroma of freshly baked muffins, scones, and cookies make your mouth water to the point of drooling.  It's hard to drag yourself out of there without inhaling buying one.

As a point of interest, the Genny is owned by the actor, Steve Carrel and his wife, actress Nancy Walls.  The store is managed by Nancy's  darling sister, Tish, who is so cute she could be in the movies, as well.

The artwork was displayed in the Society's barn.

There is nothing Sista loves more than shopping.  And she takes time to look at e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! 

Looks like she made the right wardrobe choice to wear in this booth.

These tide clocks were a hot item at the fair.  There are a lot of people that own boats in the area.  The seller also is the artist of each background - which you can customize.

I wanted to buy this for Sista but she caught me.  No sale.

There were a few pet portrait artists displaying their work. 

Here's another example of something I wanted to buy Sista.  Again, caught red handed.  No sale.

She caught me eyeing this one, too.

This lovely lady had a beautiful assortment of jewelry that she made.


The Mister left early to check on his #1 son.

Have a lovely Sunday!

This is what Chowdah thinks of art fairs.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. My town's art fair is next weekend and I can't wait. I used to run one, so anytime I can go and not have to be in charge is a good thing :-)

  2. that mister's cooking skills are just beyond exceptional. Have you ever thought of opening a bed and breakfast? with your decorating talents and his cooking skills, I think you have a winning combo (sista could be the inn director, looks like she would make a good director), and of course the official welcome mascot is none other than Mr. Chowdah.,......I think you should consider this new career path (and I want to be your first guest).

  3. I love everything about this home; decor, layout, modern aspect and especially that large opening to the beautiful back yard. Amazing!

  4. I really do want to eat at your house. It looks so much more appealing than my bowl of Joe's O's. that town looks wonderful. xo Laura

  5. That looks like SO much fun...I LOVE Sista's top! Hope you had a great weekend!! xoxo

  6. What a FUN place to visit...but your seester is a spoil sport. lol I am so stealing that I SAY BAD WORDS idea! lol xo Diana

  7. Really fun post, had to zoom in on a few pictures. Do tell about that breakfast cake? Tshirt quotes very amusing. Sure looks like a nice benefit of being out east. Snow gone?

  8. Oh Marshfield,I have not been there since my college days. Such a cute town!

    Any chance your lovely husband would be willing to share some of his recipes? Everything he cooks looks so yummy!!!

  9. Those tee shirts are the BEST! Hope that vendor will be on display at our Ceaft Fair in a couple of weeks.

  10. I love these types of fairs, looks like a good time had by all!

  11. Looks like everyone had a grand time at the festival. In the end, Chowdah came away with the best prize of all - lots of hugs. I enjoyed taking the tour with all of you. Until next time :)

  12. Oh how beautiful those big old houses are!! Oooh that Chowdah, I would be loving on him too if I could. What a great dad!

  13. Thank you so much for showing us this beautiful impressions.

  14. What a fabulous weekend with Sista! I love the beautiful glass beads and especially the description of them as "light as air but tough as nails". Hahaha! Those are two qualities to which I aspire.

  15. Your pictures are always so lovely! Do you mind sharing the details of your cabbage leaf dishes? I have noticed them in several posts and they charming!

  16. Katie,
    Thanks for the fun tour! I felt like I was your "Sista" and love how you two love to shop and pal around.
    Chowdah is a cutie.
    Enjoy your day!


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