Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, June 6, 2014

A New Friend and a Bloody Mary

Happy Friday, everyone!  It looks like great weather for us for this weekend.  Hope you're looking at the same forecast for your neck of the woods, as Al Roker would say.

I had the most enjoyable lunch yesterday.  I had the privilege of meeting one of my sweet readers, Denise, who always leaves me the kindest comments.  She doesn't live far from me so I asked her to meet me for lunch.

We went to the Scarlet Oak Tavern which is the epitome of New England charm.  The food was delicious and as far as the company goes... the best.  I can't remember the last time I had a four hour lunch filled with great conversation and so many laughs!  Sans cocktails, no less! 


My new bff  Denise and me!

Speaking of wonderful readers, Debbie from Florida wrote to me.  I can't tell you how much I love hearing from people who take the time to read my silly little blog.  Anyway, Debbie and I have lots in common.  She is an empty nester, has girls, and her hubby is a graduate of #2's college.  

Debbie started her own company called Whodini Sisters Bloody Mary Potion Seasoning.  It came about when she and her friends had problems finding a decent Bloody Mary. You can read the cute story here

I love Bloody Marys and am very discriminating when it comes to them.  To me there is nothing better than going out for lunch and noshing on a mouth-watering salad topped with strips of rare sirloin, sprinkled with Gorgonzola accompanied by a crisp, well-seasoned Bloody Mary.

So, Debbie was kind enough to send me a bottle of Whodini Sisters and naturally, the Mister and I had lunch on out our patio accompanied by one of the most delicious Bloody Marys in the world!  I am not just saying it.  We mixed  1 ounce of Whodini with vodka and V8 juice.  I am a real nut for salt so I wet the rim with lemon juice and dipped it in kosher salt. That's the extent of my talents in the kitchen.
By the way, this is a fairly low-cal cocktail.

The Mister liked it so much, he had a virgin Bloody Mary when he got home from work the next night.

So if you love Bloody Marys like I do, go to the Whodini website and order a bottle.  Not only is it a seasoning for bloodys, but it can also be used to make a delicious marinade for meat and chicken.  We're planning on trying it this weekend.

Have a good weekend.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. How wonderful that you meet up with a reader. So fun! And as for the Bloody Mary mix, I think I should order some to celebrate the end of the school year. Nothing says vacation like a yummy cocktail! ;)

  2. Katie I also had a ball. Couldn't believe we sat for four hours but sad you snuck over to HG without me ��.

  3. Well, you've been party girl lately! We like to put pickled okra in our Bloody Marys. I've seen the Whodini brand somewhere before. I'll definitely pick up some soon!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Hello from Whodini! The Happy Olive in Fairhope sells Whodini! It is the happiest place to visit!
      Debbie McChesney

  4. i've never had a bloody mary but this has me wanting to try one. :) love the label on that bottle...would make a good gift too.

  5. i've never had a bloody mary but this has me wanting to try one. :) love the label on that bottle...would make a good gift too.

  6. How fun! Isn't it great to meet up with our far away pen pals? I can relate to the four hour lunch have had a few and they are the best!! And that bloody Mary mix looks great, my husband is a big fan, and I love the name. Enjoy your weekend....

  7. I plan on making many bloody Mary's during tailgate season and this would be really easy to mix up at the game. I will order some soon to try :-)

  8. How fun to get to meet blog friends. We have only met one, but would love to meet more - so exciting!! We are big Bloody Mary fans at our house - can't wait to try it!! Happy weekend, Katie ~

  9. Always fun to meet up with a fellow blogger! I miss Bloody Mary's...darn tomato allergy!!!

  10. Katie, you are absolutely ADORABLE X10! I love Bloody Mary's too. I'm ordering.

  11. A good bloody mary is just what I love when having a summer brunch etc. Thanks so much for sharing this! Have a great weekend!

  12. Thank you for the kind words about Whodini. I must admit it is very delicious!

  13. I am so happy to have found your blog! I am in danger now of spending hours here! Have a great weekend! xo, N.G.

  14. Isn't it amazing to connect with fellow bloggers?! And, the Bloodies look delish! Have a fabulous weekend, my dear! xoxo

  15. What a fun day! The Bloody Mary's sound delish too!

  16. How fun that you had lunch with a new friend! Love it. That Bloody Mary sounds good to me! xo Diana

  17. If you ever find yourself in Southern California you have a standing invitation to lunch with another of your blog readers, me! I must say, every time you post a recommendation it is truly worth purchasing or making. Your fudge walnut brownie recipe is the best. I only make my brownies using coffee and lots of walnuts now. So delicious! Your daughter listed Old Spice deodorant as a favorite and it's now the only one I will use. My sister bought some and loves it too as well as my son and husband. It smells the best! Who knew? Thanks for generously sharing your fav's which have become some of my fav's too!

  18. I'm looking forward to our lunch together in a couple of weeks! Looks like you have a new feature for your blog - "Dining With My Fans"! I love the idea of this Bloody Mary mix as a marinade! Yummm!!!


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