Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Chicklit City

Hello dear friends.  We are having the most gorgeous weather here in the Northeast.  Flowers are in bloom and the landscape has taken on  gorgeous shades of green.  I've taken tons of pictures so that I can look back at them in January when I am knee-deep in you-know-what.

Here is a partial list of my chicklit that I am looking forward to reading this summer.  I prefer lighter books at this time of year sprinkled with juicy romance.  
Who am I kidding?  I love them all year round!

I can almost hear y'all saying "where has she been?"  I know I'm late to the party on reading this smashing success of a novel.  

When this book debuted it received rave reviews.
 I was not interested in it for two reasons:  the main characters were teenagers (not my favorite age range) and it involved the Big C.  I thought it sounded depressing.

But I kept hearing more and more great things about The Fault In Our Stars.  So, while waiting at the DMV for hours, and no reading material in sight, I downloaded this book.  That's another thing.  I love books, real books.  This is the first book that I read on my iPad.

I am almost finished with it and I've got to admit that this book is good.  Really good.
I love all the characters and the teenagers are sympathetic and affable.  Yeah, I know, I didn't think it would be possible, either.
It's a fast read written with a lot of heart.  I have a feeling I'll be needing a few tissues pretty soon, though.

Emily Giffen's books are always a guaranteed good read.  My favorites were Something Borrowed and Something Blue

Jojo Moyes is by far, my new favorite author.  There is no set formula to her writing.  Her characters and plots are always fresh and interesting.  Me Before You continues to be one of my favorite books of all time.

Can't wait to get my hands on this one!

Every summer I read Elin Hilderbrand's newest book.  The setting is always in Nantucket.  Although, she seems to be comfortably settling into her own "formula" I still enjoy her books because of the backdrop of Nantucket.

What's on your reading list this summer?  I would love some suggestions!

Hope your day is warm and sunny!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I have to admit I have not even heard of any of these and I am always loaded up with books. However, I am a big mystery reader. I love a good whodunnit. xo Laura

  2. Clearly we have the exact same taste in reading material! I just finished "The Fault In Our Stars" and loved it (and was also a bit late to the game). I have every one of those titles on my "to read" list for the summer. Maybe we should start a blogger book club!

    This time of year will make you happy you live in New England - it is glorious, isn't it? xoxo

  3. Great picks! And, I too have yet to read "The Fault In Our Stars". #2 read it and raved about it!! However, she did say some of the characters made her furious. LOL

  4. I saw The Fault In Our Stars author interviewed and liked him so much that now I want to read his book too. Thanks for the other suggestions.

  5. Thank you for the recommendations. I prefer real books too, but I will confess to reading a series that I will not admit to reading, although I loved it, and I read it on my iPad. *gasp* I read a lot (translated:obscene amounts) of literature and biography, but I may have to start looking into other genres.

    Also, warm and sunny by-passed OKC; it is hot and humid...not my favorite, but I will take it over the unwelcome ridiculousness that is winter here any...day! Tell Mister, I am still waiting on my granite steps...ha! And tell, Sista thank you for the information on her shirt.

    My best!!!!

    1. Lori... the Mister said he stopped by on Mon. but you weren't home.

  6. I'd add Ann Rivers Siddens to the summer reading. I think her new book is out in July. She is such an excellent story teller. I did like The Fault In Our Stars, but seemed a little too depressing for the young readers it was written for. I'm happiness with a good book!

  7. Emily Giffen's newest novel is a god one. I could hardly put it down but then, one must eventually go to sleep. Enjoy your newest summer readings.

  8. i'm reading "the middle place" by Kelly Corrigan right now but I think you're the one who gave me the tip on that :)

  9. I love Elin Hilderbrand's books. Yes, they are a little predictable, but great beach books about beach life! Happy reading!

  10. I'm so happy to read your list- I am ready for some chick lit! Defending Jacob looks/sounds like a good read but not sure how light it is. It may be next on my list. Despite the subject matter/plot in The Fault in Our Stars, to me it was so well written that it didn't sink me, it felt very authentic and had just enough quirkiness for balance. All of your books look like great picks!


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