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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Some Books and a TV Show

Good Morning Friends!  Hope everyone enjoyed a fabulous Father's Day weekend.  The Mister and I spent it in Chicagoland and the weather was gorgeous.  

Last night, the Mister and I finished watching the last episode of Season 2 of this thriller of a TV Show.  #1 turned us on to this heart-stopping show.  Believe me, it is not for the faint of heart.  But, if you enjoy a show that makes your palms sweat, with a dash of the delicious Kevin Bacon, sprinkled with plenty of blood, guts, and intrigue mixed in for good measure, this is the show for you!

By the way, the Mister and I are looking for another show to binge watch.  Any suggestions?


Remember my friend Suzette?  She is the lovely lady with the gorgeous empty nester home in San Antonio.  She is a voracious reader and I always look forward to hearing her suggestions.

Suzette wrote me a note to tell me that she just finished this list of books and enjoyed each and every one of them.  She said there was a common theme of these books - wives of famous men.

Charles Lindbergh's wife

Ernest Hemingway's wife
Frank Lloyd Wright

Wallis Simpson

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thank you, Suzette for your fabulous suggestions!

Hope your day is full of entertainment!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi Katie, i don,t know if you like scandinavian series? I recommend The Killing, Borgen, the Bridge .

    1. Thank you Esther! Will definitely watch it if we can get it!

    2. Sounds right up our alley. I am going to look into how we get it.

  2. Hello dear Katie, I hope you had a fabulous Fathers Day weekend too.. I liked the guest post your hubs did last week, like you he is very entertaining..you guys have some fun together I am sure..... Thank you for the book ideas, hope your weather stays warm and sunny x

    1. Thanks, sweet Sally. Will pass on the compliment to the Mister provided doesn't get too big for his britches!

  3. I just jotted down those books. I already have The Aviator's Wife-waiting to be read.
    If you liked The Following I suppose you have already watched The Black List with James Spader (one of my favorites). Very interesting show......
    Have a great day- rainy , hot, humid here today! xo Diana

  4. Can't recommend any TV as I am not a big TV viewer EXCEPT for my guilty pleasure of Bravo!! I read The Paris Wife and enjoyed it very much...missed being here and having fun catching up!

  5. Hi Katie,
    I'm always late to the party but I just binged on House of Cards. Excellent!! I just finished reading The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger, very good also. Have a great day!

    1. That book sounds right up my alley! Will definitely order it. We are waiting for House of Cards Second Season to come on Amazon Prime. Thanks for the tips.

  6. Great books. Loved the Aviator's Wife.

  7. I have read the first three, but need to read the last two now. I love that style of writing. I am watching Parenthood right now and enjoying it very much.

  8. We are still hooked on Mad Men and awaiting the looooong break to be over for the next episode. And speaking of "break," we also miss Breaking Bad. I've heard good things about Orange is the new Black, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea. The books look great, and I'll have to check out the one on my fellow Alabama gal, Zelda F.

    1. It is so easy to get hooked on a show and miss when it finally ends (Breaking Bad). Orange Is The New Black seems to be all the rage both within my circles and social media. It is extremely vulgar and has themes that I don't think would ever make it to network television (perhaps that is why it is a Netflix original only). Just a warning!

  9. Hi Katie, I've heard the Aviators Wife is very good:) Thank you for all of these suggestions. I am reading Goldfinch now and it's a long one .. also read Paris Wife for book club a while back and enjoyed it. xxL

  10. After seeing the very first episode of The Following, my husband and daughter said that was enough. But it became my little secret show. I had a standing date with FOX on Monday nights. It must be Kevin Bacon! Thanks for the book suggestions--they sound great. I'm currently enjoying all of the Lisa Scottoline books. I met her at my vet's, and started reading her books after that. Start with her latest, Keep Quiet.

    1. Susie... I have read 3 or 4 of hers and thought they were really good. How fun that you got to read her!

  11. I second Esther's recommendations. We just finished watching Borgen final season with our daughter last night (for the 2nd time). Danish TV is superb. The Killing and Danish version of The Bridge were wonderful as well. We started The Americans but not as exciting as Homeland or House of Cards. Ladies of London is a fun watch for reality TV.

  12. I thought if ever there were a time to "binge" watch something, now was the time as I recover from surgery. So, Orange is the New Black, was it. Yes, racy and lots of moral and complex issues at the heart of the show- and yet- it reminded me so much of my work in the inpatient psych ward I worked at for 5 years… I was hooked and got my fill for sure! Fun to see such good suggestions by others!

  13. Great suggestions! Thanks, Suzette and thanks Katie for sharing these. Have you seen the CNN series "The Sixties"? Fascinating look at history, pop culture and the influence of that decade on the world.

  14. Hi there, how about Nurse Jackie, can be a little raunchy. Has some good humor.


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