Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Attention! This is the Mister Speaking!!

In observance of Father's Day on Sunday, I have invited the Mister to write a post.  Don't get excited... no recipes are included.  It is about something that is close to his heart these days besides me.   


Allow me to introduce myself.  This is my first post.  I am known to most of you as the Mister.  First of all, don't believe a word my wife says about me.  Anything that is crossed out in this post is an edit done by my really hot  wife.

When I was telling my gorgeous, sexy wife about how much my new commute is a life changer, she suggested that I write a post about it.  Obviously, I took the challenge.

We have moved around quite a bit during our 24 years of blissful, euphoric marriage.  But no matter where we were living, I always faced a commute to work of at least 35 miles.  

I would get up every morning  and face this lovely landscape twice a day, just like many other Americans.  

When we moved to Massachusetts, I faced a commute that could take 10 years off my life.  I decided to try something new.

The train is a little crowded but not a bad way to spend an hour.  I get to read a book which is frowned upon by my wife when I drive.

And then, my life changed.  
I found a way of commuting to work that I actually look forward to every day.

I now take the ferry to work.

My new parking lot.

A few potholes not worth mentioning.

Don't tell the Mrs. but I plan on this being my next mode of transportation!

The gorgeous Mrs. told me to take a selfie. 

Anchors Away!

The Mister

She's not my captain, but I wish she was...

I heard that Mister!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh I like this. So happy you found a happy way to travel to work. Witty wife you've got, I imagine you two laugh a lot. Enjoy your special day this weekend.

  2. Welcome to MA Mister and thank you for relocating to Boston. Lucky you to have found alternative commutes to the nonExpressway. Hope you enjoy many peaceful years here.
    Perhaps you might consider your next guest post a recipe. Katie might have told you there are a few of us who are totally jealous of her and not because of her overwhelming beauty but your culinary expertise.
    LOVE your dapper bow ties!

  3. The ferry is a great idea! We had a ferry between Fairhope and Mobile Alabama in the early 1900's and there's been talk of bringing it back.
    And you do know that the new captain you are eyeing doesn't have a brain in her head. I can just tell from her photo.- just sayin'.

    1. Not to mention that she is pumped completely full of silicone! Bless her heart, she is completely unaware that photo does nothing for her, but I guess it is hard to do something with no brain and silicone running through your system. *ahem*

      I love your new mode of transportation, and now since you are looking at upgrading, maybe you can get a plane and get my granite steps to me faster.

      Much love to your sweet wife, and you seriously need to consider a recipe section for Katie's blog. We would love you forever if you did.

  4. What a beautiful way to start your mornings! I am all about anything that reduces stress and you have certainly done that.

  5. Mister is a smart man...I can't imagine a better way to commute to work!!

  6. Now that is a commuting mode I could get into, but who chips the ice off the harbor next winter :)

  7. LOL. Nice chatting with the Mister. Anything to lessen the stress of commuting is awesome!!

  8. now that's a commute I could handle happily. love a good guest post and this was it :)

  9. Laura,
    You can tell your hot Mister I am jealous of his commute. I can't wait to see you all dressed up in that outfit for your Skipper.

  10. The Mister can entertain just as brilliant as the Lady!

  11. Go Mister, and that bow tie is the best!!


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