Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Late Bloomers

Good Morning, dear friends.  I begin this week with a confession.  I have always been a late bloomer.  I was the last of the children of my age group to get potty trained, at the end of the line when it came to conquering the tap dance steps, and one of  the last of my buddies to tie the knot.  

For all my fellow late bloomers out there, this one is for you! 

Hope you're first in line today!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Best laugh in a loooong time. Thanks for posting it.

  2. That was so funny. Have shown everyone! Was that on the TV!? Think the TV would implode if the word vagina was said in a British advert

  3. Mic drop indeed! Absolutely hilarious. The "chocolate fountain" put me over the edge. "I used to like marshmallows..."

    1. The "chocolate" fountain kicked in my "ewww" reflex. I about wet myself laughing at this video and them proceeded to share it with every woman in my office!

  4. Very funny...I had sons so I never got to throw a first moon party...let's hope for granddaughters.

  5. Want one of the hanging puppies.

  6. That would be hilarious - except I was a late bloomer and . . . okay, it was hilarious! My only retaliation is that my Mother was right when she told me, "early bloom - early rot." All those girls who made fun of me are going downhill fast!

  7. Oh my gosh you made my day - I haven't laughed like this in a couple weeks! llol

  8. I know I'm late to respond (ha-ha) but had to comment. I am dying.....Dying!!!!!!! So funny but scary because my baby girl acts that way to me now at 7!!! xoxo, Dawn

  9. So, so funny! I laughed so hard! Will have to share this with friends!

  10. So, so funny! I laughed so hard! Will have to share this with friends!


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