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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A New Friend

People often ask me why I blog.  When I first began, I did it for two reasons.  The first one being that I needed to do something with my time and fill in the void left by my two girls leaving me for college.  The second reason was that I love to write.    I ended up enjoying it so much more than I had ever dreamed.

I never expected the added bonus.  I have met so many wonderful people through the world of blogging.  Most of them I have yet to meet in person.  But the ones that I have had the pleasure of meeting like Megan and Allison, Denise, and most recently, Mary have added so much light to my life. 

Mary wrote me the sweetest note and told me that she lived about an hour away from me.  After I read her note, I knew I had to meet her in person. 
We have so much in common!  She is a preppy empty nester and loves to read and walk.  She doesn't walk like me - 10 minutes and then I have to take a rest 'til the end of the day.  Oh no - she walks for TWO HOURS!  They would have to call the EMT's if I walked that long.  Speaking of which... Mary works part time as an ICU nurse at one of the best hospitals in Boston.  I've had my share of dealing with nurses in the past few years. I strongly believe that nurses are the unsung heroes of the medical profession.  I truly respect them for their hard work and compassionate hearts.

Another coincidence - Mary's sis-in-law, Sandy lives in my old home town of McKinney, Texas and knows some of the same people I do.  Love small world stories!  

Anywho... back to Mary.  She gave me a great tip.  I usually listen to music when I walk.  She said she listens to podcasts from NPR and the time goes by so much faster.  I tried it yesterday and she is right on the money. Good bye Donna Summer and KC and the Sunshine Band -- hello NPR!

 We also chatted it up about what we liked to read and she told me about a new book that just came out.  It got great reviews on Amazon.  Has anyone read this?


So after my delightful lunch my new bff, Mary, I stopped by Barnes and Noble to pick up my new book.  As I walked to the car, I noticed these beautiful pots at Derby Street Shops and couldn't help myself from taking a few pictures. 

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I couldn't put Empty Mansions down! I think it took me 3 days. I've been intrigued by her ever since.

    1. I will have to look into it - I love when books just sweep people into another world (aka can't put it down!) Katie, I am excited for your new friendship too - thanks for sharing!

    2. Pamela... how is everything going with Day by Day? Still loving my Vit C serum and am using it faithfully. Sista just ordered another bottle. Guess she's trying to look as good as moi.

    3. Mary... now I'm really excited to start it. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!

  2. What a wonderful post! Your last two posts regarding friendship have been wonderful! Where would we be without our friends; they are our extended family. You certainly have a flair for writing; perhaps a novel or a sitcom are in the near future. It seems to run in the family. I am so happy to have found your blog: puts a smile on my face whenever I read it. Hopefully we can meet soon! xoxo, Dawn

  3. WELL......a new friend huh?? She sounds wonderful. I also think nurses can and do just about anything. I think change is good. You bring out the best in everyone dear friend. Simply the best. xoxo R

    1. Ruth... don't you worry that pretty little head of yours - you are still #1 with me!!! Where ye been? How's life treating you? Been thinking about you and hope your summer is going well. Email me!

  4. Maybe you will have time to meet up with me when I am on the Cape this summer? And thanks for the book tip - I am always in need of a good read!

  5. I am sooooo glad you began your Blog and I think you are a wonderful writer!!! Your site Always cracks me up- I am a mother of two girls-In Catholic School- I LOVE that book-Saw a documentary on that home awhile back- What a tale for sure!!! Keep up the good work- I will be an empty nester in not too long :[ Have to happy for them though for sure!! Keep up the GREAT work! Kathryn

    1. Kathryn - cannot WAIT to start it now. I'm going to google that documentary. My girls positively loved their all girls Catholic school. Best part for me was the uniform. We saved lots of $$$ on clothes. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Hope you're enjoying your summer with your girls!

  6. Hello there Katie! I am on my sixth year of blogging and it has done so much for me. It has validated my love for writing in having an "audience" that has encouraged me to go further. But I always say, the reason why I keep going is THE PEOPLE I've met on-line and in person. I've scaled back a bit on posting, but I am still committed to keep in touch daily with visits and by posting once or maybe twice a month. KEEP CREATING and thank you for visiting! Anita

  7. How fun that you are able to make some new friends in your new home, through blogging. We always moved when my girls were young, so it was easy to make friends through their school and activities. I imagine it is a little harder as an empty nester. Happy Wednesday Katie :-)

  8. Yes, yes, yes! Blogging has brought me many new friends as well. I always say my blog is a "virtual front porch" and it's true! But to give up KC and the Sunshine Band? You need to make sure these new friends of yours aren't being a bad influence!

  9. After I read your post ...first I said to myself that's it I am starting a blog...I have been thinking about it for a while. Empty nester myself and love to write.... I will keep you posted. Next I will be driving through Hingham on my way to visit family matriarch (oldest sister in the family) at her beach house in Scituate next week for July 4th...will definitely direct the Hubby down Derby street. We were in Bethany Beach, Delaware last weekend and the pots and gardens were so gorgeous I made him and our third wheel (My divorced college roommate---third wheel was a name was given to her by her own mother upon hearing my former "roomie" would be joining us for the beach trip) take a long walk...no EMT required, thankfully.

    Keep writing ...I love reading.

    1. Cori.... you NEED to start a blog! Look at all the material you've got! I'm the oldest but no one ever calls me a matriarch! I love that 3rd wheel got her name from her own mother!! Have a wonderful time in Scituate and definitely try to make it to the Derby St. Shops. Also, the Shipyards is great. Alma Nove is owned by Mark Wahlberg and family. His Mother is the hostess and they do a reality show about the restaurant and family. I'll keep my fingers crossed for great weather!

    2. Katie thanks so much...I am seriously sitting in my sun room right now trying to come up with a cute, yet professional name. Wait 'til Hubster hears that he won't have to listen to my endless stories about whatever is on my mind...instead I can just blow my on horn for my countless readers (three for sure).

      Don't get me "staahhted" about the Wahlbergs....I grew up in Boston and spent one year at a lovely Catholic High School in Dorchestor right down the street from the Wahlbergs home; somewhat different I am sure from the one they live in today and good for them...Sisters of Charity at that school were not as charitable as School Sisters of Notre Dame where I spent my last three years in Roxbury. I have loved reading your adventures....I was first called preppy in high school, but didn't really know what that truly meant until college...my Docksiders were no match for the whales and tales on skirts, pants and anything else.

  10. Blogging is a gift in my very humble opinion. It provides an outlet for the blogger ( gift) and creates joy (gift) for the reader. Everybody wins :)
    Have a great Wednesday!

  11. Empty Mansions is AMAZING !!! There's another book about Huguette Clark you will enjoy as well . The Phantom of 5th Avenue !!! LOVE your blog !!!

  12. Katie,
    Blogging began for me as a way to share my artwork with others and I had no idea of all the incredible people I would meet along the way who inspire me to create and artful life. I blame many things on blogging, my renovation, a new art studio, new recipes, fashion wants and more. In many ways it has added another window to look out or into. I love meeting my blog friends. They are different from family and friends. There is a connection. Hope we get to meet one day, well and "Chowdah" too.

  13. Everyone thought I would be a basket case when my youngest went to college and instead I embarked on a whole new stage in my life thanks to my little blog! I have SO enjoyed meeting a few of my blogging friends in real life and hope to meet more over the summer (including YOU). Thanks for the book recommendation - I keep forgetting to add that to my library list. Have a fantastic weekend, my dear! xoxo


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