Talbots Spring Essentials

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Men Are Just Happier People

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Hi katie, reading your blog really made me grin from ear to ear..Funny but oh so true....have a good day.

  2. Thanks! I think I'm going to chuckle all day.

  3. Well, that about wraps up my husband. I think someone should make that into a holy card....now who would be the saint on the front?

    Thank you for the laugh and I will be sharing this with HIM!

    Warmly, Kathlen

  4. So funny! Have a great weekend!

  5. This never gets old...love it and boy how true it is! Plus we all know they NEVER get lost and NEVER need to ask for directions, right? (GIANT WINK) Have a great weekend.

  6. THIS IS SPECTACULAR! I love it. I read it three times and I plan to pass it along. THANK YOU! All of it is SO TRUE!

  7. Yep! that about sums it up Lol! After 30 years of marriage.. you just gotta love them anyway. To keep the conversation going, always end with a question. I used to do this to my son (texting) while he was in college. YES.. I had to resort to that.. geez..



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