Talbots Spring Essentials

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Monday, January 7, 2013

An Intro to Mag's Musings

-Hello PEN Readers!

I am known to you as #2.  After a long business meeting with my new boss - my mom - I have decided to start a bit of a column on her blog to be known as Mag's Musings. I aspire to major in English with a minor in Creative Writing so she generously offered me an outlet for my personal expression. The majority of my posts will be the random musings of a 19-year old; I apologize in advance.

Disclaimer:  I am highly opinionated.
Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy.

- #2


No. I will not start this poem with:
I'm a poet, and didn't even know it. 
Nor will I enchant you with my big words. 
Salutations my poetry connoisseurs. 
I can only hope to appease your particular fancies. 

Roses may be red, violets are more of a purple hue. 
I write this both for me but particularly for you. 


Thank you, #2, for agreeing to contribute to my blog. I promise to split anything I make on this "labor of love" with you. (By the way... half of nuttin' is still nuttin').

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Welcome. I look forward to hearing your musings.....if you have even a wee bit of your moms fun personality in you...I know we are in for a treat:)

  2. You know what they say about the nut not falling far from the tree???? I love your family. Reminds me so much of mine :)

    Happy musings, Mag.

  3. This will be a fun series. Random musings of a nineteen year old are always interesting - I have a soon to be 20 year old so the perspective from his point of view is always so different! xo

  4. Looking forward to this Katie :)


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