Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Becoming Blazers

I adore blazers.  Always have.  I think it may trace back to my spending 12 years of my life in a Catholic school uniform.  
I love seeing  a woman in a well-tailored blazer.  I always whisper to myself, "Self, why can't you look that put together?"  Self usually rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and gives a heavy sigh.

Enough with the fanfare... on with the blazers...

forever 21

Forever 21

Forever 21

Forever 21


J Crew

Love the color.

Lands End

Ralph Lauren

Brooks Brothers

Brooks Brothers
In my next life I want to be her.

And  the cutest model of all...

My dear friend, Little Debbie.  Here she is after book club.  I was so excited to see her in this adorable jacket I begged her to let me take a picture.  This lady is always "dressed to the nines" and is as sweet inside as she is outside.

Hope you're having a blazin' weekend!!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    Your friend looks adorable:) I too adore blazers and have several that I wear to the office or out for a girls lunch. Jeans, a basic tee, and a navy or black blazer.. doesn't get much better (or basic) than that.

    Enjoy your day!


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