Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

All Aboard... Take 1

When I told Sista and a few buddies of mine that our family was going on a cruise for Christmas, a couple of them snickered and said that I would hate it.  Not our family, just me.  I was so surprised and asked them why.  For some reason, they think that I am a tad impatient when it comes to long lines and that I am intolerable when it comes to crowds.  Moi? OK, maybe a little.

Before we left, the girls and I decided to get a spray tan.  We concluded that we should get a "leg up" (literally and metaphorically) on our vacation glow.  We have done this many times before for special occasions and it always came out fine.  This time, the girl at the counter asked if I wanted to try a "triple boost" which will give my skin a "warmer" hue.  Sure - why not.  #2, who shares my ivory skin decided she was game as well. #1, who inherited her father's olive skin also got on the bandwagon.

There is a first time for everything.  This is the first vacation that I have gone on that I actually began the trip tanner than I was ending it.   #2 was in the same boat and #1 looked great, as usual.

I feel your pain, tan mom.  

Back to the cruise.  Three words:  I loved it. The reasons?  From the moment we dropped off our bags on arrival, everything was so organized and calm.  Even though there were a bazillion other people on the ship, we never felt that way.  The food was fabulous and they were extremely solicitous of my #2's dietary requirements due to her health issues.  

We explained to our girls that this vacation was all about "family time."  They smiled and nodded.  We then explained that another term for "family time" is a phone-free zone for 7 days.  No calls, texting or facebook.  As soon as the ship leaves the dock...phones are off.
After we picked them off the deck, and revived them, #1 and #2  decided to get some last minute LOL's and LMAO's  in before the ship pulled away. 


I think they both burned a thousand calories texting their last messages.

"I know... I can't believe it either." Followed by eye roll behind those Ray Bans.

 She's thinking.... I've got 4 minutes left....

Nobody was happier than the Mister to turn his blackberry off.  He looked so happy I thought he threw it overboard!

I KNOW MOM!!!!!!

Just one more text....

"I can't believe I turned off my blackberry.... I can't believe I turned off my blackberry."

The first three minutes of "family time" were a little shaky... but got better with time. 

To get our minds off our plight, we decided to take a tour of our home away from home for the next week. 

This birdcage encased an electronic bird.  #1 kept trying to teach it "Polly wants an iPhone, Polly wants an iPhone."  Didn't work.

Wow, I know where I will be stationed for the next 7 days. 

The ship looked so beautiful with all the Christmas decor.

Now I know I'm going to love this cruise thing!

The Mister and I love tapas!

Hopefully, I'm going to win enough money to stay on this cruise forever!!!

Looks like this place specializes in brewskis.

Beautiful dining rooms!

We met our girls here in these exact chairs every night for a week at 7PM for cocktails.  

Our new best friends...Nyoman, Ketut,and the Ensemble team who always remembered each of our favorite cocktails, and greeted us like family every evening.

Now, I really feel like home...

Back to the tour...... 

Wanted to make sure they included these... I have seen the Poseidon Adventure way too many times.

She's thinking.... It's been 43 minutes 22 seconds without my phone.  I'm feeling faint.

This is one of the stations on our TV so you can help the Captain watch out for ice bergs...

The Library was located on our floor.  Very comfortable room and they had great books, by the way.

This is Joaquim.  He took care of our every need with a smile.  I called him our R.A. (resident advisor)  

Let the fun begin!

Cocktails at 7!  They don't even look like they miss those dumb ol' phones...  

Here I am asking the Mister if he's got his "dancing shoes" on.  

For some reason we caught #1 making this face when she heard my question.

She's always so expressive!!

The next day we stopped at the Bahamas at an island owned by the cruise lines.

Got back to the ship and enjoyed another wonderful dinner.

That's if for now.  Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow! 

Hope your Thursday is smooth sailing!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Ahh can't wait to see the rest! My mom and sister are spray tan fanatics. Markus and I cruised for part of our honeymoon and loved it!

  2. How fun!Feel like I was almost on the cruise with you.....it would almost be worth it to not have the phones attached to everyone at the hip..and I know girls are far worse than boys!
    Beautiful ship......last time I was on a cruise was when I was 10 and we went from Cali to Hawaii to JAPAN! 3 LOOOOOOONG weeks. Haven't been back since! This one is amazing though, that library is so beautiful, think I would spend all my time there...glad you had fun!

  3. Katie this is so fun and I laughed out loud when you mentioned the spray tan. My daughter and had a spray tan prior to our last trip to Hawaii. As soon as we got there we realized that ALL photos must be taken within the first 24 hours or prior to doing any swimming. We got "whiter" as our vacation progressed.. Your girls are darling and I am in the same boat (ha,ha!) .. the texting is way out of control. Your cruise looked wonderful and I am glad you enjoyed it. Great photos, beautiful family:)

  4. Looks like a fun time was had by all.
    I have been on two cruises at Christmas time. It was quite some time ago for those cruises (before cells and texting).
    I think that cruising is such a wonderful way to enjoy a vacation.


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