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Friday, October 12, 2018

October Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  As I sit here, I am watching the horrible devastation as a result of Hurricane Michael.  I continue to keep all who were affected by it in my prayers.

Yesterday a dear friend and I attended another lovely Coffee With The Authors hosted by my favorite book and accessory shop, Buttonwood Books and Toys.  The authors were fascinating, and we met some lovely ladies at our table.  I will work on the blog post over the weekend.

This was a pretty good story and well-written.  
The main character, however, had a martyr complex and grated on my nerves.


I really enjoyed this one.  
It reminded me a little of Big Little Lies.


A simmering love story, two adorable, obedient dogs, and murder is the perfect recipe for a delightful read.  

I had the opportunity to meet the author who was absolutely lovely.  I will fill you in on more in my Breakfast with the Authors post.


A woman is hit by a drunk driver.
She survives, the drunk doesn't.
Did I mention that the drunk driver is the woman's husband?
Fasten your seatbelt.


A woman doesn't want to move because she buried her former teacher in the backyard.  
Try explaining that to your husband.
Fast paced and lots of twists.


Just started this one a few days ago.  
I can already tell that this one is going to be good.


This is a historical fiction account of Kick Kennedy's life.
 It is next up on my audible downloads.

I met the lovely Kerri Maher at the Breakfast today, as well.


Another historical fiction chronicling the unlikely love story between Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis. 


This book is inspired by one of my favorite books, Rebecca.  This time, the house is in the Hamptons. If this novel is even half as enthralling as Rebecca, I'll be happy.


A recently separated woman receives a phone call that turns her life into a tailspin.

This one sounds like a page-turner by one of the best crime fiction writers out there. Can't wait.


This new novel by the ever-popular Nicholas Sparks is described as a heartbreaking love story in the tradition of the beloved classic, The Notebook. 
I'm there.


I have read every book by Jodi Picoult.  With each book, I always learn something.  This one centers around a shooting and hostage situation at a women's health clinic. 


An ex-husband/father is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Throughout his life, he has continuously bragged about being worth a lot of money.  This book centers around family relationships, ambition, and of course, money.


Living in a dilapidated mansion, a woman discovers a keyhole that enables her to spy on her neighbors, a handsome couple.  They become friends, and the woman begins to question the truth surrounding the couple.


If you enjoy Friends, you're going to love this one.
Save me a seat next to Chandler.


This nonfiction book is about the most catastrophic library fire in American history.
Warning:  do not read while smoking.


A memoir about searching for the author's  roots and family connections.


Any cookbook with the word instant in the title is my kind of cookbook.


Delish is one of my favorite websites.
I drool every time I glance at the cover.


I ordered this one for a friend who is a big Ina fan.



Who do you think will sell more books - Ina or Ree?


I love this inspiring story.
I also have a crush on Greg Kinnear.
Don't tell the Mister.

I was very excited about this movie because I'm a big fan of Paul Giamatti.  What a disappointment.  Not only is it boring, but it is also depressing.

I've been catching up with Season 2.
This show always makes me smile.


I've been catching up on Season 6 of Offspring.
I'm hoping there will be a Season 7, but it is still up in the air.

Shark Tank returned on 10/7.
I have never grown tired of this fun show.


The premiere is on 10/12.
Great cast.


Believe it or not, Alec Baldwin is a very thoughtful interviewer.  I've listened to his radio show, and I'm looking forward to his talk show premiere on 10/14.

She's back on 10/21!
Even though I don't cook, I love The Barefoot Contessa.

My review can be found here.

This movie came out in a limited release on 10/5.
It looks like one that the Mister and I can agree on. 


I already filled the Mister in that this flick is on the top of my list for next weekend. 


Plenty of Oscar buzz on this one.
It premieres on 10/12.
This one may be too sad for me, though.

Do you have any book, tv show, or movie suggestions for me?

Until next time...

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  1. Do you ever pick a book by its cover? The Keeper of Lost Things may be one of those. (I'm sure it's good too)

  2. What a great list. Hoping I will have some more down time soon to pick reading back up.

  3. Just ordered two yesterday.... I’d Rather be Reading (Bogel), and Life Would be Perfect if I Lived in That House (Daum). I also ordered a new bed pillow so we’ll see which one wins out. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Ellen ... I just looked up "Life Would Be Perfect..." It looks like a great book. I'm anxious to hear what you think of it. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. OMG....I want to see Can You Ever Forgive Me!!!!! :D
    The Keeper of Lost Things was my favorite book of 2017. I also should be receiving Tana French's The Witch Elm any day now....I love her! This one is a stand alone and not a part of her Dublin Murder Squad series.

    Thanks for the list! I've spied a couple of books that interest me.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. I don't know who sells more books, but I love both Ina and Ree!! Your review posts are always so interesting! Thanks!

  6. So many wonderful things listed here! We saw A Star Is Born after reading your recommendation and it was truly wonderful. Will be buying the friends book soon. Thanks for always giving such great info.

  7. Thinking I would love "Becoming Mrs. Lewis" and I'm sitting here watching reruns of Shark Tank right now. I love that show! Have a great one!

  8. You are the BEST at giving us honest, top notch recs. Ina and Ree...man that’s tough, like making me choose between cookies and pie, lol. Soooo excited to see A Star is Born! Have a super joyful weekend!

  9. So many great ideas here. That Delish cookbook is on my New Books list coming out on Monday. It looks like you found some good reads this month!

  10. I just jotted down five books that I need to read (from your recommendations). I am anxious to see the new A Star Is Born. I have been waiting thinking I might be disappointed after watch the Streisand version.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend-Happy online shopping!!! xo Diana

  11. Am currently reading Becoming Mrs. Lewis- it's a beautifully written book and a fascinating look at a complex relationship built on something other than sex- such a radical concept these days!

    Watched the first two episodes of The Romanoffs and was very disappointed. The first episode was mildly entertaining, the second missed the mark completely- not even sure what the point of the second episode was. I loved Mad Men and the meticulous attention to period detail with quirky memorable characters so expectations were high...…..Romanoffs is just a hot mess of anyone's guess. The creators did manage to attract a stellar cast- one check in the plus column.

    Same Kind of Different As Me- read the book- 1000X better than the movie, which is sweet and I enjoyed it but doesn't hold a candle to the book which had me in tears or feeling as though I had been punched in the stomach.

    Ina Garten wins in all categories, all the time.....she changed the way I cook and entertain. Her recipes are so workable, easy, and fabulous- she almost bats 1000- and she's adorable to boot.


  12. Just catching up on my blog reading after being out of town. I have been reading a lot of Linda Castillo books. The main character is a lady police chief in Ohio who grew up in the Amish community but left it as a young adult. To be honest I had to skim some of the gorier scenes but her books improve over time in writing and plot. I am looking forward to the Romanoffs. They have always fascinated me. I was pulling for one of those princesses to have survived the shootings. And counting the days until The Crown comes back!!

  13. I just started The Tattooist of Auschwitz, but added a couple of books you mentioned to my to-read list. I love a good mystery so will definitely look for A Curve in the Road and Silent Victim.

  14. Oh wow, Silent Victim sounds amazing. Buried her teacher in the backyard huh? Yeah, hard to explain that one! LOL I do really want to see Beautiful Boy - love the two main actors. I'm sure it'll be a rough one to view though!


  15. I rarely find time to read now days. The hurricane is truly devastating!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. I am loving your blog from your title to your header to all the great books you've shared! So glad you linked up at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week! Hope to see you again soon.

  17. I have Nicholas Sparks's new book but haven't read it yet! Looking forward to Jodi Picoult's as well!


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