Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 5, 2018

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  I have been on "cone" watch with my little Chili.  She is doing very well and is reluctantly back eating her regular food.  Since her surgery, I have been spoiling her with hamburger and rice which hasn't gone over too well with Chowdah.  He has shown his displeasure by having a few accidents in the kitchen.  Who says life loses its drama in empty nesterville?

In any case, we only have four more days of the Cone of Shame.  
I don't know who will be happier - Chili or me.

You can see more photos of this fabulous Nantucket home here.


George Washington slept in this lovely home.

Are you looking to perk up your all-white kitchen?
Have you thought of new cabinetry?


Are you renovating your master bath?
There's plenty of inspiration here.


Is outdoor decorating on you to do list this weekend?
Lots of inspiration can be found here.

As you well know, it's apple season.
Bucket loads of yummy recipes can be found here.


Baby, it's getting cold outside.
Here are some slow cooker Fall soup recipes.

Are you planning to do some leaf peeping?
Here is a Fall Foliage guide for New England. 


If you need some nourishment while on your foliage journey, you can stop at one of these Food Fests along the way.  
Did you know that there is a Fluff Fest?

By the way... any calories ingested at a food festival don't count.

Are you or someone you know looking for a new job?
Here are the top companies that pay bucks.


Do you suffer from foot pain?
My podiatrist told me this little secret years ago.
It worked!


Warren Buffet's pearls of wisdom can be found on twitter.


If you relish true crime stories, have I got a podcast for you.


My buddy, TJ sent me this article.  Have you ever dreamed about owning a bookstore, but hesitant about taking the plunge?

This could be the perfect solution for you.


Speaking of books, I am reading the first book and listening to the second one and enjoying them both.


Here is the latest scoop on a certain TV show being made into a movie.


I am watching this new show.  It is a combo of Parenthood and This Is Us with an interesting twist.

The adorable, quirky Durrells are back!.
This show just keeps getting better.

Captain Lee and Kate are back with a whole new crazy crew.
It looks like it's going to be a good season.

Thank you to all my friends that recommended this show to me.  I love the story and the characters are so adorable, especially George.  
Don't tell the Mister I said that. 


Speaking of TV, I may have to quit blogging if I get my dream job.

Wish me luck!

Until next time...

Photo by Lum3n.com from Pexels

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, the Nantucket home is truly a dream. I am going to check out all of the links, I love apple recipes and am always in search of something new. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I hope Chili's cone days are numbered - and I hope I won't be in that situation with Rosie. We "think" she ate a mini white pumpkin last night. We stupidly let her play with one and forgot about it. All we found later was the stem. Ugh.... I also started watching A Million Little Things and I am enjoying it so far. We also started watching that show, Manifest which is also really good. I normally don't watch a lot of TV but we are in the Bachelor off season time...lol. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I need the soup made with broth because I've had too much of the apple category!!

  4. So glad Captain Lee and Kate are back at Below Deck...not a fan of the other version of this show. I have a white kitchen, not by choice, it was here when we bought our townhome. I would paint them in a minute or just rip them out and start over!

  5. The Durrells in Corfu and 800 Words are two of my favorites. xo Laura

  6. Poor Chili. Glad she is on the mend. I know she will be thrilled when that cone comes off. Look out Chowdah!

  7. Katie, We watched the last episode of 800 Words on Wednesday. I was pleased how they ended it. I will miss those crazy Weldians but at least we have the delightful Durrells to pick up the slack. We also watch Bed of Roses on Acorn but it isn't as good as 800 Words.
    Loved all your links. Not really sure we will get a leaf season in Ohio where I live. It is still in the 80's. Crazy weather for sure.

  8. Happy Weekend! Oh my, more house and food porn plus book and TV ideas . . . I may never get to yoga. :-\

  9. I want to watch Million Little Things - it sounds good! I had no idea about sneakers and the foot pain. I guess the key is just making sure whatever shoe you wear fits right. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Oh my... we love the Durells and 800 Words!! There is almost too much to take in here, but the homes are gorgeous, the food delicious and the books do sound interesting. Thanks!!

  11. Gosh Katie - so so much to comment on. I really appreciate the post on American homes and décor - I love the use of wood, the porches, the lightness used in the décor. The photos of New England are so beautiful as well - it is somewhere I'd love to visit at this time of year. It is funny you should feature the Highclere (Downton) photo - I just started re-watching it from season 1 today. When I tire of modern life it restores the balance haha. Very much looking forward to the film. I love the fact you've watched the Durrells as well - such an amusing TV series, full of delightful scenery of course. Have you watched Poldark by the way? I hope Chili's remaining days with the cone of shame aren't too arduous for him, poor little thing. Joanne x


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