Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A Heavenly Hingham Historic House Tour

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  It has been very wet and dreary around here.  Yesterday, I misplaced my house key and spent most of my morning with my head in our garbage and recycle bins searching for it.  Not to worry.  St. Anthony came through, and I found it in a sweatshirt pocket.

I look at the upside - it was nice that I had some one-on-one time with our trash.

Chili is still featuring her headgear and has another very long week to go.  Chowdah still can't figure out why she's wearing that silly thing around her head.  He's always complimentary, though.  Yesterday he told her that it brings out her eyes.

Are you ready for some house porn?  Last Sunday, I attended a Historic House Tour in one of my favorite South Shore towns, Hingham.  My friends Annie and Mary were my partners in crime.  

The good news is that we lucked out with a picture-perfect day for the tour.  The bad news is that photography was prohibited inside the homes.  Take my word for it - each interior was stunning.

The first house that we visited was the Benjamin Lincoln House which was built in 1665.  This is the only home on the tour that did not have a recent renovation.  It was very charming with plenty of built-in bookshelves and memorabilia on display.

Along the way to each house on tour, I took photos of houses that caught my eye.

What can I say?
I'm a sucker for a picket fence.

Did I mention that I am a sucker for awnings, as well?
This is the Cyrus T. Clark House which was built in 1875.
The interior of this home is nothing less than magnificent.
A beautifully appointed mega kitchen, butler's pantry, and state-of-the-art wine cellar make for the ideal home for a fabulous party.  And the pool!  Don't get me started on the pool and patio!

Now all I have to do is figure out a way to get on the guest list. 

Mary and Annie posing in front of the original Talbot's.

This is the Joshua Leavitt House which was built in 1845.  This home is a stunner inside and out and has been featured in House Beautiful.

Did I mention the pool house?

This house was so big, I couldn't get it into one shot.  The fabulous home is the George W. Tilden House which was built in 1870.  The original house was a Cape with the gable facing the street.  In the 1960's the owners added an addition.  Then the present owners also added on to the house in 2004.  We uttered many oohs and aahs as we admired the use of color and textures throughout the home.  The kitchen is a chef's dream, and the floorplan flows like a dream. 

This gorgeous home is on the water.  Every bedroom (even the servants' quarters) has the most spectacular water view.  
I wonder if they're hiring.

Frederick A Turner, Vice president of Boston Plate and Window Glass Company had this home built as a summer residence and is responsible for the magnificent glass features.

For a time this house was boarded up and in decline.  It was eventually bought in the 1950's, and the owners added central heat.

The wife and current owner displayed her magnificent hat collection in the living room.  On the third floor, the lucky lady has an entire Christmas village laid out along with a Coca-Cola powder room.

Miss Annie paid homage to the "hat" house in her bonnet.

This is a view from the neighbor's yard.

Even the firehouse is charming!

FYI... this beauty is for sale

This gorgeous home replaced a small Cape in 1910.  This was my favorite house.  Maybe because the owner had an extensive blue and white porcelain collection.  On the left-hand side of the front of the house, there is a darling screened-in porch.

And look at this darling back porch!

This garage was added in the year 2000. 
The second floor is equipped with a pool table, foosball game, an indoor basketball net, and I imagine, a few lucky kids.  

Guess what this is.
Ok, I'll tell you.
It's a nursery school! 
If I went there, I would turn into Peter Pan so I would never have to grow up.

This was our last stop on the tour.  This is known as the Edward Wilder House and was built in 1805.  It was the only home in which we met the owner, a lovely lady who happened to be baking bread in her newly-renovated kitchen.

As we walked out the back door of the home, this darling bike was sitting there.

Now that's what I call a pumpkin patch!

We headed to a waterside lunch at Alma Nove which is owned by the Wahlberg family.  No star sightings which was fine with me because at my age I can only take so much excitement in a day.

For other house tours, you can find Concord here and Wellesley here. 

Until next time...

Photo by Ben Hanson on Unsplash

Linking up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It's always so much fun to spend quality time digging in the trash. Been there. I would love to tour historic homes. I mostly see homes
    ready for demolition. Have a great Wednesday!!

  2. The homes are simply splendid. I really need to get up that way soon for a vacation and look at them myself. I love historic home tours.
    I have to tell you that what caught my eye even more than my love for pretty homes is the fact that y'all are wearing long pants and long sleeves and jackets. Oh my goodness, it is still full on summer here. Shorts and no sleeves.

    1. love this tour! the last photo .... labs and pumpkins!
      Thanks for sharing! And, that bicycle...laura

  3. Beautiful homes to tour. I especially like the water view, how peaceful that would be.

  4. What a splendid day you had, Sis. I'm looking forward to your post on tiny homes. Suspect it'll be up any day now ...

  5. This is my favorite kind of day! House tours and girl time. :)

  6. You always go on the best tours and I so enjoy sharing in your fun. These homes are so beautiful and have so much character. Happy rest of the week!

  7. Oh my goodness! Those homes are so beautiful. Sure wish we could have peeked inside with you!! I love home tours! Fun.

  8. WOW! I would love to do a tour of historic homes. Looks like so much fun. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. That may be the most houses I've ever seen in a house tour; so much charm in New England. Looked like an enjoyable day for you gals.

  10. The homes are beautiful! I love the pink chair inside that pool house. Thank you for sharing!

  11. WOW! So beautiful! The picket fences are perfection! Would love to live there!

  12. WHAT TOWN were you in did YOU SAY?I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!
    LOOKS LIKE A GREAT DAY..................YOU ALWAYS HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!

  13. Oh such a terrible feeling when you miss place the house key! I so enjoyed your tour, one of my favorite past times. All of these beauties would make my most loved houses. Sorry interior pics weren't allowed. Bet you had fun seeing all of the homes........love your tours..

  14. Glad you found your house key! St. Anthony always helps me find things! Looks like you ladies had a lot of fun. Speaking of older homes, I've noticed the plaque by your front door that says Winthrop T Hall est 1895. Can you tell us a little bit about the Hall family? Thanks in advance!

  15. I am completely envious of the house tours. I have been passing many of the homes and churches in your photos since I was 13 years old on my way to Scituate. I have always wondered about the interiors. I still love Talbot's...I hope you popped into the Talbot's Outlet at the Shipyard while you were in the neighborhood. The Family matriarch and I did some damage to our bank accounts there back in June. Have a great weekend.

  16. Katie, I have been away on vacation and trying to catch up. I love historic homes with their charms. Your tour was perfect as I enjoy my morning coffee. I would give anything to peek inside these lovely homes. Thanks for inviting me to join you and your friends!

  17. House porn indeed! Absolutely dying . . . dying and off to revisit your Concord and Wellesley tours . . . the inspiration will help me power through my upcoming yoga class. Give me something to focus on instead of my old and achy hips. Happy Friday and love to poor Chili in her cone of shame. xo

  18. Another fabulous house tour, however did you manage so many houses before lunch!! Your pooches always crack me up, don't you wonder what they are thinking about that neck thingy!

  19. What a gorgeous part of the world you live in - and what amazing houses! I would love to go on a tour of all those wonderful old homes. Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  20. Gorgeous homes! So wish they allowed picture taking...it's such fun to see others décor, especially in historic homes.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  21. These pictures are unexceptionally beautiful. Especially the picture of the bicycle with some flower on its basket. really enjoyed the virtual house tour.all thanks to you.

  22. What fun! I'll take the pool house, and be quite satisfied with that! My dog is also wearing a cone - she had a tumor removed (good news is she'll be fine!) and one more week to go before she can give up her "necklace". Hope your pooch is doing well! Thanks for sharing this post at Best Of The Weekend!


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