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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday Medley

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  All is well here.  I am planning on meeting my dear friend, Jill on the Cape tomorrow for some lunch and shopping. Rumor has it that we're expecting a Nor'easter this weekend.  No snow just heavy winds and lots of rain.  It sounds like a good day to finish my book.

Today, I am linking up with my friend, Terri for a round of the Wednesday Medley.

1.  On this day in 1908, Billy Murray hits the charts with his "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."  Did you watch the MLB playoffs, and are you watching the World Series?

The last time I watched a baseball game, Ryne Sandberg was playing.

I may not have watched the game last night, but I did tune in to catch Sweet Baby James sing the National Anthem.  It never fails, I always tear up during that song.

2. On this day in 1962, The Manchurian Candidate, directed by John Frankenheimer, starring Frank Sinatra and Laurance Harvey, was released.  
What is your favorite Frank Sinatra song?

I have many Frank Sinatra favorites.  My Dad was in the music business when he was a young man.   Music echoed in every room in our home.  I knew most of the words to Ol'Blue Eyes' songs by the time I was eight years old.

New York New York is one of my favorites because it brings me back to a very enjoyable, exciting time in my life.  When I graduated from college, I got a job with an Ad agency on Madison Avenue.  Many happy hours were spent in bars charming cafes where the patrons would go wild and sing along when New York New York was played on the jukebox.  

I secretly dreamed of being Ann Marie, have a darling apartment, a cute squeaky voice, and a guy on my arm named Donald Hollinger.


Disclosure:  I had none of the above.
I lived at home with my parents, made a very few bucks that went directly to my train fare, and spent one hundred percent of my day typing a lot of boring stuff.
But I always had a good time if I stayed in NYC after five!

3. On this day in 1968, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful were busted for pot and released on 50 pounds bail.  Has your state approved the sale of medical marijuana?  In a nutshell, what are your thoughts on the subject?

4. On this day in 1979, the Guinness Book of Records presented Paul McCartney with a rhodium disc as the all-time best-selling singer-songwriter.  What is your favorite song by Paul McCartney?

I like a lot of Paul McCartney's music.  Since I have to choose one, it would have to be Let It Be because I have to remind myself of those words every day.

If you are one of the few people who hasn't seen James Corden's carpool karaoke with Sir Paul, tune in here.
I'm guilty of watching it about 20 times, and I still can't get enough.

BTW...  a while ago, I told you that we had lunch with a certain celebrity's in-laws on our cruise.  This is another hint.

5.  On this day in 2017, Albert Einstein's Theory of Happiness was written on a note as a tip for a bellboy in 1922, and sold for $1.6 million. His Theory of Happiness is: A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant recklessness.  Was Einstein right?

I don't know about that, but I'd be willing to carry Warren Buffett's bags if he slipped me a scrap of paper with his pin number printed on it.

6.  Tell us something random about your week so far.

I voted yesterday.  I'll tell you one thing - early voting is the best thing since the invention of Spanx.  It took me less than seven minutes for the entire process.

There were a couple of things that I found odd about voting in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

First up, there are no Voter Registration cards.
You are just asked for your name and address, and they check you off the list.

And what's more, an ID is not required.
They take your word for it.

It's no wonder that they let Chili vote!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We have the same thing here with the voting thing. I don't like that they don't check my ID. What happens if someone steals my name and vote? It could change the course of the world....or at least the line-up at Walmart!

    Love all your Wednesday Medley posts! I hope you have a great Wednesday- xo Diana

  2. I just watched that Paul McCartney video right now. Thank you so much for suggesting it!! Great way to start my day. -Jenn

  3. I was just going to say the same thing about voting in Wisconsin, but see my neighbor beat me to it. Lol. Not quite neighbors. She lives on the opposite side of the state, four hours away. My daughter and I used to play New York, New York as a piano duet. That was so fun!! Loved the photo of you living it up in NYC. Have a great Wednesday, Katie!

  4. We signed up for and got our ballots to be mailed in for the first time. Because we are senior citizens. But, I have a problem with who will see my ballot and who could change it, etc. And this no ID business is ludicrous. Of all times in our country's history that this is needed....oh shucks, don't get me started.

  5. I remember That Girl...she and Mary Richards were certainly the role models for our generation. lol However, I aimed to be Samantha on Bewitched and then I could twitch my nose and go anywhere.lol

  6. I have to confess that I still love Frank. My mom always played his records when I was growing up and now I ask ALexa to play his tunes for me. Sometimes my speaker gets crackly and I can imagine I am right back in my old family room. xo Laura

  7. That seems crazy to me that they do not check your ID to vote. They check ours here in PA. Crazy.

  8. SEriously, No id required. We have yet to receive our mail in ballots in CO. Legal marijuana in CO. Ohhh.... so many opinions. What is crazy is the number of "pot shops" in the Denver metro area. I can't believe they all make money. If you have watched Ozarks it makes me think some of these shops are in the "laundry" business. Great show on Netflix, but you have to stick with it for 2 episodes; it's a rolling boil. Happy Wednesday. My 2nd annual Wine & Witches party is tonight with a bunch of Jesuit boy moms! ha! laura

  9. Fun post!! That karaoke video was funny. And since my name is AnnMarie, I always dreamed of being That Girl!

  10. I will be voting on Friday and you are correct, early voting is the way to go. If you are an unregistered voter, ID is required...if not, it's not...not sure I like that much. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  11. I've watched that Paul McCartney Carpool Karaoke a few times too! I liked your meme about the sale of marijuana! We always vote by mail and it always surprises me to hear you don't have to show your ID to vote. That's crazy. But Chili's not crazy!! He's (she's?) SO cute!

  12. I read about the Nor’easter . . . yikes. Glad you have a good book and hope Chili remains calm. Once my A’s were swept by the Yankees I tuned out ... and wasn’t sorry to see those darned Yankees fall to the Red Sox. Was your cruise lunch with Nancy Shevell’s parents??? Tell!!!

  13. Oh, sure hate your predicted weekend weather. Hope you can enjoy it regardless of the weather and I'm betting you can. I'm thinking you can find fun in most anything. NO I.D. that is insane. Sweet, sweet Chili!

  14. I LOVE James Taylor! He did a great job last night! I DID see that episode of carpool karaoke with Sir Paul. Loved it and loved it again! When you get that slip of paper from Warren, please share that pin number!! He won't miss it! LOL Thank you for joining in on the Medley!! I will hopefully get the linky working next week. It is a security issue.

    1. Einstein WAS right! How can you be happy if you are always restless, striving and making life complicated?;) Here we would never have the marijuana legalisation debate - the only party that advocates it will never get elected because of the two party system. CBD is on sale though. I lived in Holland for a year and there was a brown café at the end of my street - it didn't really effect much - it was mostly tourists who went there. So I guess it would be good for tourism haha! Joanne x

  15. It is state law here to check your I.D. before voting. We have always showed our ID, so when the law passed it was seamless.
    I LOVE James Corden!!! I saw that episode over the summer, my son and I watched it together. It was wonderful. Loved your answers! Happy Wednesday!


  16. So proud of Chili! True American pup right there! I love the carpool karaoke with Sir Paul! Fact, Mr. Nine works for a Warren Buffet company. Waiting on the Christmas bonus! Lol.

  17. I love James Taylor. My favorite song was always "How Sweet it Is." I always love That Girl too.
    Early voting is the best and maybe if the politicians ever figure out we are doing that we will get less flyers in the mail, commercials etc. So far in Florida I have had to show my ID. Maybe the debacle of hanging chads is the reason:)
    Also, I am just glad I can now comment on my fave blogs again. I had to download another browser for it to work again. It all started when I did the most recent Safari update. It was so frustrating.

  18. The carpool karaoke was SO MUCH FUN!!! Oh my goodness, I had tears coming down listening to those songs. I was really young when the Beatles were in their heyday, but I have loved them all of my life. Paul's demeanor is so elegant. James Cordon does such a good job with these, but this one is the best ever. Thank you for such an enjoyable post. xoxo to the Hooligans


  19. No worries about no ID. At the polls they can ask you to verify your information. ID requirements disenfranchise poor people, who don't always have the documents to get an ID. The idea that voter IDs will prevent fraud? Laughable to college students who know all about fake IDs. Individual voter fraud is a minimal problem anyway, as the reputable news outlets have reported.

  20. Early voting here in Austin is busy! The lines are out the door and around the corner. I couldn't even get into the library Tuesday because there were no parking spots in the lot or on the street. And, as you may have heard, Austin is under water restrictions and a, "Boil the Water" notice. Restaurants are struggling, some closing, others reducing hours. Even Central Market has closed some of the fresh produce section, bakery, etc. Hope your Nor'easter doesn't cause power outage. Have a great time on the Cape. You know I'm envious!!! Stop by the Lilly Pad and see what's new with MKC. Yesterday was Phyllis' birthday! I'd love to be there celebrating with her!!!

  21. Well, I'd let Chili vote if I was monitoring a site!The car pool karaokes are a lot of fun. He does a great job with them. I wouldn't mind being That Girl, but I didn't care for Donald all that much ;).

  22. Wow, I can’t believe you don’t have to show ID to vote. I hope your weather won’t be too bad. Enjoy your weekend! BTW, I grew up with Frank playing on the stereo, I still enjoy hearing him.

  23. I too loved the carpool karaoke with Sir Paul - so much more than just two dudes singing.
    Stay dry this weekend!

  24. I missed JT singing the anthem live, but caught it, along with Sir Paul doing the carpool karaoke, on facebook after their appearances. Both of those guys are my songwriter idols since the 60s and early 70s. Early voting here required an ID this time here in my state, but in the past it's been a simple checking the list like you experienced. Hope you had fun on the Cape. Raining here this weekend too.....good for catching up! Stay cozy.


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