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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Positano & Capri

Hello, dear friends.  Thank you for letting me know that there were problems with my blog email delivery.  My Fairy Blog Mother and dear friend, Linda has been working tirelessly in getting the situation remedied.  Can you do me a favor?  Can you leave me a comment as to whether you received or did not receive this post via email?

This is the second installment of my Cruisin' 2018 series.  If you missed the first post, or like me, can't remember it, you can find it here.

Our first stop was Sorrento.  The Mister and I signed us up for an 8-hour tour of Positano and Capri.

Here is your geography lesson for the day. 

After almost 29 years of wedded bliss, the Mister and I have drafted a travel pact.  My one stipulation is that we book a nice suite.  The Mister's request is that we take lots of excursions.

That way, everybody's happy.

As a side note - I learned something about myself.  Eight hours is a tad too long for me.  It was a great tour, but after about five hours, I became slightly delusional and kept experiencing visions of a comfy deck chair on the boat.

Lucky for the Mister, I don't complain.  Much.

We met our tour guide right off the ship and hopped on the air-conditioned bus.  There were about twelve couples in all on the tour.  We met many lovely people from all over the world on these day trips. 

The drive was spectacular.

The bus driver was kind enough to make a few stops for photo ops in case there were any supermodel trophy wives were on board.

Lucky for all, there was one.

Our first stop was Positano, a cliffside village. It is known for its pebble beachfront and steep, narrow streets lined with boutiques and cafes.

I was pretty glad that I chose to wear my New Balance running shoes as opposed to my standard stilettos. 

If you are in the market for anything lemon related, handpainted pottery, or gorgeous linens, Positano is the place to be.  Along with beautiful wares, the shopkeepers were friendly and hospitable.

We spent an hour and a half walking around the village and then went down to the pier to meet our group for the ferry excursion to Capri. 

We finished our shopping early and found a nice seat in the shade across from this souvenir shop.  The setting was perfect for my favorite cardio workout - people watching.

We also had time to sharpen our selfie skills.

The ferry ride to Capri was just under an hour.
We were delighted that it had air conditioning because the temps were in the 90's.  I am not complaining, I'm just stating the facts. Translation:  this Mama should have donned waterproof mascara.

Our tour guide gave us some lunch recommendations.  She mentioned this hotel as being one of the best in Capri.
My translation:  Nice potties and air conditioning.
The Mister's translation:  fabulous food!

We walked around the hotel for a bit. 
Indeed, it was lovely.

Unfortunately, the hotel was only serving lunch outside on the patio which was fine with me.  If I can't have air conditioning, I can at least finish my workout of people watching.  According to my Fitbit, I had another hour to go.

We found the hotel luncheon staff to be uninterested and apathetic at best.  Our waiter, Mr. Wonderful, is pictured. I ordered a roast chicken sandwich which consisted of scraps of chicken on the Italian version of Wonder Bread drowned in mayonnaise.

If you're in Capri, save your euros, and go to a cute cafe.

I give it an A+ for ambiance and potties.
The Mister gives it a D- for service and food.

Although we were not eating on the water, we did have a lovely view to the right... 

... and to the left.

After lunch, we did some shopping and stopped for some of the most delicious gelato I have ever tasted.

Lucky for me, I have been keeping up with my cardio.

We strolled the square where this guy was getting a lot of attention.  This is Stefano Bombardieri's Marta e l'elefante. The sculpture represents a dream, a world seen with children's eyes, where everything is possible, even a little girl raising up an elephant.

Did I mention that my friend, l'elefante has a great view?

We then joined many other sweaty tourists in the not-so-funicular for a ride down to meet our cruising buddies for our journey back to our home-away-from-home.

I had a deck chair waiting that needed some attention.

Hopefully, this post is arriving in your email.  Please leave a comment updating me on the email situation.

Until next time...

It was in the 30's this morning!
The hooligans got to try out their new down vests.
Can't you tell how much they love them?
They are wearing their thrilled to pieces expressions.
It's the same look my girls would give me when they were teens.

Linking up with:
Wonderful Wednesday
Share Your Cup
Share Your Style
The Weekly Postcard
Amaze Me Monday

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi, I did not reeceive this in email.

  2. Hi Katie, I did not receive this in my email. I love your blog! Kim

  3. Hi Katie,
    I did not receive this in my email either.

  4. Hi Katie! Just finding you at Share Your Cup. What a fun post! Love your commentary. I still regret not taking the day trip to Capri 22 years ago when my husband and I went to Italy for our honeymoon. My favorite place was Sorrento and hope to get there again someday.

  5. Hi Katie!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip! I did not receive your post by email

  6. We also had a busy day on this cruise stop...Positano, Pompeii and Capri. I loved Capri as the shopping was "fabulous"! and the views were stunning - that ferry ride was a bumpy one for us!! Can't wait to go back!!

  7. Hello! No, I did not receive this post via email.

  8. Hi
    I did not receive this as an email. Hope you get it figured out soon.....must be frustrating!! Love hearing
    about your trip....sounds wonderful!

  9. I have never received your posts by email. I get them in my Feedly reader. Loved reading about your visit to Positano and Capri!! Joe and I had gelato every day we were in Italy! Yum!!

  10. I enjoyed reading this post on Bloglovin' - did not receive it on my email, though.

  11. I so enjoy your blog. I receive it via Bloglovin’ .

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. We could be related! Bennett was my Mom's maiden name. Enjoy your weekend.

  12. Your trip does look like it was heavenly! The views are amazing. Did you find that you wanted to stay there vs. getting on the ship and travelling? We've had that feeling on a cruise before. I do understand about walking and looking for 8 hours...sometimes enough is enough.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Finally did receive this via email! Always enjoy your posts! We loved our Silverseas cruise to Greece and Turkey...looking forward to enjoying the Silver Muse one day soon.

  14. Yes, dear Preppy, I successfully received email notification of this blog post and quickly grabbed my travel bag to join you. WHAT A TRIP!!!! Gorgeous views, and yes, by all means there was a lovely trophy wife on that bus ride!

  15. Well, I'm not sure I really want to take on an excursion by the way you've described this one with some of the negatives. Positano, though, would definitely have served me well with lemons and dishes. :)
    Received in email, yes. Now, off to catch the one I missed. I wondered where you'd been in this past week, not hearing from you! Glad it seems to be fixed.

  16. I received this by email, great way to start my day: with a laugh.

  17. Hi Katie, I did receive this post in my email. Enjoyed your photos of this beautiful Italian paradise. It brought back memories of my own travels there. We spent one night on Capri and again on a second trip we stayed in Serento where we traveled to Positano on a day trip. This post leaves me wanting another trip there! Have a great weekend.

  18. Hi Katie, yes I got this post but not your last one. Glad you're back!!
    Sounds like a great trip.

  19. Hi Katie!! I did receive this via email. Glad you're back!😉

  20. I received this in my email inbox this morning (10/19)
    Loved the tour and your always entertaining comments! :-)

  21. yes! I received in email - looks like a wonderful trip!!

  22. Hi Katie, received in my email, however, as always, your Wednesday blog arrives to me on Thursday. Stay well and happy!
    Cathy in NJ

  23. Hi Katie,
    I did receive an email on this blog post, but not the others.
    As always.. great post. I love how you share with us.

  24. Hi Mrs. Clooney : ) ADORED this post and it arrived in my email in-box safe and sound as have all previous blog posts... I have not been able to easily register to comment, however, so please know I DO READ and love your blog!!! XOXO Debbie (DA Squires)

  25. Love this blog and your writing - your sense of humor is just like mine !! Yes - I did receive this post in my email !

  26. I did receive this post, but I did NOT receive the past two.

  27. I did receive this post in my email. Gorgeous photos!

  28. I didn't receive anything in your email - had to look online to find this so I could let you know nothing got to this loyal (and loving) reader today.

  29. Hi Katie,
    I did get this in my email….but glad to know there was a problem because I was worried when I hadn't received anything this month, didn't know how much I missed you until I missed you: ) Jealous of your weather…89 in Pasadena, CA….so ready for FALL or anything remotely close.

  30. Received via email! Yay!

    PS - What do you think of RHOC this season? It seems really dull to me!

  31. Really fun to see all your photos. We went to Positano in 1999. It was delightful, but not many shops at the time. Of course that didn't stop me! I think a trip to Capri looks enticing!

  32. Glad your back as I missed your blog all summer. Italy is my favorite place to go! I love seeing your pups!
    Thanks for blogging your every day adventures.

  33. There is no way around it; Italy is hot in the summer months. As long as you are prepared, it is okay. It's still a no. 1 favorite destination for many travelers for good reasons. #TheWeeklyPostcard

  34. Received via Email. Many thanks.

  35. LOVELY! I have only been to Italy once (Venice) but do need to visit the west and it is way up there on the list. We are the same with the hotel requirements - my husband used to assess hotels and grade them, I run a family hotel and used to travel a lot for work, so we are super picky. When you find a great place you can relax and enjoy your stay. Isn't dining al fresco in the Mediterranean the best? I love the pottery and linens too, although my parents just got back from Ischia and brought a lot of gorgeous soaps and handmade organic toiletries too. love the fact Italy has retained so many artisanal producers. The waterproof mascara is a great tip. Joanne x

  36. Hi, I got it, thank you.

  37. I did receive it in email/ just late reading it!

  38. Perfect timing! We leave for Italy in less than 10 days with our daughter to celebrate a belated college graduation! She studied abroad in Florence in college. We are stepping out of our comfort zone and trying 2 airbnb's. I'll let you know! My mister wanted to fly in November because the flights are 1/2 off. The trade off might be rain. The thought of ending the day on a cruise ship sounds tempting. I'll let you know! laura

  39. I did get this Katie, just late in catching up...sorry you've had technical issues! Your trip sounds wonderful but I'm with you 8 hours is too long. I'm not much of a traveler so I enjoy traveling virtually with friends!

  40. Those views! I loved the day I spent in Capri, but I still need to visit Positano. When I do sightseeing these days I pretty much always wear sneakers now too. Thanks for sharing on #TheWeeklyPostcard

  41. What a wonderful trip! The photos of the pottery and linens had me gasping! I will be in trouble if I ever get there.

  42. I agree with you about an 8 hour tour being too long. We were supposed to visit Seville on our cruise but cancelled ahead of time as it was a long bus ride each way. Love your sense of humor in your writings...it is fun reading your posts.

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