Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday Medley

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a good week. All is well here.  I've done my share of sweater shopping this week, and I'm in the process of changing out my closet from Summer linens to Winter woolens.

I want to address some housekeeping issues.  First of all, my mailbox was filled with notes from readers telling me that my past blog posts have not arrived in their mailboxes.  I am so sorry about that.  I will be contacting Blogger today to find out what is going on.  Secondly, on my cover page where the three current blogs are headlined, October is misspelled.  Don't ask me why - the date goes on automatically - I don't type it in. 

Anyway, not to worry I am on it and will keep you posted.  Thanks for notifying me and for your continued patience. 

Today, I am linking up with my friend, Terri from Your Friend From Florida who comes up with the thoughtful questions.  If you're not a blogger, you can still play along by leaving your answers in the comments.  I always love to hear other people's answers.

1.  The Circleville, Ohio, Pumpkin Festival starts today.  All things pumpkin are everywhere. What is your one very favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink?  


I am a big fan of the taste as well as the aroma of pumpkin.  During the Fall, I almost always have a pumpkin candle on the warmer in the kitchen. This one is one of my favorites.

lain bagwell

I recently came upon this recipe for Black Bottom Pumpkin Pie.  
What makes this pie special, you ask?
A rich layer of melted chocolate that's spooned over a buttery cinnamon graham cracker pie crust.
Pardon my drool.

Do you wish it was available all year or do you only want it in the Fall?

I think that everything pumpkin should stay in its lane and not veer out of Fall.  

I would consider, however, making an exception for that pie.

2.  What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?

There are two that hold equal importance.

For months I was suffering from periodic sharp pain in my eyes.  It turns out that it was caused by dry eye.  My doctor started me on these vitamins a year ago and I haven't had a problem since.

An added bonus: they also support a healthy heart, brain, and optimizes immunity. 

If it could get rid of wrinkles and promote weight loss, Pro Omega would be perfect! 

My skin is very dry.  I have used this body cream for many years. It is very rich and quickly absorbs into the skin.  
It is also the best bang for your buck. 

3.  What is the most interesting thing you have seen online this week? 

I don't know whether it is the most interesting, but it is the happiest news I've heard.

Princess Eugenie's practically glowed on her big day.
I loved her dress!

Another round of Royal Baby watch!

4.  Is it better to be a "big fish in a small pond" or a "small fish in a big pond"?

daily puppy

I think that I would like to be a big fish in a small pond.
Not too small though, I'm claustrophobic.

5.  My Joe has become obsessed with playing chess on the computer.  Do you play chess?  Are you good at it?

I think that chess is way out of my skill set.
Tell Joe that he's safe - I'm not going to challenge him.

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

It's the first week in a month that we haven't had to make a visit to the Vet.

Knock, knock on wood.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love that last photo of the dog bobbing for apples and of course your to darling "hooligans." I'm a huge fan. Sorry for all the very visits and hope Chili sticks to dog food. I'm glad Eugenie had replaced my former mental image of her with that crazy fascinator. She looks so happy.

  2. I've had sharp pain in my eye before. I always just thought it was eye strain from being at a screen for too long. Maybe I'll try those (or similar) vitamins. The rest of my family plays chess. I don't. I feel somewhat inferior for it! ;) -Jenn

  3. Gimmie all the pumpkin goodness! Whew on no October vet visit! The no notification email of a new blog post happened to me. Has to do with your RSS feed. Google should give you the fix as I know it took me awhile but do I remember how...nada. xo

  4. So glad your pup is on the road to recovery!! Chess...not my cup of tea at all. I play Scrabble on my phone to keep my brain sharp. I am going to look for those vitamins and if you find the magic pill for weight loss and wrinkle removal, pleas pm me!!:)

  5. Cinnamon and pumpkin would be a luscious and delicious fragrance with which to fill your house. I will have to look for that combination. I tire of just the pumpkin smell pretty quickly. Your doggies are so cute. A friend of mine always had seasonal bandannas for her pups - the best dressed dogs on the block. Hope you get your blog issues solved without much to-do.

  6. I really love curried pumpkin soup, I make my friends’ recipe!

    Glad the pups are doing well!

  7. Lots going on! Your sweet pups. Glad Chili is on the mend.

  8. Only pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I like to use pumpkins in decorating, and I like jack-o-lanterns, but that is all the pumpkin anything I want. I would stockpile Young Living's Super Bs vitamins or their Thieves blend essential oil...serious game-changers. Eugenie's wedding (so much better than Megan's) and Pippa's baby boy. Since I grew up in one of the clans of a small town, big fish in a small pond. I play AT chess; my son is teaching me. Today's randomness is: I loathe winter, so since OKC has hit 40 degrees, I am done!

  9. Great answers and thank you for the doggie photo of those two! Love to see them keeping you in line.

  10. Ooooo... to that pumpkin pie full of chocolate goodness! Maybe I could like that one!! Thanks for joining in on this week's Medley! I enjoyed reading your answers and need to look up your pro Omega. Of course, your pups are adorable!!

  11. I love pumpkin pie, but only at Thanksgiving.
    I also enjoyed Princess Eugenie's Wedding. Yes, she glowed with happiness. It was such a lovely wedding. Her gown was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen! Perfect for her!
    I am very happy for Prince Harry and Meghan. I hope that Eugenie will follow right along too!

  12. Pumpkin Pie.
    Ochos mini’s (chocolate coconut).
    All things Royal.
    Small fish.
    Yes, but no.
    We’ve avoided the vet this week too . . . but it’s only Wednesday. :-\

  13. Wow, didn't know dry eye could cause such pain. Glad you found an easy remedy. Happy rest of the week!

  14. Katie, I'm going to check out that cream, thanks for the tip! Here's how I'd answer those questions:
    1 Pumpkin Custards (just posted today), 2 Loose leaf black tea, 3 Not sure, 4 Small fish in a big pond; actually, small fish in a small pond! 5 Not really, and No.

  15. I love everything in this post, especially the pumpkin pie and the pups! I too have issues with blogger but I just cannot bring myself to change to Wordpress.

  16. Oh that pie! Like you though, I eat my share (and sniff my share) of pumpkin this and that during the season but would not want it all year long. I want that baby doxie puppy...oh how adorable! I'm not sure how he would get along with the two I've already got...they're kinda partial and I doubt they want to share the attention. Your two look awful cute decked out in their fall neckerchiefs!

  17. I would need to make notes as I read to remember everything so forgive me if I miss an answer! We don't really do pumpkins as much here - I don't think I've ever eaten one, or anything pumpkin-flavoured - I know that is fall- heresy in the US. To stockpile one product - toothpaste. I couldn't not brush my teeth - do you know that feeling after a long haul flight? Just brushing your teeth on the flight makes you feel more together. I suffer a bit of dry eye and my Mum really badly (she left hers untreated and got pain in her eye too) - we use Sea Buckthorn capsules here (all omegas) and they work brilliantly. Keeping with the wedding theme - I love Cressida Bonas' headband at the wedding and hope it makes a comeback! Big fish in a small pond. I didn't play chess as a child, or now, but we played a lot of draughts (I think you sack chequers?). Love this post! Joanne x

  18. NO vet visit this month is the best news! It's like you just got a bonus! Love pumpkin too!
    i can't even remember the other favorites covered! geez! Oh yeah, checkers is the top of my skil set. Happy Sunday. I've got another hour... laura in CO


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