Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

April's Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you are having a great weekend.  My buddy, Dude proclaimed March to be the new February when it came to weather this year.  
Am I ever happy we are now in April!

The Mister and I spent our very wet, cold Saturday afternoon at the movie theater watching Get Out.  And that's exactly what we wanted to do half way through the flick.  This movie got great reviews though, so don't skip it on account of us.  
What do we know, anyway? 

My first choice was The Zookeeper's Wife, but unfortunately, it takes time to get movies to the theaters in our neck of the woods.  
It should be here by 2020.


I am going to give a full review of Simply South of Simple in a few weeks before it is released at the end of the month.  I just finished it, and in a few words, I loved this book.  


Just finished listening to this one.  All I can say is WOW!  Reading this book was like riding a roller coaster.  No question about it - this one is a nail biter.  If you enjoy thrillers like me, pick this one up.

Warning: you could start looking at your husband with a suspicious eye.
I know I have.


I went to a book signing supper the other night and met Jessica Shattuck.  She is positively delightful.  The Women In The Castle takes place at the end of World War I, and the setting is a crumbling Bavarian castle which houses three widows.  As soon as I got home, I downloaded the book.


Abby was also featured at the book signing.  I was excited to meet her because I read I Liked My Life and reviewed it a couple of weeks ago.  Abby is an absolute stitch.  She kept us all laughing as she spoke about her characters as well as her writing process.  
Her humor shines through in her book.

I can't wait to start Wait for Me this week.  It centers around Lorna who lives on a farm in Scotland in 1945 and a German prisoner of war who is assigned to her as a farm hand.  I smell romance and sexual tension.  

April Book Releases

Miss You is Kate's debut novel.  It centers around the perfect couple that "was meant to be."  The pages are filled with chance encounters that began at a young age.   One reviewer describes it as witty, poignant, and romantic.  Sounds like it is right up my alley. 

I know this is going to be a shocker, but this novel is about a girl and her horse.  But I wouldn't care if the subject was an old shoe because I am a diehard fan of Jo Jo Moyes.  

I'm counting the minutes until the release.

Letters left at a grave lead to romance.
Sounds like an alternative to Match.com. 

A woman is left by her husband on their honeymoon.  
All that is left is a cryptic note.
Hope she has a prenup.  

This one is about another lady that is left by her man.  Only this time, he takes all his possessions with him.
This thriller has high marks for suspense.

I have read many books by Karen White, and I'm a big fan.  This one is about a divorcee who moves to a small town in Georgia with her two children. 

I should write a book about a woman who moves to a big town in Georgia and spies on one of her children. 

Decades of secrets, a missing person, and a man with no memory sounds like the perfect combination for a good book.  
I'm going to give this one a try.
I can identify with the no memory part.

Two friends move to a new town.  
One goes missing.
A handsome police officer steps in.
I'm there.  I can never say no to a man in a uniform.

This novel details the life of two New York heiresses in England during the First World War.  It sounds like a good one.

April TV

The Son is a sweeping family drama that takes place on a big ol' ranch and stars Pierce Brosnan as the Patriarch.
It premieres on April 8th.
I'll watch it just to gawk at Pierce.

The White Princess, based on Phillipa Gregory's novel and sequel to The White Queen, premieres on Starz on April 16th.  Can't wait.  I'm a big fan of historical fiction.

The Handmaid's Tale, an adaptation of the best seller, premieres on April 26th.  I haven't read the book, but it looks interesting.

I have not started watching The Kennedys After Camelot yet.  If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a self-professed Kennedyphile. 

Part of the reason is that it took me 25 minutes to find the channel Reelz on my TV.  I have never even heard of that channel.  Then I realized I could find it through the search bar On Demand.  So, if you have Comcast, go that route.  It will save you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. 

I'm anxious to see this one.

She's baaaaack on April 16th.
(No trailer because it has naughty words.)

April Movies

I have seen the trailer for Gifted in the theaters for months, and it is on the top of my must-see list.  It premieres on April 12th.

A Quiet Passion, a biopic of poet Emily Dickinson's life, premieres on April 14th.  I'll go to some stupid war movie with the Mister so that we can see this one.

The Circle, based on the best-selling novel, is being released on the 28th.  It may not be my thing, but I'm sure it will be the Mister's so I will go with a big smile on my face. 

And I want to see A Quiet Passion.

While I was doing research on April movies, I came across Paris Can Wait premiering on May 5th.  Paris may be able to wait, but I'm not sure I can for this premiere.

I hope that it is as good as  Under The Tuscan Sun.

Be still my heart.
The Finale.

What are you watching and reading?

Until next time...

I wish they lived in my neighborhood.
Chowdah and Chili gave up TV for Lent. 

Linking up with:
Amaze Me Monday
What We're Reading Wednesday

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks for the synopses, Katie. I've had my eye on a few of those books at Barnes & Noble. My girls and I watched Beauty & the Beast at the theatre last night while my husband took the boys to see the latest Kong movie. It was hard for my teen daughter and me to decide between the Disney remake and The Zookeeper's Wife. I finally made the call since I figured I'd need a box of tissues for the latter. Have a great week.

  2. I can't wait for Paris Can Wait!

  3. How in the world do you find all these books and movies???? Omg....I wanna read every book and see all those movies. Be still my heart if the diane Lane show the s ANYTHING like Tuscan sun!!!!!
    Ok.....making my list now!

  4. Thanks for all the recommendations! I can't wait for Big Little Lies tonight. I'm about to start reading I See You by Claire Mackintosh. It looks good!

  5. Always love the movies and books you tell us about Katie!!

  6. Katie, I think I'm going to print this out. Wow, you have given us so many recommendations. I may not have time to leave the house with a list like this. How do you find time to read all of these, go the movies, and still have a life? ;-)

  7. Katie,

    Just finished up Big Little Lies about an hour ago. Amazing! Superb. The music. The crashing waves. How good can it get?

    Looking for The Widowers Wife tonight (Amazon). All of your book recommendations look great but I have a stack...you know how that goes.

    Paris Can Wait---looking forward to that! Thanks for the heads up!!!!

    Jane x

  8. Great recommendations/reviews! I read The Handmaid's Tale when it came out in 1986. Chilling.

  9. I need to save this post so I can return to it this month! Great reviews and many sparked my interest. Thanks so much!

  10. Good Morning- Always look forward to your book recommendations. The Windower's wife is next for me. Because our clients want us to promote simply living-I use a reader and audible books-but I do miss the smell of books in a decor!-Laurel Bledsoe

  11. So much to read and watch this month! Always look forward to your recommendations. Caroline Leech the author of Wait for Me lives in my neighborhood in Houston and our kids went to elementary school together. Excited to see she has written her first novel. Have a great week!

  12. Have had Get Out on my must-see list for almost a month. Your review won't deter me.
    I would be happy watching Pierce Brosnan wash windows - my fave James Bond.
    I have not been able to find my beloved lima beans in any nearby grocery store for at least a month. You haven't done anything with all the lima beans, have you?
    Have a great week!

  13. Thank you for all of the great recommendations!

  14. There's so much good sounding stuff in here I can't even remember it all! I did watch the original Kennedys (leading into After Camelot) and the first episode of that last night. I never thought all that much of Katie Holmes but she is a very good (and lookalike) Jackie! And Greg Kinnear was so good in the first series I hated to see him killed off. Well, it is history...

    I really want to catch that book on the American heiresses/WWI. AND those movies (most of them!) look great!

  15. Okay, I'm thinking the Hubs and I would likely enjoy The Son, I've marked that so I won't forget it and will go ahead and set the DVR. Always enjoy your book, movie and TV series review. Happy week!

  16. Happy Monday girl! Getting ready to head to the airport but checking in first with my faves. Love your round up! Putting the Widowers wife in my Amazon cart now. We had the DVR set for big little lies last night can't wait to watch it when we get home this evening! Have a great start to your week!! xoxo

  17. I knew that I could count on your for a great book and movie list. I have them all on my list from/for Amazon and my library!

    Thank you for sharing! Have a fabulous week.

  18. I always love your book and movie suggestions. Pierce Brosnan has aged rather divinely, it is true. I had to read The Handmaid's Tale in a lit class, and was not crazy about it. I think maybe this has been turned into a movie once before with Faye Dunaway, but maybe I am imagining things. I see a couple of thrillers on this list I am about to order!

  19. I always want to spend all day researching all your recommendations Katie, I absolutely hate going to the movies, and always wait until I can watch at home so I'm not stuck in the middle of a bad one...I really prefer books and can't wait to hear more about Slightly South of Simple. I am dying to watch Veep and Big Little Lies, oh to have HBO! Keep the great reviews coming!

  20. always love your book recommendations! Bookmarked them all.

  21. Wow -- those all look like some great books, tv and movies! Just finished watching the 3rd (I think) season of Grace and Frankie on Netflix. Love that show and found it when you suggested it in one of your previous posts. Have a good week!

  22. As always....a post chocked full of goodies...I have made my list! Thanks Katie!!!

  23. I hope Paris Can Wait is as good as Under the Tuscan Sun too. I can't wait to watch The Son. I've been anticipating it since the first commercial came out.

    Thank you for all the recommendations, Katie! I always find plenty to read and/or watch on your lists :)


  24. I am still in love with Remington Steele so I/we will definitely watch The Son. I haven't seen Big Little Lies but I have read the book and I loved it. All of your book recommendations look great. We will skip Get Out even though our 28 year old son said it was "great". We had our doubts! My daughter and I saw Beauty and the Beast and loved it. Always fun to read your posts!

  25. Thanks for sharing! Sorry Get Out didn't work for you - I wasn't really interested to begin with, I have to admit.

    I'm curious about Big Little Lies but I don't have HBO.

    I do want to see The Circle. I need to read the book though!

    -Laurenp.s. I'm a new consultant for Usborne Books if you're looking for any new titles! I need FB party hosts too and you can earn free books. Shop: http://c6871.myubam.com/

  26. Great info; you've got me interested in a few movies I wouldn't have known of!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


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