Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, April 7, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  TGIF!  It has been a long, wet week around here in Emptynesterville.  Our home is filled with the soft scent of wet dog.  Last night, we experienced the Mother of all thunder and lightning storms.  Chili does not take well to those, to say the least.  I tried to give her the last Xanax she had wrapped in chicken but she spit it out and Chowdah inhaled it.  She did about 90 laps around our bedroom and finally ended up under our bed panting her little heart out.  Meanwhile, Chowdah enjoyed a stress-free, relaxing evening in the laundry room, otherwise known as the nursery. 

Before I make you even more jealous of my trophy wife life, let's get on with today's Friday Files.


Did you ever see The Wolf of Wall Street?  It was based on the life of Jordan Belfort and this used to be his house.
Take this fabulous tour here.


I have an affinity for stone houses.  This one, known as Willow Knoll was built in the 1800's and was recently restored.  An added bonus - great views of the Hudson River.


Are you thinking about taking a road trip this summer?  Here's a list of  5  excursions that are highly recommended.


How cute is this room?  There are 99 more stunning bedrooms packed with inspiration here.


Tory Burch is having a big sale.  
Lots of cute things at 30% off.


Williams-Sonoma has 30% off all of their Easter accessories.  If you don't have a store near you, they guarantee delivery if you order by April 12th.


Jenna Lyons just stepped down as Creative Director/President of one of my favorite stores, J Crew.  Here are 10 Style Lessons that she taught us that I can actually relate to, especially #2.


Wedding season is almost here.  
This list will detail the ins and outs of Wedding Gift Etiquette


Here are some stunning photos of Spring Table Settings.


Here's the rundown on the most anticipated books written by women in 2017.


Speaking of books, I just began listening to Lisa See's new book on my walks, and I love it.  Her writing is exceptional.  She never lets me down.


Do you ever listen to Podcasts?
I listened to Serial and enjoyed it very much.  My morning buddy, Kelly Ripa, raved about S-Town.  I think I will download it.
If it's good enough for Kelly, it's good enough for me. 


And last but certainly not least.

I'm a sucker for military reunions.  I can't watch them without a good cry.  Throw a dog in the mix, and I am a hot mess.  This beautiful story was featured on the evening news and I thought it was worth sharing. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Great links. One of these days, I will succumb to that Williams-Sonoma Easter dinnerware.

  2. I just got the notification that The Tea Girl is waiting for me at the library...it sounds like a good one. I need to check out those podcasts. Thanks for all the fun links and have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Another good one, Katie. I followed all the links, so here I am visiting interesting sites rather than out working in the garden. You are a bad influence! ;-)
    OK, time to get to work.

  4. Great links -- LOVE the Easter dinnerware -- so pretty! Our Scottie also hates storms, but does ok with a television on loud in the lower level with lots of blankets! I have some doggie valium for her but it doesn't always work. The things we do for our pups! Hope you have a good weekend and the sun shines for you!

  5. Ok... the dog / soldier story made me a hot mess. How sweet that lady is! I loved the first home. Lots of ideas to take away from those homes. I would never go back to wallpaper no matter how easy it is to get down or how much in style based on my experience pulling it out of my current home. Traumatic I tell you! However, I could like it on panels so that when it goes out again or you are sick of the window treatments, it is a smaller fix.
    I always love to see what you come up with.
    BTW, I ordered the Ernie Lazlo soap that Jackie used. I love it. I will be checking out ole Ernie more:)

  6. It is hard to believe we are making plans for summer fun. I will take those suggestions under advisement!! Maine is on my bucket list with Texas a close second because I want to go to Waco and visit Magnolia. Maybe I will run into Chip and Joanna.

  7. Just finishing the last hour of S-Town, hilarious, thoughtful, racy, couldn't stop listening...well done. Getting into podcasts more as I try to listen to less news. Another favorite is The Forward by Lance Armstrong. Great interviewer, lots of famous friends and pretty humble about his life's journey. Really like the app, Overcast, to gather and listen to podcasts.

    1. Hi Gena! Thanks for the recommendation for The Forward - I will definitely download it. I will also look into Overcast. Thank you for these and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Oh girl. You make me want to shop and read and eat and have more dogs! I can picture and smell dogs as I read this. Our one little Belle, who is a rat terrier, decided in the last year that she's scared of storms too. Have you noticed how they almost seem to work up a sweat and stink when they are doing that storm pacing?

    And did you see these Tory Burch sandals? I need them desperately!! https://www.toryburch.com/miller-fringe-sandal--leather/33128.html?dwvar_33128_color=657&cgid=shoes-miller&start=17

  9. YOU and the MISTER have a GRAND weekend.........
    WE now have your storm.............YUCK!
    I have a blogger coming for dinner tomorrow...................
    HUGS To the TWO HEAVY DUTY SOUPS that give the meaning wet FLUFF!!!!!!

  10. I am a sucker for adoption day videous, love that room , and stone house don't even begin I love them too!

  11. The Easter table ware is so sweet!! I love Easter. Have your dogs dried out yet? -Jenn

  12. Too bad TB shoes aren't comfy, but they are cute!! Love the table settings!

  13. I'll come back to this later today, but I love the looks of most all these links. I read Jenna is getting paid $1mil (6 mo no-compete the only big clause) as a pkg...I hope JCrew doesn't go under. I read sales are really in a slump since I quit buying so much...

  14. Always Friday Fun. We are a military family so the reunion story is touching. Have a great weekend!-Laurel Bledsoe

  15. Many beautiful old homes on the Hudson. Have you ever been to the Rockefeller's Kykuit in Tarrytown?
    Jenna Lyons certainly was a visionary.

  16. Oh don't show me pretty dishes! They are my weakness...I keep telling my husband that plates are my shoe fetish, except they are much cheaper! I feel so old fashioned, I've never listened to a podcast...I must get more hip!
    Have a great weekend,

  17. You always bring a smile to me with your posts. I love Audible books, it's the whole benefit of multi tasking.

  18. Katie,

    There is so much to absorb in these Friday posts! I want to go back to check out the spring tablescapes and the books, as well as the books by women. I was so interested in the scenic trips, my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw the Michigan coast. We have been to all of these towns! Our favorite is South Haven (and its the closest to our lakehouse, a little over an hour away).

    Thanks for all the recommendations and inspiration. I applaud you for all of the work you put into your posts. And by the way, I love wet puppy smell!!

    Jane x

  19. Wow....that home is spectacular!There are so many things I love...especially that closet. It is always a treat to visit here Katie!

  20. Looks like a great batch of links, Katie. Poor dogs. That weather was pretty hinky this week -- I'm glad at least one dog got mellow. Unfortunately the wrong one, but...


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