Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Happy Hodgepodge

Good morning, dear friends.  I hope that you all are having a good week.  I survived the Marathon.  Thanks for asking.  My back is killing me!  It's not easy watching three straight hours of 

If it's Wednesday,  it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Tell us about a time you felt you were "flying by the seat of your pants."

Every time the Mister comes home and announces "We're moving!" 

2.  When or where would you like to be a "fly on the wall?"

Three guesses.

3.  "Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder." - Henry David Thoreau

Would you agree?  Why or why not?

I agree wholeheartedly. 
I'll match you quote for quote. 

4.  Share a favorite movie, book, or song with flying in its title, lyrics, or theme somewhere.

One of my favorite movies.

This song immediately came to mind.
Nobody can sing it like Ol' Blue Eyes.

5.  What's one task or chore that you tend to do 'on the fly?'  Is this something that really needs to be done another way?

I should do a better job cleaning the inside of my car.

There are many things I miss about Texas.  One of the biggest luxuries that I find difficult to live without is full-service car washes.  There's no greater feeling than driving out of the parking lot with a shining, sweet smelling car.  

When I went to my first car wash around here, I asked if they offered full-service.  The guy answered tersely "ye mean do we dry it?"

Can't beat the eye candy, though.

6.  What was happening the last time you thought to yourself or said aloud "wow, time flies when you're having fun" and you mean it. 

I think that exact thought every month when I am in the company of my lovely book club friends.

7.  This Thursday is National Garlic Day.  Will you add garlic to your menu on Thursday?  What's your favorite dish made with garlic?

I love garlic.  The first time I visited the North End, which is famous for its fabulous Italian restaurants, I thought I was in heaven.  I love anything and everything with garlic.

8.  Insert you own random thought here.

I leave you with an uplifting moment.  Make sure to watch the video to see the highlight of this beautiful teacher's wedding day. 

Until next time...

I need to hire this guy.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Amen to full service car washes!!

  2. I'll take the car wash with the dog, thanks. And I don't even know the teacher, but those sweet little faces brought tears to my eyes! Have a great week!

  3. Oh my, that car wash scene made me LOL, Katie. Thanks for brightening my day with your blog. A smile first thing in the morning sets the tone for the day!! ( And the inside of my car could use some attention as well.)

  4. Love Come Fly with Me by Frank Sinatra! Makes me think of the glorious age of flying - Pan Am and the way women dressed to take a flight. So glamorous.

  5. Im going to have those car washing guys in my head all day...I guess their closets shrunk their clothes so badly they have no shirts left to wear!-Laurel Bledsoe

  6. My hubs loves to wash the car. It's a hobby of his : ) We do have full service here too though, which is nice. Plus loads of pollen so much needed. That video was super sweet! Have a great day!

  7. Oh goodness! You had me laughing like a fool. 😂

  8. I like your answer for the quote in #3. Besides the fly on the wall we also both picked Fly Away Home. Enjoyed your photos. Loved the video!!

  9. Lots of laughs here today. Happy Hodgepodge Day!

  10. Hey, Sis. Just a heads up that Bert does a wonderful job on car wash detail and is available for hire ...

  11. Wow, I'm gonna look closer next time there somebody with a sign promoting a fundraiser car wash. Too funny. Did you know I'm deathly afraid of carwashes? I feel like the automated ones are going to eat me up, ha ha!

  12. You always make me laugh out loud! Thanks for making my day Katie!

  13. LOVE your car wash buddies!! Is Il Bacio still in the North End? One of my fav restaurants! And when I saw the photo of the No End, I recognized the area right away - the "Brass Trash" is a block away, imbedded in the street, where they used to have the fresh veggie market - it's very cool and so many people walk over it daily and don't even notice it!

  14. I ate at, "The Stinking Rose" in San Francisco years ago. It's an all-garlic restaurant. Even the desserts included garlic. I loved it! Good middle of the week break, reading your fun commentaries!

  15. Your post has me smiling ear-to-ear! Thanks for such a great pick-me-up!!

  16. What a cute post, Katie! That car washing crew made me laugh. You sure have a way with keeping us in stitches. Thanks for the smiles.

  17. The eye candy! LOL I'm dying! Loved your responses though I wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall at the White House. It's depressing enough just hearing them talk on television. Which is why I stopped watching. LOL LOVE, Fly Me To The Moon and your book club looks like fun!

  18. You always have me laughing out loud, but today you have me crying. As a former teacher, I can totally relate to the emotions of this bride. What a beautiful surprise! I like her guy!!!
    Great answers to this week's hodgepodge!

  19. What a sweet video. And that car wash picture...oh my p, too funny!

  20. Ha ha! That car wash cracked me up & I loved the sweet video. Your answers to these questions always makes me laugh.

  21. I want to be a fly on the wall with your book club - bet some great stories are told with this group!! Love the video - so sweet! Happy Wednesday, my friend!

  22. Oh, the eye candy!!! I'm still laughing!

  23. cover my eyes - quickly! The car wash picture - oh my goodness!

  24. Hello sweet Katie, love your mid week Hodgepodge, always leave with chuckles. Oh my, the dog photo is one of the cutest, love that. My favorite song with the work fly, the hymn "I'll Fly Away."
    Happy Day.........

  25. What a beautiful book group. I don't recall the car washes in Anchorage but a grocery store called Carr's still takes your groceries out to your car.

  26. I am sincerely hoping I can remove the car wash guys image from my brain asap, yikes! Happy garlic day! My favorite is to roast it and smear it on french bread or pizza crust...not the mention how heavenly it makes the kitchen smell when cooking!

  27. I love Fly Away Home too! Late last year, as I flipped past TV channels one night, I came across the haunting opening music (during the car crash) and I knew immediately it was Fly Away Home. Anna Paquin is so talented.

    Beautiful bride and children's performance. (Not many people at the wedding ceremony.)

  28. Great hodgepodge! Oh yes, love full-service car washes and definitely need to clean out my jeep! Have a great week!

  29. The car wash in Cohasset on 3A drys your car!

  30. I love your hodgepodge feature...it always makes me laugh. I love the dog to wash my car! The bride story brought tears to my eyes. You're the best. If you ever move to California, I'll definitely invite you to my book group!


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