Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Is My Homegoods Better Than Your Homegoods?

Hello, dear friends.  How is your week going?  Things around here are pretty wonderful because the weather has been nothing less than spectacular.  It was 80 degrees yesterday, and I spied daffodils aplenty in full bloom on my stroll 7-mile run.

A couple of weeks ago, when the skies were gray for the sixth day in a row, Chili suggested that I get out of the house and take a ride to Homegoods.  She knows the effect that Homegoods has on her Mama's mood.  She volunteered to ride shotgun.  Chowdah stayed at home, as always, because he's a homebody and Director of Security.

I live between two Homegoods, one in Norwell and the other in Plymouth.  Between you and me, my preference is for the one in Norwell because they get better stuff and the staff seems a bit more accommodating.  But there is one big drawback.  The parking lot stinks.  It is nearly impossible to get a parking space.

I've written countless emails to the corporate office asking them for my own designated parking space, but I have yet to hear back.

I don't care what the Mister says... I love this swing.

Great price for a cute sofa.

Good price.

I have a weakness for handpainted ceramics.
The Mister always says that I can open my own Homegoods with all my treasures.
My guy's a real comedian.

Need some last minute Easter accessories?

I stock up on white pitchers to use as hostess gifts.  
It's a great way to present fresh flowers. 

Homegoods has really stepped up its game when it comes to children's accessories.


They had a great set of outdoor furniture on the floor.  
I could have used this chest in Texas for pool towels.

This bowl was made for Chili.  Her one job in life is to follow me around all day long and inspect my actions. 

If Chowdah could have fit into this cute house, I would have gotten him one because he spends most of his life in the doghouse.

I think that the Mister needs this for his office.

This post was not sponsored by Homegoods.
My shopping expedition was underwritten by the Mister.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It's funny. We have one within a couple miles and several within 20 miles. All vary greatly on stock and service.

  2. I love HomeGoods. Its interesting to hear that they can be very different from each other. I have only one near me, and I find that its hit or miss. I either love everything or its pretty meh.

    Love those hand painted ceramics!

  3. You are right Katie..it all depends on the individual store...I have been to a few that were just a horror! I loved every piece you photographed today! A stroll through Home Goods can lift one's spirits! Wishing you a lovely week.

  4. LOL- We have a pretty good HomeGoods here in town and an even better one about 30 miles away. Great job with the photos. You know----you could ALWAYS get a part time job at HomeGoods to support your addiction....of course, who would be available as arm candy for the Mister at any given moment if you were working? THAT is a dilemma. xo Diana

  5. I didn't need to see this post today. I have been a very bad girl but I am not sure that's going to stop me from going to Home Goods (and World Market) today. Since we are having a boring, gall-bladder sensitive Easter Dinner I feel overly compelled to amp up the style a bit! Plus, it's too darned cute. Plus, those tin pitchers are calling my name. I've eyed some of the same things you have -- that swing would look so cute on the porch at the lake. Maybe I won't be THAT bad -- but I want to be.

    We have a bad parking lot, too. Huge and plenty of room but maybe too big! Hard to haul my goods that far afoot!

    Happiest Easter! (I loved the underwriting credit!)

  6. Our closest Home Goods is in Huntsville so I seldom get there. I do enough damage at the local TJ MAXX!! Thanks for the suggestion of books, I did pick up Jessica Shattuck's book, Perfect Life, and it pulled me right in!!

  7. You are so right about the mood enhancing effects of Home Goods! Eye candy I can afford! The parking at my Homegoods in Atlanta stinks too. Your 4 legged babies are so cute.

    1. Hi Rose... I have a feeling that the Homegoods in Atlanta is in my future. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Love the swing, especially the little side stand to hold a glass of WINE!! We just got AT HOME in Syracuse and the whole store is just like the home decor section of Home Goods!!! It's huge, and I could spend an afternoon there (truth be told, I have spent an afternoon there!!) I had a garage sale a few years ago and I heard a neighbor whisper "This looks like Marshalls and Hobby Lobby", and proceeded to spend over $100!! After the sale, I replenished :-)

  9. I was so excited when we moved to Rockwall and there's a HomeGoods here. It's definitely not the best though and I know that because there are awesome HomeGoods stores around Dallas.

  10. We will be getting a Homegoods in our fair city in a few weeks and I can't wait. I collect white pitchers and that one is definitely calling my name. Using them as a hostess gift is a brilliant idea. Thanks for the tour.

  11. A couple of years ago I experienced terrible back problems. I won't bore you with the details. I became a shut in. This is a term we used when I was a little girl to describe the older ladies in our neighborhood that seemed to never leave their homes. Anyhoo, during a conversation with a friend one day, I told her I just wanted to go to Home Goods. I wanted to walk around the "pretty" store. My goal was not very high. Just a visit to Home Goods...Maxine

    1. It's amazing how Homegoods can make you feel better! Have a wonderful weekend, Maxine.

  12. Oh my word -- I love your Homegoods! Ours is definitely not up to par, but I may have to swing by just to be sure. Love the Easter items and the white pitcher -- adorable! Hope you have a good week and fab Easter!

  13. Would you believe the closest one to me is 2 hours away? I've been in a few though and they really must have upped their game, because none of them had that much cute stuff. I'm in love with that couch :)

    I hope you have a lovely Easter!

  14. Yes, yes, and yes about Homegoods in Norwell versus Plymouth. Plus, the pocketbook collection in the TJ Maxx next door in Norwell can't be beat. But the parking!

  15. I love Homegoods and I always walk out with something whenever I go there...whether I truly need it or not. So many choices...it's like sensory overload!

  16. I gasped when I saw that swing!! It's a little too colorful for my taste but I think I could learn to love the color! It's just beautiful! I haven't been to our Homegoods in quite a while but maybe I need to plan a trip there soon.

  17. What cute stuff your Home Goods has. It's been awhile since I've been to ours even though I pass it every day. You've inspired me to go take a look! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  18. We do not have a HomeGoods in our town. You would not believe the miles I've driven to visit one nor the money I spend when I finally find one!
    And yet....what to my wondering eyes did I see last week?? A huge sign on an empty storefront saying HomeGoods Coming Soon!!!!!!!
    WooooooHooooooo.....sorry Pier One, I feel I will be deserting you soon.... Cannot wait!

  19. Oh, what I would give to have a HomeGoods nearby. I LOVE them and hunt for them when we travel. For now, TJ Maxx and Tuesday Morning will just have to do. Ugh! Guess it's best for my billfold that there isn't a HomeGoods nearby. Happy Easter!

  20. Glad to hear it has the same effect on your mood as it does mine - enter the door and deep breath and ahhh relaxation. I also get that same feeling when I enter TJ Maxx and Marshall's.

  21. I love Homegoods and there is one about 2 miles from my house. We've purchased countless items there from multiple rugs to a couple of chairs to holiday decorations. I have three doors and they all have forsythia wreaths from Homegoods! Love your pictures - they truly show the store to its best advantage!

  22. I am heading to Homegoods today...also DSW, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls...They are all in the same center, I am giddy just thinking about it. Have a great day.

  23. Omg Katie, you are so cruel! HG is my happy place too! I've learned the only way to not buy is to not go...luckily when I'm at the beach house, the closest one is an hour away! But I do have 2 near me in Bham, and you know what, they have totally different stuff! So I often run from one to the other, just to make sure I don't miss anything! Your post has sort of quenched my shopping thirst...sort of...

  24. Lucky You! Your HomeGoods looks wonderful. Mine is in SugarLand, Texas and it is so-so. I have been to one in Houston on West Gray and it is dismal. When I get the time and travel I try to see what other stores are like, such as Target, HomeGoods, grocery stores, etc. Targets in Boise, Idaho and Allen, Texas are so nice and clean and well stocked. I have yet to find one like that in Houston, Texas.

  25. I'm new to your blog and really enjoy your wit and sense of humor. We are not fortunate enough to have a Home Goods in San Francisco. I can see why you like to shop there. The management should definitely provide you with a reserved parking spot.

  26. You deserve your own parking spot, Katie, for the great press you give this place! We have three Homegoods within a 20 mile radius and they're all very different. It takes a full day to walk through all three!
    C + C

  27. I too share your love for HomeGoods dear Katie. I am lucky to several not far from my house. DD & I sometimes visit one after Sunday mass; HomeGoods does seem to foster mother/daughter bonding. I bought that adorable chair & ottoman for DD when she was little. It was pink with white polka dots but style & size are the same. You never know what you may find; a few weeks ago I spied a huge Bigfoot in mine! I don't know who would buy such an item but when I went back it was gone. I should have taken a picture. Take care my friend & happy Easter! hugs, Dawn

  28. Believe it or not, I don't shop a lot in HG, but I do love their cache. And yes, their prices are great, especially when you just want a quick pick me up.

  29. Catching up on my reading here. Thanks for the white pitcher tip! The HomeGoods in Westborough on Route 9 can be really good. And plenty of parking.


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