Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy to be in Mashpee

Hello, dear friends.  I am not participating in Hodgepodge this week because I am out of town attending a blogger luncheon hosted by one of my favorite bloggers at her gorgeous home.  I'll give you a hint who the blogger is ... she is the Queen of Blue and White.  Can you guess who it is?   Leave me a comment.

Last Sunday, the Mister and I spent a glorious day on the Cape in the picturesque town called Mashpee. 

Here is your geography lesson for the day.

Fun facts:

Rachel Ray grew up in Mashpee, and William Rosenberg, the founder of Dunkin Donuts lived there later in his life.

The Mister and I enjoy going to the Cape and Nantucket off-season.  Usually, there is a line that goes on for miles leading to the bridge.  That day it was smooth sailing.

Shift is one of my favorites and our first stop.
Quit drooling, Ladies.  
The eye candy out front is taken.

Shift has the cutest dresses.
I didn't try any on because I was retaining 20 lbs. of water that day.

I did try on some arm candy, though.

Next stop was Setting the Space, a home decor store.

They always have great looking pillows.

I thought this was one of the cutest ideas for a hostess gift.  
These bags hold all you need to grow your own veggies and herbs.
 The bags hold the soil and the seeds.  
All you need to do is plant them in the bag and remember to water them.

How sweet is this pillow?
I know my big guy would love to rub his wet, muddy paws all over it.

Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma also have stores in Mashpee Commons.  

There are also some fabulous gift shops, as well.  

We stopped for some sustenance because the Mister was showing the first signs of becoming hangry.
We always like to try a different place for lunch.  
Trevi had delicious food as well as great service.

Miss Daisy and I saved the best stop for last. 
My first commandment of shopping is:  never take the Mister into a cute shop with an empty tummy.

Miss Daisy felt like she was visiting her homeland.

If you love MacKenzie-Childs, The Lili Pad has your name written all over it.

The Lili Pad not only has a bountiful selection of Mackenzie-Childs, but it also has darling baby clothes.

All is well in the Mister's world.
What else does he need?
Tesla, frozen yogurt, a bag of fresh-baked cookies,
... and a hot trophy wife.

Until next time...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we were met with some cold shoulders and dirty looks.

Linked up with:

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a delightful road trip. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  2. Yes, I do know where you are today! I'm sure it will all be fabulous!! Soon I'll be on my way to the Cape and that is exactly the way I like to see the bridge--empty for me to zoom over into paradise. We try to get there at sunrise, before the crowds. I always shop the bay side and Chatham, but now I must go down to Mashpee. When I go I will be sure my Mr. Fun is on the golf course. Have a Wonderful special day, Katie! :) Linda

  3. You live in such a lovely part of the country. Lucky girl to have all those shops to explore and your wonderful guy to do it with. I came for your Hodgepodge, but this was far better!

  4. Looks like the perfect day! Can't wait to hear about the luncheon!

  5. I always love an arm chair trip! Especially to New England. I have to tell you that Miss Daisy inspired me to finish one of my Christmas ornaments in a MacKenzie Childsesque way! I will post a picture on Saturday. If in doubt, go with black and white I say!! But blue and white is a close runner up.

  6. The luncheon was held by Tina at the enchanted home.

  7. Now this looks like a fabulous time! I love coastal Massachusetts, though I've never been to Mashpee. Sounds like you'll have a terrific time shopping, being with friends and lapping up the sun! Enjoy!

  8. This is my idea of fun. It's such a beautiful area to explore. Have a fun and tasty lunch, and make sure to give us a full report!

  9. I am guessing you went to the Enchanted Home. I hope you took lots of pictures. I LOVe her blue and white.

  10. You are definitely at The Enchanted Home! Enjoy!!!

  11. What a fun day out! Great shops.

  12. I LOVEEEEE Mashpee Commons.Are you with Tina? Give my love to her and Teddy.

  13. Katie, thank you for sharing your delightful day. Day trips are so enjoyable. I think you may be at The Enchanted Home today. Lucky lady. I hope you take lots of photos and look forward to your blog about today's experience.

  14. Sounds like you're having way too much fun. LOL Your day out does sound delightful! And so smart to keep your man fed. Love the last pic of the pups. Always so darn cute!

  15. Mashpee Commons is one of my favorite stops! I hope you also got to peek in McDermott Glass Studio! And Trevi is fabulous! Can't wait to get on the Cape...the ocean is calling my name!!

  16. So fun and have a ball at the Conference!!

  17. I know you have enjoyed a fabulous day, birthday girl. Tina's home must be amazing, and we've all seen how she entertains. Can't wait to see photos.
    I would love a trip to the Cape. Lucky you to live so close by and take a day trip on a whim. The Lily Pad is calling my name. ;-)

  18. This looks like a wonderful daytrip. I love how you caught your hubby lounging in front of one of the shop, and I'm sure he loved stopping in the Tesla store. Hope you have a wonderful blogger luncheon. Pass some tips on to us when you get back!

  19. The pups at the door are precious! You found some really great shops and I thank you for sharing your get-away with us. I don't have a guess about who you visited, but look forward to reading about it!!

  20. You always go to the neatest shops! I'd like to tag along one day. :o))

  21. Your hubby sure has it all! lol Love the shops -especially the last one. I bet you are at Tina's-Enchanted Home! That's MY bet!
    Have a wonderful time no matter where you are-xo Diana

  22. You had me in stitches, Katie, especially the dogs peering out at the end of your post!

    Thanks for the tour of the Cape. I've always wanted to go and am still working on the hubby. I loved Martha's Vineyard, and we really do need to work our way up the East coast instead of always down. Ha!

    Love the shops...some of those nautical dishes had me swooning.

    Jane x

  23. Looks like you had an absolutely wonderful time!

  24. Hope you filled Miss Daisy up with some goodies at the Lilli Pad!

  25. That looks like so much fun! I hope you picked up lots of presents on that trip. ;)

  26. That town has some beautiful shops! Did you come home with any goodies? I love the bracelets! Thanks for bringing us along, Katie. -Jenn

  27. So jealous you get to enjoy a luncheon party at Tina's Enchanted Home! Look forward to photos and tidbits!

  28. Like me, you are one lucky girl now that you get to stop at every Tesla outlet in the country! Enjoy your day.-Laurel Bledsoe

  29. Sounds like a great day, those shops!!! Love the pouty dog faces scolding you when you got back!

  30. Lots to check out in Mashpee Commons - The Lili Pad is unique - and Trevi is a good spot for a meal - but Cupcake Charlie's for a Hostess with the Mostess cupcake is my favorite stop.

  31. Looks like a wonderful way to spend the day! Cant wait to hear about the luncheon!

  32. I REMEMBER that BRIDGE!!!!!!!!!!AS I flew NORTH about 6 pm!
    You had me smiling through this POST left and right................
    If YOU and the Mister EVER come MY WAY I think maybe my Husband can get the MISTER a TOUR of the TELSA plant!MY husband spends A LOT of TIME THERE more than he does with his MODEL WIFE!He builds the foundations for the machinery.
    Now get caught up with MY BLOG!!!!!!YOU will ADORE CINDY.........she is YOUR cup of TEA and her write up and interview of ME is a HOOT!

  33. LOVE all the home decor items. Looks like the weather was gorgeous.

  34. What a smashing trip, and wonderful shops! I love the tablescapes, and the picture of the pups giving you the stink eye, LOL!!

  35. Katie, what a fun post! I love the children's clothing...perfect for my little granddaughter. I was late linking with Shelley's travel party and just now looking at the posts!

  36. 20 lbs of water weight...too funny! What a cute place and a very timely post for me because we actually passed that town on the way to Woods Hole for the Martha's Vineyard ferry this past weekend! Next year we will have to stop in and shop! And yes, I saw some photos of your luncheon...looks like you all had a fabulous time! Thanks for linking up to this month's Take Me Away party! Have a wonderful week!
    xo Shelley


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