Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, April 14, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you had a great week.  All is well around here except for the fact that the Mister gave me a cold.  I am chugging buckets of Zicam and Vitamin C which are supposed to lessen the symptoms.  Now instead of my cold running its course for seven days, it will only last a week.  

Does anyone else's appetite increase when they have a cold?  It's not even 9 AM, and I just feasted on my third lunch.  Most of my skinny friends lose their appetite when they're sick.  Not me.

These are a few items that hit my radar this week.   

So sorry that we lost Don Rickles this week.  I came across his house listing, and it's not what I expected.  I love the decor.  Seems like it is a cozy house and a great place to entertain. 


Do you own horses?  I found the perfect house for you just thirty minutes outside of NYC.


Here's another gorgeous house for sale in Palm Beach.


Are you thinking of adding a library to your home?  
Here is some great inspiration.


Want to know how to skip the long lines at the airport?  
I've got the scoop.


The bad news is the IRS says that you owe them money.  The good news is that you could win a free one-way ticket on my favorite airline, Jet Blue.  

Added bonus:  you don't have to fly United.


Planning a wedding and in need of some clever ideas for wedding favors?

They are right here.


Do you have a daughter getting married?
What type of Mother-of-the-Bride are you?


Are you looking for some new books to read to the little ones in your life?

Here's a great list of suggestions.


The Mister sent me this little tidbit because he knows about my newfound addiction to tea.  Every day I heat up the water in my beautiful MC teapot.

Guess what!

According to this article, this is not the healthiest way to brew my tea.

I'm still going to use my teapot.
I don't care what the silly article says.


Did you just find out that more people are coming for your Easter celebrations than you thought?  Here are some last minute appetizers that just might save your bunny tail.

Added bonus: they're Martha approved.


Is there a graduate in the house?  
Here is the ultimate guide to planning the party.


If the graduate is in the job market, here is a list of the Best Places to Work according to employee surveys.

Added Bonus:  The White House is not one of them.


Have you ever wished you had a magnifying glass handy?
If you have an iPhone, this guy will tell you how to turn your phone into a magnifying glass in 3 easy steps.  

I can even do it!



Kristy Woodson Harvey, who writes the fabulous blog, Design Chic, sent me an early copy of her new book, Slightly South of Simple.

It centers around a mother and her three adult daughters who are visiting her in a small Southern beach town.  I was totally mesmerized by the multi-dimensional characters that made up this heartwarming story about love, loss, and family ties.

Kristy did a stellar job in depicting the tension and frivolity that encompassed the relationships between the sisters.  Each sister was intriguing in her own way. 

But my favorite storyline in Slightly South of Simple is the middle-aged romance that develops between the widowed Mother, Ansley, and her not-so-forgotten love, Jack.  There are very few books that I have read that involve a love story of people of a certain age.  It was believable as well as refreshing.

Another great thing about this book is the fact that it is the first of a trilogy.  I can hardly wait to catch up with Ansley and her daughters in the next chapter of their lives.

I highly recommend Slightly South of Simple to the reader who appreciates the charm of Southern Literature.  It's one of the best.

Enjoy your Easter.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That iphone magnifying tip is priceless! I can't wait to put it on my phone. Wishing your family a very Happy Easter!

  2. Oh I love the home of Don Rickles! Just a post chocked full of yumminess and eye candy! Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

  3. The magnifying tip was the find of the day. Might as well go to bed. My day is complete.

  4. Happy Easter Katie....As usual I love browsing all the files you share with us. And by the way, I do have a library upstairs in my husband's man cave/ grandkids play area. We filled the walls with shelves because my man and I both love books. Kindles are nice in a pinch but to me there is no more calming effect than sitting down, opening a book and turning the pages one by one. I am a dinosaur but a happy one.

  5. Katie, I just finished watching the magnifier video. I will be using this quite often. I love southern stories and you have convinced me to pick up a copy of Slightly South of Simple. Happy Easter wishes to you and yours.

  6. I've always LOVED the idea of a library/dining room combination and this one you've shown us is stunning! Now we can all read a book at the table while we eat to avoid family squabbles! Ha! My man and I recently skipped the long line at the airport, but on another trip overseas, it didn't work so well and we were stuck in airport H-E-L-L! Oh, when will my private jet be ready????
    Happy Easter weekend to you!

  7. Hey Kate the Great- We just discovered your blog roll now that you mentioned it to us. You read all these blogs everyweek? (thus our new title for you) KTG. Honored to be a part of this! We must get one at LBD...I am sicking the IT gnome on it! Can't wait to see the Mister's Easter Table! - Laurel Bledsoe

  8. What a great Friday Files! I love those houses! Don Rickles house is warm and lovely! Incredible libraries, great tips! I learned how to turn on the magnifier on my iphone!

    There was one category of MOB that Martha didn't share - the wedding planner MOB. That was me. What do you want, does it fit the budget, then lets do it! :)

    Happy Easter, Katie!

  9. The book sounds really good. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Jet Blue is my favorite, too. Love them!

    Have a wonderful Easter and great weekend. Are you going to put bunny ears on the dogs?

  10. Thank you, thank you for the lovely review, Katie! I am so appreciative!! BTW, tea in the microwave?! I feel like I avoid that thing at all costs and now this? I'm with you. I'm sticking with my teapot! Hope you recover super quickly. Happy Easter! Much love, Kristy

    MOTHER OF THE GROOM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hope you feel better soon! I believe chocolate marshmallow Easter eggs have healing properties! Love the tip on magnifying glass on my iPhone -- will definitely use that. THanks! Happy Easter!

  13. I love your Friday files! I am saving Kristy's book for next week when I am recouping..I am going to have to check out the I phone app...my eyes certainly would appreciate it!! Happy Easter Katy!!

  14. Those gorgeous homes! Have a blessed Easter weekend.

  15. Love the home near NYC. Recently visited a friend who lives west of Austin in a gated community that has horse stables and horses grazing in pastures right outside their homes. It was such a beautiful scene with bluebonnets, blue sky, and a nice gentle breeze. Sounds like a great life! Didn't know the tip about tea, but we've been brewing our tea in the micro for years. I thought we were just lazy. Now I know we are smart! '-)
    Happy Easter!

  16. Katie, I hope you're near your 7th day of cold and giving it the boot. This post has me realizing all the upcoming life events in my family within the next 3 (!) weeks - a wedding, a graduation, a baby. That list of best places to work...maybe In and Out Burgers needs a Phys Asst on board and my SIL could get a job there, saving one person from heart attack at a time. :O Happy Easter.

  17. Hope the vitamins helped with the cold and you are feeling better now. Wow, love the homes, especially the library din room. Great tip about the tea kettle, who know. The book sounds like a good read. Happy Easter Katie..........

  18. Always great info! Love the magnifier, very cool!! Hope you're feeling better soon! Happy Easter!

  19. I also eat too much when I am sick - what's up with that? I have never been TOO sick to eat!! What kind of Mother of the Bride am I? Without even going to the link, I already know I am a broke one, BUT, one wedding down and only one more to go!

  20. Thanks for your always helpful tips. I now have a magnifier for my not too great reading vision!

  21. A pox on that cold! (Not the Mister) I brew tea in the MW occasionally because I am lazy, but I prefer a teapot, too. I think it tastes better, I don't care what that doofus says. I got a message from Amazon that SLIGHTLY SOUTH OF SIMPLE is shipping earlier than scheduled, so that was a nice little gift. My appetite has never been affected by a cold, more's the pity, and the chocolate cupcakes and munchie-things just stimulated it even more even though I don't have a cold. Thanks for another round of smirks and grins!

  22. The one as the palm peach is so open, wide and beautiful house. Wish i could buy it.
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  23. Zicam and Vitamin C which are supposed to lessen the symptoms.
    airport parking deals


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