J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Thursday, April 27, 2017

An Enchanting Afternoon

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  The Friday Files is canceled this week so that I can fill you in on a magnificent luncheon that I attended on Wednesday at the home of Tina, from The Enchanted Home.  Tina was kind enough to include my Sista, as well.  Unfortunately, Sista's flight from Arizona was canceled which prevented her from joining us. 

Not only is Tina's home absolutely heavenly to see, it also smells delicious.

Now, this is what I call the WOW factor!

The first word that came to mind when I saw Tina's table setting was perfection.  I actually got heart palpitations.

Tina's guests of honor were Kristy Woodson Harvey and her beautiful Mom, Beth.  They write the fabulous blog, Design Chic. Jeanne McKay Hartmann, artist extraordinaire, is on the right.


We celebrated Kristy's release of her third book, Slightly South of Simple.  We all read it and it was so much fun to ask her questions about the story and the characters.  Kristy is on a two-month book signing tour.  She had an event that night in NYC.

Kristy is absolutely darling.  She is poised and articulate, just as you would expect.

Beth is so pretty and the epitome of a Southern lady.  I really enjoyed chatting with her.  I hope that our paths cross again some day.   

Tina's love for flowers is evident in every room.  She positively lit up telling us how much she loves going to the Flower Market in NYC.  I bet the Market is pretty happy to see Tina too! 

The food was not only exquisitely presented, but also really delicious.  Tina made the best Tomato Soup I have ever tasted in my whole life.  Don't tell the Mister I said that.

I had the privilege of meeting all of the attendees before at past luncheons with the exception of Kristy and Beth.  You can read about the other luncheons here and here.  These ladies are the cream of the crop and could not be lovelier.  The guest list included:  Patricia from PVE Design, Sandy from You May Be Wandering, Carolyn and Cynthia from The Buzz Blog/Diane James Home, Karolyn from The Relished Roost, Elizabeth from Pretty Pink Tulips,  and Jeanne McKay Hartmann

From pictures, you can see that Tina's house is breathtaking.  But the thing that photos can't pick up on is how inviting it is, just like the Mistress of the house.  Tina was so warm and welcoming and the perfect hostess. 

When she found out that I was driving back to Boston, she offered her guest room for the night.  I told her that if I spent the night, she would need an eviction notice to get me to leave.  

I had these mugs made up for the ladies and filled them with kisses.

My blog buddies, including Tina, distributed delightful gifts as well, to commemorate the occasion.

It was lucky that I allowed Miss Daisy to ride shotgun so that she could help me haul all my loot to the car!

As I pulled out of Tina's driveway, I smiled at the thought of all the wonderful friends that I have been blessed with thanks to my funny little hobby called blogging. 


Last week, it was the Mister's turn to pick the flick. As with all his choices, I didn't expect much.  Boy, was I ever wrong.  The Promise is powerful, entertaining, and educational.  It also contains a beautiful, heartbreaking love story.  I highly recommend this movie.
As a heads up, the critics disagree with my high marks.
But what do they know?


After You Left is beautifully written.  I finished listening to it in the car on the way to the luncheon.  The reader of the audible book has the most appealing British accent which makes is a joy to listen to the story.  It has got the perfect combination of mystery, love, and heartbreak.


I am going to a book signing next week and Randy Susan Meyers is one of the authors that will be speaking.  I began listening to this novel about a Ponzi scheme in the car.  It's quite good so far.  It reminds me of the Madoff story.  I'll keep you posted.

Until next time...

Sir Teddy
The Lord of The Enchanted Home
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Lucky you! If you needed someone to take Sista's place, I would have happily driven with you! What a luncheon! I can only imagine what a beautiful home Tina has.

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Her home looks lovely in uour photos. Thanks for the heads up on those books and movie.

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to the event, for all the kind words you said about my mom and myself! So glad you enjoyed yourself!

  4. Sad that Sista was stuck in AZ. I know she would have loved this luncheon as any of us would have. Seeing this makes me a tad shy about inviting you to lunch here. ;-)
    I'm going to grab a copy of Kristy's book. I've heard others rave about it as well.
    Certainly glad you had Miss Daisy along to help. Looks like some lovely gifts.
    Thanks for sharing photos of Tina's table and gorgeous flowers. I think I need some peonies and hydrangeas.

  5. Wow, looks like a delightful day! What a lovely table setting and beautiful flowers! Tina's home looks like it came out of a magazine - lucky you to be able to meet so many bloggers!

  6. Wow seems to be the best descriptor for that beautiful dining room! Wow! Looks and sounds like such a lovely time. Thanks for sharing it with us! Wow!

  7. Oh, my goodness, perfection is right!!! I would have felt like a queen for sure. Thanks for sharing this most delightful time with us.

  8. Oh, how perfectly you captured our special day together! It was so wonderful to catch up with you and hear more about your girls! I'm jealous you'll be in Dallas before me. :)

    The mug just makes me smile. Thank you so much for a perfect party favor.

    Take care of the Mister and those sweet pups!
    xx Elizabeth

  9. What a fabulous day for you!! Tina is so talented and you can tell from her blog writing that she is sweet too. I think ANY soup would have been delicious in those amazing soup bowls!!!!! I would have been speechless (unusual for me!) just taking in all the beauty. I must get a copy of this book now. Your mug party favor is perfect -- it just says it all!! Linda

  10. I follow Tina's blog and found my way here. What a nice site! I will be visiting often as it seems we have much in common, the empty nester thing on the top of the list. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your day. It looks stunning and fun all at once.

  11. You are so fortunate to live where you are at the epicenter of so much, Katie! This looked fabulous. Miss Daisy served you well, and she looks right at home in that niche.

  12. A beautiful luncheon. What a treat for everyone. Miss Daisy looks fabulous. 💃💋🍽

  13. What a stunning luncheon. Just a beautiful home. What a treat to meet such a lovely author.

  14. It sounds like a wonderful afternoon! Tina's home is gorgeous (and her flowers to die for). I love your blogging cups! Don't you love it how gifty bloggers are? And I've never been disappointed with a meet-up. Everyone is just who they are on blog, so authentic. And I love that!

  15. You all were treated Royally!! I loved seeing the pictures and I LOVE that mug you took to all your friends. I may have to look for one like it for myself. I had lunch with my besties yesterday and one was telling me how much she loves your blog. She reads if from my blog roll. So if your ears were burning, we were talking about how you make us laugh. And how we enjoy your book suggestions. We are all big readers.

  16. The lunch sounds like so much fun! I'm just a little bit jealous even though I know I'm not supposed to be. :)

  17. Love the coffee cup....hummm....pencil cup! You are a big deal, always.-Laurel Bledsoe

  18. What a lovely home and luncheon. Love the individual covered soup tureens. So sorry that Sista couldn't attend. Have an enjoyable, warm (yay) weekend.

  19. Wowza, what a luncheon!! You hobnob with the most interesting people Katie, and I love your book recommendations! The favors you gave your blog buddies are adorable! My husband only watches shoot em up movies, except when I've got a sappy Hallmark one on, he tends to linger, he secretly loves them! Happy weekend,

  20. I would bet that your sista is jealous now that you've posted pictures -- wow!!

  21. Charming and fun! Love your mug design, you clever girl! I love it when people go to all the extra effort to show their love for their friends. It's such an honor to be treated well. And now, have a very happy and beautiful weekend!

  22. I followed Tina's blog as she was building and decorating this gorgeous home and so wished for a guided tour. Thank you for taking my place at this luncheon. HA! What a delightful occasion and company that must have been. And thank you for the blog links as well. And, I must check out some of the audio book suggestions as that is how Hubby and I travel. May your weekend be as special as you made this day for me.

  23. I do apologize for not picking up when you called to ask me to be the proxy. Silly me. Next time, Sis, next time.

  24. Well, I have her chairs just an OLDER version and I have the NAPKINS.........
    Stemware,I can COMPETE!
    JEANNE, looks YOUNGER and YOUNGER as THE YEARS PASS BY!!!!!!!!!!!
    What FUN for you ALL to meet UP...........I note the HOSTESS does not want to be photographed?!
    I read KRISTY's first book!I do not think I could LISTEN to a book on tape while I drive for fear of getting so caught up in it I would cause an accident!!!!!
    AND THAT TEDDY.........is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YEP, that stuff called BLOGGING is PRETTY DARN SPECIAL..........................LUCKY YOU!

  25. HA!!! I KNEW that you were going to Tina's! You lucky girl, you!! How very special that you got to spend some time with all those fabulous ladies AND eat the best tomato soup you have ever eaten (won't tell the Mister, I promise).
    Tina's home is so beautiful- I watched her build it from the ground up. It is a gorgeous place. I follow her blog but don't often comment.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Katie. xo Diana

  26. Dearest Katie

    Its so lovely to read about your special day and luncheon with Tina, although am so sorry your sweet Sista did not make it what a shame. But I know you will have had a super day and Tina's hospitality is second to none.
    I just want to hug Teddy when I see his picture, so I hope you did :)
    How talented is Kristy to be an author. I love her blog design chic and have been reading almost since I met you all. It must have been a wonderful day and full of friendship
    Have a happy weekend my dearest, and I'm sending a hug to your dogs too
    Much love
    Sally xx

  27. An enchanting afternoon most certainly! What a fabulous blogger meet up of some of my favorite bloggers. The setting is simply gorgeous and you each brought such lovely treasures to share with each other. What a fun post, Katie!!
    Happy weekend!
    xx, Heather

  28. PS-- Kristy's book was wonderful!!! So happy for her success as an author. I'll be posting on the book this weekend. Fun stuff!!!

  29. Love this post and so happy i did not miss it!!! It was so great to see you and thank you for making the trip....it wouldn't have been the same without you. I so appreciate your kind words and happy you had fun, too bad Sista couldn't join us but there will be a next time:) I see you posted a pic of your boyfriend at the end, he is now your biggest fan, between giving him the spotlight and the big bone, you sure know the way to his heart!! Enjoy your weekend.

  30. PS THANK YOU for your kind compliment about the tomato soup!!1 Happy you enjoyed it, will share the recipe next week (you can pass it onto the Mister not that he needs any tips, being the master chef that he is)!

  31. I'm new to your blog and am really enjoying it. Tina's house is beautiful! You were right about her love of blue and white and flowers. What a beautiful table to sit down at and enjoy the company! What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. I always appreciate your book and movie recommendations. Thank you.

  32. What a special and fun afternoon! I am so jealous. I am new to blogging, but hope to one day be able to say I've made such lovely friends. As always, your post is entertaining. I love the way you write. :)

  33. It was wonderful to see you and we love our mugs! What a special group we have and we feel very blessed that our blogging hobby has introduced us to such a fantastic community of women. We missed seeing Sista so please give her a hug from us!
    C + C

  34. It looks like you had a wonderful day! I had planned on heading into the city that evening to meet Kristy at her book launch event but we had a family emergency. Luckily all is fine now but it's been a tough week! Glad you all enjoyed your time together! Love the mug!

  35. What a spectacular home and luncheon! Your gift to them was just perfect! I watched three movie trailers for The Promise and it looks like my kind of movie. Thanks for the recommendation!

  36. Sounds like the perfect day! All of these ladies are wonderful and I am sure even more so in person.

    I love your gift so cute.

    Have a wonderful weekend

  37. I've heard you tell of Tina's magnificent and gracious hospitality in the past. It looks like she even outdid herself with this luncheon! Love, love, love the mugs you had made! You are my go-to gal for hostess gift ideas! Have a wonderful weekend!

  38. That house is spectacular! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!

  39. Wow! The dinning room looks amazing. So elegant, starting from the flowers, the tablescape, the chairs, the walls. Amazing!

  40. Hi Katie darling...it was SO lovely to see you last week, but as usual, we never have enough time!!! Thank you SO much for the delightful mug - it makes me smile and think of you every time I use it. The kisses were especially good too! I hope you and the Mister had a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  41. Katie, Loved this. I watched every step of Tina's house being built! How exciting that you were invited to a luncheon there!...and sounds like this wasn't the first time! Sigh...I guess not all of us bloggers are so well connected. Thanks for posting... Janey

  42. I'm so jealous, that looks like an amazing lunch with such a talented group of women. Tina's table is exquisite. Love your idea of gifting a beautiful pitcher filled with flowers. ~ebh

  43. SUCH FUN TO READ ABOUT YOUR LUNCHEON. Thanks so much for getting the great photos. Now I have to be on the look out on Tina's blog for the tomato soup recipe!

  44. You went to Tina's???? OMGoodness, what a thrill! I have follwed her since she started building this home! It truly is amazingly beautiful. I wish you had gotten a picture of Tina! I have always wondered about her. She is so sweet and down to earth on her blog. I wish I could go to the NYC flower market! Thanks for taking us along to this wonderful luncheon!!!!

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