Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, April 21, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Did everyone have a good week?  With the exception of spending over an hour on the phone with my BFFs at Comcast and cleaning up after a certain someone, mine was pretty good.  We woke up to April showers this morning but the weekend promises blue skies.

He looks really remorseful, doesn't he?

If you're looking for Chowdah, you can find him in Time Out.


These are a few things that have come across my radar this week.

Are you looking to move to Italy?  Have I got a place for you!  This gorgeous retreat includes a hunting reserve, 25 guest cottages, and a chapel.  Yup, a chapel so you can thank God that you can afford this monstrosity.  


Guess what star is going to be reading to her six kids in this library.  And yes, the rest of the house is just as magnificent as this room.
I knew I should have kept up my acting career.


One of my favorite anchormen just put his NYC pad on the market.  Hope he's moving up and not retiring.


What do you think of the 8 hottest home trends according to Pinterest?  
Have you put one in place in your home?


Do you love hydrangeas as much as me?
Here is the rundown on anything and everything you need to know about growing gorgeous hydrangeas.

I had two bushes that didn't bloom last year, and now I know why. 


Now that the airline industry is having a huge shake-up, here is a great article on suggestions of how air travel can become better.  I agree with almost all these brilliant ideas, especially the free Wifi.  


Have you ever wondered why the Queen carries a purse?
Here's the real purpose of the purse.


Guess what is coming up for auction?  
Can you lend me $100,000?
I loved this show!


Fellow Real Housewives fans, have you ever wondered what happened to the Housewives of the past?
You can find out the scoop right here.


As far as I'm concerned, the worst part of Summer is the mosquitos.  Those little buggers can ruin the best of evenings.  According to this post, you can make an attractive bug repellent that will keep them away for hours.


During the past couple of weeks, the Mister and I saw a couple of good movies.

We both loved The Zookeeper's Wife.  There are a couple of raw scenes that are hard to watch for all you animal lovers out there like me.  But the story was captivating and well-told.


Just in case you want to read the book first.

I knew I would like Gifted, but I didn't expect to love it.  It's got it all - heartwarming story, stellar acting, and eye candy for Mama.  Mckenna Grace stole the show.

If you're looking for an uplifting, feel-good movie, this one is for you. 



When an author can entertain as well as teach the reader something, it is a good book.  This is one of Lisa See's best.  I enjoyed the characters as well as learning about the superstitions, traditions, and mechanics of growing and marketing teas.  


I just started this little gem of a novel.  I always know if I'm going to like a book if I like the characters right away.  So far, so good.  I'll keep you posted.


My friend, Liz, texted me that she loved this book.  So naturally, I downloaded it and started listening to it in the car.  The woman who reads the story has the most beautiful British accent.  I think I'm going to like this one.  If nothing else, I may adopt a British accent.  Just like Dorit.  (RH fans know who I'm talking about).
I'll keep you posted.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love your Friday files! You always have the best book suggestions. I can't wait to see Gifted and would love to see The Zookeeper's Wife too. Life lately has just been too busy for movies. Now..I'm curious about that purse.

    Have a great weekend. Let Chowdah out of the corner. :)

  2. Thank you for your recommendation of I Liked My Life by Abby Fabiaschi. I read it last week and thought it was just fabulous. I look forward to your Friday files every week.

    1. Thank you so much Sharon. I wish you got to meet Abby - she's a riot. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Look at the view from Lester Holt's place! I hope he's not leaving the news. Thanks for all the fun links and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LOL- I was here two hours ago and got sidetracked visiting your links. It was interesting to read about all the has-beens on Housewives. lol I love your Friday Files--but then I love YOU! xo Diana

  6. Great links! Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Hello Friday! Pinterest is my nemesis but Kristen loves it so it is now part of my world. To my defense, we older gals have been doing alternative storage for years, accepted pink long ago on guys, wallpapered every inch of our lives at sometime and can make a vertical bar on the fly. It's all how you look at it!-Laurel Bledsoe

  8. Your Friday Files make for such an entertaining and informative read! Thanks!!

  9. ACK....i only have ten minutes until car pool starts and all i want to do is click through all your links. your lists are THE BEST!


  10. Oh, your sweet doggy looks apologetic! Hmmm, I wonder if my husband would save me from a bad conversation if I switched my purse to my other arm? Doubtful. This is the man when I kicked him under the table for saying something he wasn't supposed to, looked at me and said, "Why are you kicking me?" -Jenn

  11. I was hoping one of the hottest trend in houses was going to be excess dog fur. Sigh. Perhaps I'm ahead of my time. Happy weekend to you!

  12. I have two hydrangeas in the front of my house but they're in front of the windows so I have to prune them every year and they've grown to be so big it takes me hours! Last year I pruned them all the way to the ground and I'm thinking of moving one to a corner of the backyard where it can grow free, as big as it wants! :) That's quite interesting about the Queens purse! Very clever!

  13. Love these posts...so much to comment on. I love a trend of hanging straw hats, such a great beach house/coastal home look. I am going see Gifted today and so excited, I have been wanting to see it..so my kind of movie. A friend and I are sneaking off for a matinee. And yes that Italian villa...gorgeous!! Love the Queen and going read up on her reason for her always having her purse:) Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Watched the trailers for those two movies....so intriguing! Thanks, always, for the Friday Files.

  15. Thanks for the links. I love hydrangeas and my one bush is great and everything else I plant dies.

    Hey, I've been trendy for years and I didn't know it! I use trunks A LOT. And I always leave everyday things out. I called it mess versus home decor but now I might be rethinking that!

  16. The HANDBAG MOVES make perfect sense to me!!!!!!!!I wonder if 007 came up with THAT or those MEN IN SUITS!
    I have heard one needs to put a rusty nail in the dirt with the HYDRANGEA to make the BLUE STRONGER!I couldn't get your link to load............
    DID you have a birthday?Seems I saw that somewhere and couldn't respond................if SO AUGURI!

  17. Great post. I really hope this comment comes through - I've been having such a problem getting comments to go through to bloggers' emails. I've avoided the Zookeeper's Wife, I was afraid there would be some of the raw scenes you mentioned.

  18. The trend of leaving everyday objects on display makes me laugh, isn't it simply not putting things away?!?! I hope Chowdah is out of the "doghouse" now :)

  19. I hate to admit I got pulled into the Real Housewives tv shows but now I just watch NYC. My daughter has gotten me hooked on Southern Charm and now a Southern Charm Savannah is coming on!! It is my husband's hometown so I have to watch it, Don't I? Please say yes. Thanks again for the book recommendations.

  20. If you start talking like Dorit and moving your purse from one hand to the other, then it will be proof positive that you have lost your mind!!

  21. I love your posts. By the way, have you read Lincoln in the Bardo? I just listened to it via Audible...I really didn't enjoy it. Just curious.
    I love the queen and now I think she's even more clever than I had thought.

  22. Always love your recommendations! I just watched the trailer for Gifted and now I really want to see it! Oh that Chowdah...Enjoy your week!

  23. Great tips - thank you!! Oh no -- not Dorit!! AM sure your British accent will be better than hers! :) Have a great weekend!


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