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Friday, March 17, 2017

The Friday Files

Top of the mornin' to ya, dear friends.  Spring is due to arrive soon, but it is still freezing cold outside.  Rumor has it that warmer temps are headed our way next week.

Here are some things that have crossed my radar this week.

Can you guess who cooks in this kitchen? 

The Queen of Buttah... Miss Paula Deen.  Her beautiful home is on the market, and she just reduced the price.

Are you looking for a waterfront home?  My friend, Susie posted this listing on Facebook the other day.  For  $249,000 this historic Virginia lighthouse could be yours.  It may need a little work, though.

No need to re-do your patio when you can purchase one of these weather proof igloos.  You'll be the talk of your 'hood.

TVs are not just for watching anymore.  
They can resolve a design challenge as well.
Find out the scoop here.

Need help deciding on window treatments for your kitchen?  
This guide can help.


If you love succulents like I love succulents, I've got a great article for you.   Did you know that the succulent is known as the fat plant?  They become fat from retaining water.  Just like me - as I tell my doctor, it's all water weight and has nothing to do with the chips and dip.

Next time that you're booking your flight check out this list of best and worst airports for TSA delays.

36 DIY Easter Wreaths can be found here.

Isn't this the prettiest Easter cake?  
Only one drawback - you have to make it.  
Here's the recipe.
If I made it, there would be very little resemblance to the photo. 

My two favorite food groups wrapped into one:  bacon and cinnamon rolls.  This sweet and salty recipe can be found here.  

Very low cal, too!

I've noticed a lot of these James Keiller & Sons showing up on decorating sites and Pinterest.  I found a very interesting article about them in this antique newsletter on page 6.  

You can find the best anti-aging skin products rated by Good Housekeeping here.  Mine is #2.  It's no wonder I look so good when I semi-cross my eyes and stand 10 feet from the mirror 

One fashion trend that I will pass on.

Fast forward this face about 60 50 years, and that's what I looked like watching the last episode of This Is Us.  So sorry the season is over but must say that the finale did not hold the punch that I had expected.

I don't get it.  Why are the airlines still serving peanuts when there are so many people with allergies?  I have a friend who lost a son to a peanut allergy.  You would think that the airlines would come up with a safer snack.  

I wouldn't turn my nose up at a bag of double stuffed Oreos.

Consumer Reports released the best dusting tools and their dirty little secrets to aid in your Spring Cleaning.
What's Spring Cleaning, again?

If you are looking to watch a movie centering around Ireland this weekend, you can find a list here.  One of my all time favorite movies is Brooklyn.  I'll find any excuse to watch it again.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love all your Friday Files. My daughter and I watched Brooklyn the other night and she and I have both read everything Maeve Binchy ever wrote.
    I use the Boots 07 products and really love them. They are reasonably priced and I think they are great (I do use the non-retinol ones though).
    Have a blessed St. Paddy's Day- Lord love ya- xo Diana

  2. Love those James Keiller & Sons crocks.

  3. Hello dear Katie and top o' the morning to you too

    A very Happy St Patrick's day my dear friend, may the sun shine and the luck of the Irish be with you. Here it is raining but I know it won't dampen all the celebrations. My favourite movie about Ireland is Brooklyn too!

    I always like your Friday files as it means its almost the weekend ;) the Easter cake looks so pretty, Spring is coming I can feel it
    Lots of love to you my dear
    Sally xxx

    'A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything' Irish proverb

    1. Agree on your disappointment in the season finale of This IsUs but then I was thinking- what Liz, did you want him to die? We know he's going to so this will pull us back in September- like we needed an excuse. Love to you! Liz

    2. Sally, I love that proverb. Have not heard that one before. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    3. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Liz. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

  4. I could not agree more about the peanuts on planes, give me some Oreo's any day. The light house is so cool! I have seen a few before that have been remodeled and they are great.

    Those jeans, there are not really words, then again there is so much "fashion" that is plain ugly, and ridiculous

    Have a fabulous weekend.

  5. I don't understand the britches with the windows. No one's knees look that good.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  6. I would pass on those pants too! I want to move in with Paula Dean now! Gorgeous Kitchen and that cake so lovely. Happy St. Patricks Day!

  7. Brooklyn! Love this movie and have watched several times. I'm sure I will watch several more as well.

  8. Happy St. Patrick's day to you, Katie Clooney! Do Americans colour their beer green like some Canadians do? -Jenn

  9. Hi Katie :)

    I was amazed to see that crock. I found a pice of one when we were out digging at a mining camp site. Alas, it was only a tiny piece, but it had the writing on it, so I saved it.

    That TV is AMAZING! I'm sure pricey too, but I'd love to have it instead of the ugly black one I have now.

    Loved that lighthouse too, but yes... a "little" work is needed lol

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  10. Love your Friday files -- I'll be dreaming of that cake!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. You have some fun links here! Maybe I'll frost my hummingbird cake in pale blue for Easter -- that's awfully pretty. And seeing your sweet pup reminds me that I have to post my St. Patrick's Day photo of someone furry! Happy Day!

  12. Paula Deen's home is lovely! If I had the money to invest that lighthouse would be a cool project to tackle. I have not yet seen the movie but having been born & raised in Brooklyn I can tell you first hand it is a very special place! Watching the St. Patrick's Day Parade right now. Happy St.Paddy's Day to all especially you my dear friend. xoxo,

    1. Same to you, dear Dawn, and your beautiful DD. I think you would positively love the movie, Brooklyn. Have a great weekend, and stay warm, friend.

  13. I always enjoy your comments and perspective. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, dear Martha for your kind words. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. I have to agree on the last episode of This Is Us! This post is chock full of terrific links, it will take me awhile. I DO like that igloo!!! I have wished we had covered ours. Live and learn, except that this is our last house:):) Happy St. Patrick's day!!!!! I am now following you!

  15. Enjoyed the Friday Files, but . . . yikes! Austin is on the TSA Delay List. Not good!
    Love Paula's kitchen. Will need to watch Brooklyn. Happy St. Pat's Day to you and the mister and those cuties that live with you.

  16. Oh, Paula, dear Paula! I've not seen Brooklyn, so perhaps I should. You are so right about the peanuts, but seems I always get pretzels when I fly. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. We've been followers for quite awhile and look forward to M-W-F to give us the boosts we need! Love that kitchen transom glass.-Laurel

  18. I love your Friday Files Katie, you always round up the most interesting stuff! I'm with you on the jeans, they are bad enough all torn up, but the plastic is hilarious! Here's to that trend being passé very soon! One of my friends was telling me this week that This is us is a must watch, and I will be off to check the door decorations and that pretty cake, happy weekend!

  19. Katie - As always, I enjoy your posts and love your sense of humor. I identify with you as I have two daughters and have lived in The Woodlands since 1983. Love it here! I'm so sorry to read about your friend losing her son to an allergic reaction to peanuts. My older daughter's good friend has two sons whom have extreme peanut allergies. Also my grandsons' Christian pre-school does not allow them to bring pbj sandwiches in their lunches. So I started wondering why peanut allergies were not prevelant in the 50s and 60s when I grew up, and even in the 80s and 90s when my girls were young. So I Googled it and learned that peanut oil is added to immunizations. Just some food for thought. Love your posts and sense of humor! You brighten my days! Learned about your blog through Betsy Smith, "Estelle's".

    1. Connie... wonderful to meet you. Don't tell my Mckinney friends bu The Woodlands was my favorite place that I lived. We lived in Capstone and we made lifelong friends there. Very interesting about the immunizations. I often wondered why I never heard of peanut allergies while I was growing up too. When I mentioned that to my girls the told me peanuts weren't invented yet. I am a big fan of Betsy's and wish I had met her when I lived in Tx. Thanks so much for the note and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Connie!!

  20. I really enjoyed this post, Katie, and many of the links. I love every chance to learn on antiques, so the Maling newsletter article on Keiller crocks was informative. I remember Coastal Living (I think) doing a feature on various lighthouses people actually bought and used for dwelling, most as vacation homes, but that's a neat concept - when not in hurricane season (or up north, when it's frigid). Love that list of skincare - spend $20 or spend $200, your choice!
    CHeers to Friday Files. Have a great weekend.

  21. I missed seeing Brooklyn when it was in the theaters and it had fallen off my radar. Thanks for reminding me about this movie. My husband is from Savannah so I am pretty familiar with the area where Paula's house is located. I would not having it for a vacation home.:)

  22. I love succulants and watching This is Us always has me crying... love that show! So much good information here, I have to scroll back up and check out all these links :-) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  23. We just watched the season finale of This is Us, after returning from our Disney vacation. I have to agree that it didn't pack the emotional punch that I thought it would. It was a blah ending to the season, and I didn't feel like I learned anything new. Of course, I'll still be anxiously awaiting the new season!

  24. I think most people would say that their knees are among their least favorite part of their legs. Pants with knee windows? An absolute non-starter for me. Now bacon cinnamon rolls....I'm completely on board there. Do you think that the Mister would whip up a batch for us?


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