Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Happy Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Hump Day.  Today I am off to have my roots done.  Big day.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Which is one area of your life where you're a perfectionist?  Is that a good thing?

I don't really have the perfectionist gene.  But if there is one area that I care about the most, it's blogging.  I try to catch the typos, but I'm not always successful.  Thank goodness, my readers and fellow bloggers are forgiving.

2.  What's something you find perfectly ridiculous?

What or whom?
Never mind...

3.  What's a skill you've developed by way of that old fashioned saying, "practice makes perfect." 

For the amount of time I spend on PicMonkey and Lightroom, all my practice should lead up to perfect.

4.  What's your idea of a perfect breakfast?

Quiche a la the Mister.

A side of fresh fruit.

And two vodka martinis.

Only kidding - just wanted to make sure you are listening.

5.  What's a trip, holiday, vacation, or day outing you've taken that you would rate a perfect 10?  Tell us why.

Without a doubt, the vacation that was a stand-out was the only Christmas that we have celebrated as a family away from home.  We took a cruise a few years ago.  The ship was decorated beautifully, the weather was perfect, and we all got along beautifully - only a few minor disagreements.  Every hour on the hour.

6.  What quote or saying sums up your life right now?  
If you can't do perfect, how about one that comes close.

7.  How would you spend $300 today?

I would invest in fillers.
It would help make my hips look smaller.

8.  Insert you own random thought here. 


Last night, we watched the first episode of Feud, and it surpassed my expectations.  The set, music, costumes and acting were the perfect ingredients for a top-notch miniseries.  Nobody does it better than Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange.

Happy International Women's Day!
Does that mean we get gifts today?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I whole heartedly agree about contentment. I spent a lot of time striving for "joy", but realized lately that contentment is what keeps us going, grounds us, allows for that day to day happiness ( I also LOVE the peonies in that picture - I can almost smell them!) -Jenn

  2. So cute! Loving Feud! Very entertaining with two of my favorite actresses! Enjoy the week Miss Katie!

  3. That breakfast looks amazing and yes I caught that martini!!:) I totally missed Feud, I had it on my list of things to watch but I went out to my happy place and lost all reason, the Cross Stitch shop will do that to me. And as usual, you start my day with a smile with your blog...thanks!!

  4. I really like your quote. Contentment is a good thing. I was reading..wink. You do a great job of your photos and comments with PicMonkey and a doggie picture to end is always a hit. I think you might be a bit of a perfectionist after all.

  5. Love the look of that quiche!! And of course your family cruise. I'll have to check out Feud. What's with Chow and Chili? Are they out on strike??

  6. I thought the martinis sounded perfectly acceptable, then I remembered the question was about breakfast lol

  7. ha ha, you definitely got my attention with the martinis for breakfast! It's going to be a long day before it's 5 o'clock!! Very fun hump day!

  8. Your hubs is quite the cook, I see...those quiches look A-MAZING! We took a cruise over Christmas once...didn't care for it. I missed being home and carrying on our traditions.

  9. Oh my -- quiche is my favorite! Looks so delish -- maybe a mimosa instead of martini! Those lips are scary, but I could go for some botox! :) Happy Wednesday!

  10. Your answers and photos tickled me...especially the one about fillers. At least you won't have to make the required duck lip pout in your selfies. LOL I haven't heard of Feud. I'm going to have to check it out. Jessica and Susan never disappoint.

  11. Very sweet and fun post Katie. The lip filler is over the top! Hmm. perfectionist, my husband would say I am....LOL He calls me an "over achiever". We loved our Honeymoon in the Great barrier Reef and also our French Barge trip. I haven't heard of Feud...

  12. Every time you post a picture of something baked in those oversized rammekins I want to run out and buy some. I haven't seen Feud, but hopefully I can catch up somehow via the magic of technology. Have a great day!

  13. I was so tickled that you stopped by! love your blog....drool over that header....and you are so funny.

    I am a profectionist in way too many catagories....wish I could let some things just go!!!

  14. Oh Crap!!! I am kicking myself for missing that Lange/Sarandon FEUD show! I hope I can catch it on Hulu or something! Darn it.
    Great fun here today though- as always. xo Diana

  15. In Italy, all the women get yellow mimosas (flowers, not drinks) from every man they know. I kind of like that idea for Woment's Day.

  16. So nice that you have a husband who can cook! Mine only likes to grill but I am not complaining because when he does attempt to cook, he makes the biggest mess in the kitchen! Contentment is definitely under-rated! Love the goldens! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  17. Yes, I'll take a quiche as well, and most especially if my husband fixed it. I've never heard of Feud, might have to check it out. Always enjoy your answers and yes, you are a perfetionist blogger. Love it!

  18. Hello dearest Katie

    Happy International Women's day, I just wanted to wish you, your girls, your sista and all your great friends a very happy day.

    I have been thinking of all the women who inspre me today,you are most definitely one so thank you my dear friend. You make me smile so much with your blog ....(and it always looks perfect )
    With love to you
    Sally xx

    1. Right back at you, dear Sally. Thank you for always leaving such sweet, thoughtful comments. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Dear Katie, Always a good way to start my day, a visit with you! If I am a perfectionist is starts with "housekeeping" but thank goodness the older I get the less it's a problem. My favorite breakfast is coffee, that's it, I know, I know breakfast is the most important meal. Beautiful family Miss Katie and your quote says a lot, for me too. I intended to watch Feud but since I don't watch television a lot except for the likes of Downtown Abbey, Victoria etc I forgot. Always enjoy pics of the pups! Enjoy the upcoming weekend.............hugs.

  20. Let's celebrate women EVERY day! Love the lips.

  21. Hope you had a great IWD! Thanks for the tip on Feud; the sets, costumes, acting all first rate.

    Love that family pic! I think you need your own reality show. The Clooneys.

  22. I just bought a new journal this week, and on the cover it says, "Beautiful Mess." I think that perfectly describes the season of life I am in. As a perfectionist, that is a daily struggle to accept. Your cruise photo is beautiful; what a lovely family you have.

  23. No judgement here, if you like a martin i with breakfast its ok, its almost like a mimosa!. Love your husbands quiche, they look delicious. I saw your flower/quote and it is gorgeous! A bit of spring.

  24. Great Hodgepodge - had to go over and read your cruise posts - what a fun trip!

  25. I'm still thinking about that delicious quiche! Have a great weekend!! And stay warm!!!!

  26. I MISSED THE BABY JANE remake!SO its a MINI SERIES every MONDAY????
    I needed a LEMON DROP!!!!!

  27. Can't wait to watch Feud and rumor has it, Charles and Diana are next. Our idea of a perfect breakfast is anything consumed on a sunny terrace looking over the Italian coast served by a handsome waiter. Well, you did say "perfect", Katie! Hope you're having a great week.
    C + C

  28. Just found you, and am so glad I did. You're writing made me laugh out loud ~ literally. Looking forward to future posts. By the way, I did catch the martini. :)

  29. Catching up and hoping that you are digging out of the snow. We made it back to Michigan yesterday, just beating it, though the skies were looking like they could dump snow at any second! I want to go on a breakfast picnic with you!


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