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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Beauty of a Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a great week.  I'm unpacked and laundry is done.  Last night,  I went to a fun book signing and supper at one of my favorite book stores.  I took lots of pics and look forward to sharing them with you at a later date.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.


1.  'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'  What's something you've seen recently that you thought was beautiful?

Although I am a Nervous Nellie when it comes to flying, I do appreciate the beauty when I am in the air.

2.  Our culture and beauty... your thoughts?

3.  Age before beauty, beauty queen, beauty mark, beauty sleep... which beauty-full phrase resonates with you today?  Why.

I think I need 10.

4.  I read here a list of the top ten beasts animals that scare us the most - alligators, coyotes, black bears, birds (pigeons in particular), sharks, bats, bed bugs, rats, rattlesnakes, and the black widow spider.
Which beast scares you the most?  What is the likelihood of you having an actual encounter with that particular beast?  Did a movie contribute to your fear of the creature?  Have you ever had a real life encounter with any of the animals listed?

When the girls were young, we lived in Boca Rotan, Florida.  Alligators are a fairly common site.  The girls were terrified of them and would have frequent nightmares.  The Mister and I finally came up with the idea of telling them that alligators cannot walk on carpeting.  It worked.  They never had another nightmare.

That year, the Easter Bunny brought them a play house.

The Mister and I referred to it as their safe house.

5.  Where were you when you last heard a bell ring?  
Was it alarming or musical?

I was shopping a couple of weeks ago, and I kept hearing a bell ring.  It turned out to be a woman's ringtone.  Finally, she answered it and proceeded to carry on in a tone that was loud enough to carry across to the other side of the store.  Her fellow shoppers (including me) rolled their eyes and gave her dirty looks.  She didn't get it.

This is my pet peeve of the week. 

6.  What's your favorite carb?  How's that for random?

I've never met a carb that I didn't like.

7.  Let's wrap up another month of Hodgepodge and life with an acrostic.  Recap your month using the word MARCH.

Magnificent time
North Carolina
In search of #2's new Home

8.  Insert your own random thought here.


The best part of coming home is seeing these two.
And the Mister, too.

What's your pet peeve of the week?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Visiting from the Hodgepodge. I lived in Coral Springs when my children were younger. I remember when they had safety day at school, and they actually learned how to run away from alligators. Tickled me to no end coming from a small town in Alabama where you didn't have to worry about such things. Have a great day!

    1. We lived in Coral Springs for 6 months while our house was being built. Great town.

  2. Oh how I love your Wednesday Hodgepodge posts...so entertaining!

  3. Oh how I love my carbs as well. They are so yummy!! It might be why I did not enjoy my BBQ dinner last night as I was sitting too close to the dessert display!! Your girlies are so cute...good save with the carpet being off limits to alligators.

  4. Loved the alligator story but was expecting you to say you installed carpet in the "Safe" house. Thanks for another entertaining Hodgepodge post.

  5. Good morning, Katie! You never fail to put a smile on my face! Have a wonderful day with your pups and the Mister!

    1. Thank you, Annemarie! You just put a smile on my face. Enjoy your week.

  6. Oh I love Hodge Podge and your words of wisdom!! I cant believe #2 is moving to the carolinas!! I feel like I watched them grow up through your blog!! xo K

  7. Katie, your hodgepodge was an enjoyable read! Glad your girls embraced the carpet theory about gators! I'm with you on that pet peeve. Yikes people tone down your conversations already! Glad you had a good time on your home hunting trip! Happy last week of March to ya!

  8. Oh yeah, those loud phone talkers are my pet peeve too! Cute solution to the girls' nightmares. Did you lay a carpet runner from the house to their safe house? LOL

  9. My pet peeve of the week is people who don't RSVP when you have asked and given them multiple options (online, phone, in person, pony express...)

    I love your hodgepodge this week. I'm not fond of alligators either, though I've never really had experience. Well, bats and snakes kind of freak me out too!

  10. I love that quote by Coco Chanel and I love that chair in the photo of Chowdah and Chili!

    Fun Hodgepodge!

  11. Love your hodgepodge as usual! :) My pet peeve when I worked in a larger building was people talking loudly on their cellphones in the elevator! Made me start talking (loudly) to a coworker. It didn't matter -- they just talked louder. GRRR! :) Mice totally freak me out!

  12. I always love these hodgepodges you do. They are so much fun. My pet peeve, too, people in public speaking loudly on their cellphones. I say TEXT IDIOT TEXT...but that is just me. I have honestly thought about just walking up to someone and saying, "That is really annoying," but I am always afraid that someone might be 'carrying' and bang-bang...if you know what I mean. lol xo Diana

  13. That drives me crazy too when people are talking on their cellphones loudly so everyone can hear them. That's funny about alligators not being able to walk on carpet. Great idea to help your daughters feel safer at home. The picture of the plane above the clouds is beautiful. What a difference perspective of the clouds!

  14. I'm not crazy about flying but it is the best way to get across the country to visit my family. I do love looking at the clouds from the airplane. Love the Betty White joke. Your pups are adorable. I was happy to see my husband and our little girl Skye after 22 days in Florida helping my dad.

  15. Big fan, first time commenter: My pet peeve is people texting while driving. Makes an alligator on the prowl seem like no big deal!

    1. Welcome Kyle! I love Chicago! I agree 100%. It is so dangerous. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Enjoy your week.

  16. People must have no idea how loud they are on a mobile phone. I particularly hate being in a restroom stall and listening to someone on their cell phone in the stall beside me. Not enough hand sanitizer in the world for that!! I once listened to a woman give all her personal id info to her insurance agent while I was in the stall next to hers. It was nuts!

  17. Loved the alligators can't walk on carpet story!
    It's always nice to see fur faces when we return home!

  18. I lived in FL for 6 years, I never knew that alligators could not walk on carpet, thanks for the tip. That made me laugh out loud!

    I hope #2 loves Atlanta. I am sure that you will find lots of great things to see, do and eat when you visit!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful humor, I needed it today!

  19. Love the "no thought" shirt. That's great! Yes, I always look forward to your humor, especially on the HP. Blessings!

  20. Your dogs are adorable! Too funny about the alligator. Loved that story.

  21. I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge today! I especially enjoyed the photos you chose to illustrate your answers!

  22. I love to read Hodgepodge posts...this was fun, Katie. Your daughters are/were so cute! And alligators are my worst fear. None here in the Midwest but I read the horror stories down south. Bears are my second big worry...just can't hike or camp anymore.

    Curious about where you want in NC. We have a place in Asheville and we love it!

    Thanks for popping in today!

    Jane x

  23. Hi there! So miss being here, have been away and busy and just haven't gotten around as much as I would like. Your girls and I have the fear of alligators in common...frightening!! I love Betty White, that quote is so funny. Always enjoy your funny take on just about everything:) Hope all is well!

  24. Gators and snakes, oh and throw in spiders too. Well, just say everything on your list. My encounter was a gator, small. When our son and family lived in FL they had a natural preserve in the back so of course gators would be sunning on the lawn. I hated that even though I was safe looking through the window.. I heard bells this morning early, a wake up call for early appt.........
    Happy day.

  25. I never ever heard the word acrostic. Thanks for new word.

  26. I have fond memories of my two kids in their Little Tikes log cabin.

    Have you ever seen the videos of people pretending to be on their cell phones, talking loudly and having a pretend conversation with the annoying people speaking very loudly in public on their cell phones?? Funny.

  27. I love carbs and could eat nothing but. Especially bread freshly baked. As for phone talkers, a guy in Costco was driving me crazy last week. I think he was trying to show how important he was. More like stupid imo.

  28. Wonderful post, Katie~ My pet peeve - politics, or should I say politicians!! :-)

  29. I have a bell in my LA CUCINA!I ring it for dinner time.It's a BIG bell.......do YOU think THE ITALIAN HEARS IT?HECK NO.
    MY MONTH M Morons........A a lot of alone time.......R rest.......C.cardiologist! H HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET RID OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. You are such a clever thought provoker Katie! I love the March arcostic, but can't think of one for me, just March madness and really crazy hectic 😂 Pet peeves, hmmmm...I love it when people answer their phone in public or worse, in a conversation with you, and say "can I call you back?" Well duh, you can't talk now so let the caller leave a message and then call back later! Our society is going brain dead! Ok, whew, I feel better now!

  31. Gators, along with the rest of the designing public, do not like carpet. Too bad...there are some great ones out there!-Laurel Bledsoe

  32. The most beautiful thing I have seen this week....nearly 3 inches of rain in the Texas Panhandle.

  33. Alligators are indeed something to be respected. I wonder if they know they can't walk on carpet. Have a great week.

  34. There is a lot of scary and unpleasant wildlife in Florida. ;-)

  35. That is a great alligator photo. One of my Florida friends once told me they had their kids' swings very high off the ground because of the alligators around their area. I'm sure glad I never had to worry about alligators while I played on my swing set as a child!
    Aww your dogs are adorable!
    Your carbs look yummy. :)
    Have a blessed weekend.


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