Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, March 27, 2017

Helloooooo Hot-lanta!

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.  Mine was a whirlwind.  I flew to North Carolina and drove with my #2 to Atlanta to search for her new home.  

The Mister and I used to say that there was no tired like Disney tired.  I just found something that comes close.  Apartment hunting tired.

I fell in love twice this weekend.  The first love I found had wings and is otherwise known as Jet Blue.  What a great airline!  A fabulous staff, free WIFI, adult-sized snacks, water bottles and TVs at every seat!  It was the first time ever that I wished that my flight was a wee bit longer.

The Mister drove me to the airport in time for me to make my 6 AM flight on Friday morning.  All went smoothly, my flight was on time, and my #2 greeted me at the airport and whisked me off for the 6-hour drive to Atlanta.

We arrived about 2:30 and we managed to see three properties in Buckhead, where we were staying.  Out of the three, there wasn't a dud in the bunch. 

I think that I shared with you that my #2 is a health food nut, otherwise known as a raw vegan.  She also loves food.  Almost as much as her Dad does.  Her friends in NC who are natives of Atlanta told her she had to go to True Food Kitchen to have dinner.  They told her that she would love it.  They were right.

   We lucked out because it was located across the street from our hotel.  She was excited to try the food.  All I required was a decent wine list.  We liked it so much that we went there both nights.

The weather was lovely so we sat outside on the patio.   That is when I fell in love for the second time.  The object of my affection is the city of Atlanta.  My #2 looked at three areas to live:  Buckhead, Midtown, and Virginia-Highlands.  All held it's own unique charm and personality.  

We ordered a crudite as an appetizer. 
It was so pretty, I couldn't help but take this pic.
I felt healthier after my first bite.  

The next day we started early.  My girl researched restaurants for breakfast, and we arrived a few minutes early at the chosen one.  To my #2's delight,  she spied a farmer's market across the street.  Some young ladies love shoe or cosmetic stores, my girl fantasizes about farmer's markets.

It was hard to pull her away.

We walked across the street to our breakfast destination in Virginia-Highlands.  

We chatted it up with darling Candace, who is the owner of Kale Me Crazy.  You can tell she has a passion for healthy eating and is well-versed in nutrition. The restaurant is bright and spotlessly clean. 

By the way, for all my NC friends out there, Candace is a proud Tar Heel.

My girl ordered the best smoothy she has ever tasted.  And I feasted on this bowl of healthy nutrition which was really good.
I have a feeling my girl will be spending a lot of time there.

We began the day's search for my #2's new home-away-from-home and ended up hitting eight more apartment complexes.

We toured many gyms.  My girl's first two priorities on her list were a good sized kitchen with storage and a well-equipped gym.

My top three concerns were:  safety, safety, and safety.

We saw a plethora of pools on our tours.

And some breathtaking views.

Great looking model apartments.

And lots of brand new sparkling kitchens.

We met many shapes, sizes, and personalities when it came to sales people.  There were some outgoing ones, one that kept looking at her imaginary watch on her wrist, an Oprah Superfan, and one young lady who should have been in the hospital for pneumonia.  Our favorite, though, was a lady teetering on her 6-inch heels (above), who was kind enough to share her life story with us.  Evidently, her boyfriend left her and moved to Vegas, and she was temporarily living in her car because she had a fight with her narcissistic mother.

My #2 and I kept looking around waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell us that we were being punked.
Never happened.

At the day's end, my girl signed a lease on a brand new apartment loaded with a bright white kitchen, a phenomenal gym, and security that would rival the Trumps.

Mission accomplished  

We hopped into the car early Sunday morning, and Miss Daisy and I arrived at the airport just in time to head back home.

What else could a girl ask for?
I got to spend time with one of my two favorite daughters, and I fell in love twice in one weekend.

Until next time...



Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Yes. Safety! And i know about that appartment tired. Ha ha. Glad You both found what you were looking for! I did the appartment thing with my daughter for her grad school in Washington DC. I was pleased that there were many seniors/older widow ladies in her building and they could walk to neighboring grocery store together. Ha ha. Sheila

  2. Oh Katie, Jet Blue is my favorite, too. My first trip on them was to Martha's Vineyard last year and it was just such wonderful service!

    So glad you found a safe apartment for your daughter. It looks like a great area -- especially for someone young, but maybe well beyond that. And it looks like you had a terrific time!

  3. Safety is always top priority with my kids as well! So glad that you found a place for her - very exciting! I have only been to Atlanta once, for the Haven Conference last summer. I would love to go back. It really is a lovely city!

  4. First of all, thanks for the tip about Jet Blue. We have never flown on them before and it looks like a wonderful option. I'm so glad you found a good place for daughter #2. Wow, apartments have certainly come a long way since when I had one as a single teacher in the 90s. I bet she's going to love Atlanta. We had such a great time there over Thanksgiving. Lots to do, and lots of history too.

  5. Wonderful! So glad you got to go apartment hunting with her, that she found what she wanted and that its a good place.

  6. I so enjoyed your post today! What a fun trip and a successful one too!! Please fill us in on her move and how she is doing in her new home and city!

  7. What a whirlwind! I don't know where you get your energy. How lovely you get to share this with your stunning daughter. These are moments to be cherished dear Katie; you are so lucky to have such beautiful, accomplished daughters! Hugs, Dawn

  8. I have been to Atlanta three times....loved it...and it was indeed hot. Don't remember the names of the restaurants, but loved all the food. Glad your #2 can feel ready to start the next phase of her life.

  9. Busy time, but you had all that super nutrition to fuel you throughout the day! What amazing choices you had in both restaurants and apartments! Glad she found a good one that met both your requirements! - Jenn

  10. I just took a nap for you. What a successful trip! I'm glad you both found the perfect apartment. It's an exciting time for #2.

  11. Oh- I am so happy she found an apartment that met all of her criteria. Did her work take her to Atlanta or is she still in school? Is she close to the farmer's market or her new favorite breakfast place? Hope it's a YES on both counts.
    I am hoping you got a whole day's rest in today. Happy week! xo Diana

  12. Wonderful news! #2 is all set! I'm a fan of Jet Blue. It had a nonstop to NYC. ;-)
    Tell #2 we have a True Food Kitchen here in Austin. Great place!
    Glad you and Miss Daisy had a great time in Atlanta!

  13. Sounds like so much fun!

    I feel healthier just looking at the good food. ;)

  14. Buckhead is a favorite place of ours. Of course I do not know any of the healthy places to eat. Glad it all went as planned and what great memories. -Laurel

  15. What a great time, Katie!!! Never been but I'm impressed and I loved the pictures and seeing the places you both enjoyed. And voila...your sweetie found what sounds like a great place!! Yay!

    Jane x

  16. I knew you two would fall in love with Atlanta. I know it well from visiting there over the years. Your daughter concentrated on the three great areas (in my opinion) in Atlanta. I know the "apartment tired" that you speak of having assisted my son a couple of times. Thanks for the tip about Jet Blue. I have yet to fly with them. I wish your daughter much success and happiness in her new city and apartment.

  17. Jet Blue is my fav and their nonstop flights have spoiled me. Miss Daisy is getting around :-)

  18. Oh, this brings back memories and I totally understand about safety! My youngest moved to a city that is known for having some rough areas and we knew nothing about where she should live. I actually went to the police station and talked to them about where would be the safest place for a young woman living alone to live. My daughter was a little embarrassed but I got some very good advice!! It looks like Atlanta will be a great place to live!!

  19. I enjoyed the tour. One of my former culinary instructors went from being a gourmet chef of fantastic meats to someone who only now prepares raw and vegan foods. I think he did it for health reasons of his own, but what a switch.

  20. Those are all three nice and upscale areas. So happy she found her new home. On your next trip, I hope you try some good southern food. You were a real tropper visiting all those apartments...been there and done that...best wishes on her new adventure.

  21. sounds like you found a great place for your daughter!! I have to tell you that I ordered The Widower's Wife as soon as I read your post on Friday. My husband was out of town on Friday night and I read the entire book. I couldn't put it down!

  22. So glad that you and #2 had a great weekend. Please tell your daughter to get aa annual pass to Stone Mtn. It is a wonderful place to exercise. Also she is fairly close to North Georgia (where I live) and it is beautiful. Lots of hiking, waterfalls, and beautiful scenery. Lots of wineries too!! If she needs anything feel free to let me know!!

    1. Thank you so much! North Georgia sounds beautiful. I may have to plan a field trip! Have a great weekend.

  23. What a whirlwind trip and a successful one too! She eats so healthy and all of that fresh food is so pretty. I was at the grocery yesterday stocking up on our cart full of veggies and the lady behind me said "well all of that freshness looks so good, but it's so much work to cook it!" We are what we eat...right!
    Glad you had a super successful trip:)

  24. Sounds like a fabulous trip with your beautiful girl! I love all of the shots of these apartments, beautiful! I am sure that the one that she picked is fabulous!

    Glad you had a fabulous time.

  25. Sounds like the perfect weekend! I'm glad she found a new place, and now, new adventures await!

  26. What a great weekend. Love Jet Blue, it flies us from SoCal to Austin to see our oldest son, our DIL and sweet granddaughter!
    Atlanta looks pretty, or at least the parts you've shared. I was hungry by the end!

  27. I've always referred to, "Disney tired" as a thing too! How funny. It's that beyond-tired, almost numb feeling, and yes, I can see where running around Atlanta would do the same thing to you! So happy your sweet girl found a great apartment. Atlanta is such a fun place for singles to be. She'll have a blast!

  28. Oh . . . and one more thing. Next time, put a moratorium on the healthy food and go to Fat Matt's Rib Shack or Pitty Pat's Porch!!!

  29. Looking at your photos I know the area you were in, love it there! So happy to hear it was a successful trip and you and Miss Daisy had a great time............

  30. Bam! Just like a mother, you got the job done! My bet is Virginia Highlands, based solely on my daughter #1's take on that section of Hot-lanta.

  31. It sounds like the perfect trip and mission accomplished! She is going to love Atlanta and what a fun place for you to get to visit! Happy Wednesday ~

  32. Atlanta is such a fun city, she must have a great job waiting for her to afford such a nice apt! You must be so proud! I've never flown Jet Blue, so good to know there is actually a nice airline to fly, I've just about given up!

  33. Hooray for such a successful trip to Hot-lanta! That crudite platter rivals the beautiful dishes that The Mister creates! I'm also a big fan of Jet Blue. A friend of mine flew Jet Blue to Turks & Caicos with a couple of co-workers. Their return flight was canceled due to mechanical error so Jet Blue gave them a $1000 (!!!!!!!!!) voucher for lodging and meals. Now that is some excellent customer service!


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