Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Hodgepodge Packed With Memories

Hello, dear friends.  My friend, Sally, from across the pond sent me this quote on St. Patrick's Day.  I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with you.  If you haven't guessed, I have been spending way too much time on Pic Monkey making cute little posters.  The Mister told me he would rather have me spend my time on Pic Money than his money on Amazon. 

If it's Wednesday, it time to answer Joyce's questions on Hodgepodge.

1.  Setting aside the real March Madness (NCAA Basketball) describe something happening at your house this month that might earn the title 'March Madness'?

I had no idea that two weeks ago when I bid my #2 adieu that I would be back before month's end.  Yup, I'm headed back to NC this weekend.  I won't be there for long, though, because #2 is picking me up at the airport to drive to HOT-lanta to find my girl her new home-away-from-home for when she moves there at the end of May.   

The Mister is in charge of these two hooligans.
Or rather, they are in charge of him.

2.  What's a favorite made up word from your childhood or a favorite from your children's childhood?  Does your family still use the word today?  If there's a story behind the origin, please share.

My #1 used to say... let's be-lax and watch a bideo.

From the moment my #2 could put a sentence together, she would ask me at breakfast, what about wunch, Mom?  There's nobody who loved to go out to lunch more than my girl.

And yes, the Mister and I still use those terms of endearment. 

3.  Will you be doing and spring cleaning now that the season is upon us?  I read here a list of 15 quick (under one hour) spring cleaning tasks.  They are:  clean out a drawer, vacuum furniture, whiten tile grout, dust the nooks and crannies you don't get to year round, degrease kitchen cabinets, wipe down walls, go behind furniture, wipe down ceiling fans, vacuum the mattress, clean the range hood, was base boards, shine the stainless steel, clean out vents, tackle the windows, and wipe down gadgets.

Of the fifteen 'quick tasks' listed which two most need doing at your house?  Will you do them?

I'm exhausted just reading the question.
Spring cleaning is not on the radar for me this week and probably not next week either.

4.  A favorite movie set in Paris or New York?

When I was six years old, my parents took me at Christmastime to see the Rockettes and the movie Charade at Radio City Music Hall.  There are a few reasons why this movie sticks out in my mind.  The first, and most important is the fact that we left Sista at home with Grandma and the day was all about moi. 

The second reason is that we began the adventure having lunch at the Top of the Sixes.  I was wearing a new blue dress and felt like a million bucks.  This "only child" thing was a dream come true.

And last, but not least, I developed my first crush.
I was born with good taste.  

5.  What's put a spring in your step this month?

The thought of spending another weekend with my #2.

6.  Did you ever want to be a teacher?  
Why or why not?

When I was a little girl, our house had a small room in the basement with a wall-to-wall blackboard and a few desks.  I loved to invite all my neighborhood buddies over to play school. 

There was only one rule:
I always had to be the teacher.

My teaching career came to a screeching halt when one of my students (Sista) felt I was too bossy and I had to take periodic sabbaticals in time out.

7.  What's your favorite floral scent?  Do you have this somewhere in your home or maybe in a perfume?  How do you feel about the florals in food?  How about wines with floral notes - yay or nay?

My first big girl perfume was Muguet de Bois, Lillies of the Valley.
Whenever I wore it, I felt like I was all that and a bag of chips.
It's lucky Cary and I never met.  
He wouldn't have been able to resist me.    

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Is it just me, or would you love to spend a day at the Unclaimed Baggage Center?   This article describes this place as a holding tank of things that people wanted as opposed to a thrift store which houses things that people want to get rid of.  Jewelry is 20 - 80% off of its appraised value.

Hmm... I wonder how far it is from Atlanta.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Aw, that pic of the dog in the suitcase looks like the dog I had when I was a child, Teko. When I was a little girl I dreamed of being a Rockette. I loved going to The Radio City Christmas Spectacular to see them. Have a great week :)

  2. Katie, Unclaimed Baggage is about an hour from my house!! It is an interesting experience. We used to have a store here in Decatur and I was amazed at the things people pack in their suitcases for a trip! Lots of cameras were for sale back in the day! Evening clothes, purses, shoes etc. I never purchased much but I loved browsing. Hotlanta is my favorite Southern Big City...have fun there.

  3. Always a treat on Wednesday! Your daughter is going to love Atlanta. We were in metro Atlanta for six years right after we were married and it's a fun place, for sure! Antica Pizza has the most authentic Italian pizzas I've ever found in the USA and The Varsity has the best chili dogs. Have fun!

  4. The sun came out and ugh. I just finished washing the inside of my bedroom doorwall. The outside is still filthy but it's only 23 degrees out there, sooooo. I turned the blinds down, lol. Love the spring cleaning photo which is just how I feel right now.

  5. My son lived in Atlanta in a section called midtown. The building was the Mayfair on 14th street. The security is excellent.
    Enjoy your visit

    1. Security is numero uno on this Mama's list. We are looking at quite a few apartments in midtown. I will definitely look into the Mayfair. Thanks so much for your tip, Grumpyoldlady. You don't seem grumpy to me.

  6. I sure enjoyed "meeting" you and reading your Hodgepodge answers this morning! Thanks for visiting my HP. Safe travels and enjoy your weekend of home hunting. Let us know how it goes!

  7. Precious! I know that feeling of being special as a child....my parents took me along to New York City one December to see the Rockettes and we spent the week shopping and dining at fabulous restaurants icluding Mama Leone's! You're going to fall in love with Atlanta right now...stunning in the spring! Best of luck finding her new home!

  8. I think you would have made a great teacher. I loved the words the girls used as kiddos. My son could never say the L in my daughter's name, so she was "Indsay" for a long time.
    I would bring that Springer Spaniel home in a minute. Springer household here.

  9. Enjoyed reading your answers! Loved the kids' made-up words that you still use. I would never have thought of asking that question, but I'm glad Joyce did. Now I'm thinking of all sorts of words we use that had their origins in our kids' childhoods -- or our own. I have always loved Muguet de Bois also, and owned a bottle just like that one.

  10. Have an absolutely wonderful time with your girl! Nothing beats mom-daughter time! I have been to the Unclaimed Baggage Center...back when we lived in Alabama 11+ years ago. I never found anything there, but I know folks who did. If nothing else, it was fun to poke around in for awhile.

  11. Have a fun and safe trip and time with your daughters! Sounds delightful! I loved the movie Charade too, and How to Steal a Million with Audrey Hepburn and cute Peter O'Toole (Paris). You need to install cameras in your house to check on your Mister. I bet he'll spoil the fur kids while you're gone. xo

  12. When I grow up I want to be able to do a blog post just like yours! Have a great trip and enjoy that special daughter of yours.

  13. I literally howl whe I read your posts and I'm at work!


  14. Atlanta is fabulous, but believe everything you hear about the nightmare traffic. It is definitely something to keep in mind as you look for housing. Commutes from a short distance can take a ridiculous amount of time. We have a lot of good friends in the ATL so spend a fair amount of time there. And Daughter2's boyfriend works downtown, so she could potentially be living there one day too. It's a great town, with lots to do and fun restaurants and shopping. Good luck with the hunt!

  15. I forgot to mention Cary : ) He is the reason North by Northwest is one of my favorites!

  16. Spring cleaning doesn't get done here unless we have to move or clear out a room for renovating. Since our kitchen was redone in January, I guess I can say that for the first time in the 10 years that we've lived here, that room has been spring cleaned! Yayy! Something I can check off my to-do list. Have a great weekend in Atlanta. When I lived in SC, we used to take weekend trips there. There's no shortage of things to do.

  17. Great Hodgepodge as usual. Spring cleaning -- what -- people actually do those things on that list? I'm in trouble! My girl often called her oldest brother whose name is Philip - "Lala" -- I think it must be Chinese for Philip. Have fun with your #2 girl apt-hunting!

  18. I love your Hodgepodges and Cary Grant...I used a still from Charade in a post not too long ago! Have a safe trip to Hotlanta.

  19. Ah, Charade. I watch it over and over and I love it as much today as then! I have to spring clean. Well, just cleaning would be nice. Rick got a new vacuum and when I used it I was a little mortified. God knows what would happen if I had moved the furniture. I filled it up twice. Darn cat. My kid word was Gebba. Gebba was my imaginary friend who lived in the telephone box. Now I use Gebba as the name for any video devices (DVD player, etc.) What a fun hodgepodge!

  20. Off topic here..thanks for mentioning the movie Brooklyn , it was darling.

  21. I love that saying. I hope that you and #2 have a great trip to Atlanta. xo Laura

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your sense of humor that shows in your answers here. Bonus trips to see grown kids? Wonderful!

  23. Love your blog, those white hooligans, and your pictures. Enjoy your beautiful daughter. Your thoughts on cleaning are pretty much mine. Thanks for visiting my blog. I never got to experience that only child thing.

    1. Oh geez. And how could I forget to mention those adorable babies and what they said?

  24. Your pups are like Mutt and Jeff! So cute!
    We had a "wunch" baby too!
    Enjoy your visit!

  25. I hope all goes well in finding your daughter a place to live in Atlanta. I agree with Joyce about the traffic there, it's unreal, but there's lots to do.
    Visiting that unclaimed baggage center sounds interesting. I've never heard of it before.
    Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

  26. Have fun with #2 in Atlanta. Hope the search goes smoothly and successfully. I've been to Atlanta a few times. It's a great city. Just think.....once #2 is living there you and the mister will have a room when you arrive monthly for Scott's Antique Market.

  27. Well, you and your daughter have a good time and I do hope she finds the perfect place to "hang her hat." We have family in Flowery Branch, a suburb of Atlanta. The Unclaimed Baggage center.........never heard of such. How funny! Have a good time!

  28. You never fail to crack me up, Katie. I hope you two have a good time together :)


  29. Another excellent post, Katie. Have fun in Atlanta. I hope your daughter finds the perfect place for herself. Spring cleaning... I'd have to say my windows probably get neglected the most. But I'm not losing sleep over it. I loved your made up word question. Our daughter's name is Olivia, but it is often shortened to Liv, or Livy. Little brother couldn't really pronounce her name very well and instead of Livy, he called her Yiddy. Well, that girl has been Yiddy ever since! -Jenn

  30. I love the be-lax term! That one will stick with me. How exciting for an apartment in Atlanta. I'll be there next month for work. Love the Buckhead area for shopping and eating. -Laurel

  31. Ahh, my mid week break, reading Hodgepodge. Spring cleaning....need to clean those vents and wipe down those fan blades with all this construction. Or maybe I'll just turn the fans on high and let the intakes suck it all in. Or hire it out.

  32. Cary Grant was my first love too, his accent got me every single time.
    I dabble in Spring cleaning...my first love is the garden and with the Texas heat already setting in I am making the very most of my days!
    Love your Hodgepodge Wednesday.
    Safe Travels!

  33. Katie,

    I love to read your Hodgepodge answers!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your girl!

  34. I have a friend named Sally too. When our son needed a nap, he'd ask for his blankie and "Puppy Moody" for 101 Dalmations (yep my kids napped on the floor in front of the tv, anything to get them to take a nap! Mother of the Year over here) and my first perfume was the very expensive Love's Baby Soft - I think that was perfume???

  35. Hello my dear friend
    How lovely you are to mention me, and so glad you like the old Irish proverb. I hope St Patricks Day was fun
    I have only just seen your post as I am a day late please forgive me, I hope you will understand our yesterday was so sad and I didn't open the computer at all.
    Just reading and sharing with you today is so nice, and Im really happy that you have a girls weekend planned with your beautiful #2 with guaranteed sunshine.
    I hope the mister will miss you and whizz around the garden with all his gadgets to surprise you when you get home

    So much love to you my dear, and thank you for your friendship
    Sally xx

  36. Your daughter and you will love Atlanta! My sister lives there and I visit any time I can get an invitation:) Just make sure to visit Miami Circle. A few stores closed but still worth a visit. I think I have all on the list left for my spring cleaning......

  37. So much love to you my dear, and thank you for your friendship
    Sally xx

  38. Have a wonderful time in hotlanta with your daughter Katie, and yes, I had a crush of Cary Grant too, and no spring cleaning for me either, way too boring!!

  39. Thanks for stopping over. You are a no-reply so I couldn't respond to your comment. My dad is doing okay, long road ahead. I finally came back home yesterday. I am seeing my primary doctor tomorrow to work on a new referral for my knee. It was definitely March Madness for me. Your pups are adorable. I finally got to see my little girl Skye after 22 days in Florida. Unclaimed baggage would be fun!

  40. Congratulations to #2 on her new job in Atlanta! I definitely think that a road trip to Scottsboro, Alabama is in order. Think of the blog posts we would write about the Unclaimed Baggage place!


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