Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Books, TV, & Movies

Hello, dear friends.  Baby, it's cold outside! The good news is that it is not expected to last long.

Last night, the Mister and I attended a lovely dinner party given by my friend, Anne and her charming Mister.  As always, the dinner, as well as the company were spectacular.  If you missed my post about Anne's lovely home, it's right here.


With the exception of one, I have not read the books that I mention in this post.  Most of them are being released this month.  I have, however, put them on my download list.  

Wow.  I'm almost finished with Only The Truth, and I still can't figure out how it will end.  It moves quickly, has loads of twists and turns, and is not predictable.  If you enjoy thrillers, this is a great one.

My friend, Anne was very excited to see that Elinor Lipman had a new book coming out at the end of February.   Funny, poignant, and a little bit outrageous is how this book is described.  Sounds right up my alley. 

A successful hotel exec finds some emails on her hubby's computer addressed to another woman.  Two words:  uh-oh. 

Two lives are changed by a drunken kiss.
Three words: double uh-oh

If you're a big fan of James Patterson, he's got a new one coming out at the end of the month.

I think that I have read every book that Lisa See has written.  
I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

A fifteen-year-old girl unravels the details of her mother's death while living at her grandparents' home.

During WWI, a girl must pretend to be a male soldier to save her younger brothers.  It's compared to The Book Thief.
I'm in. 

The better half of the perfect couple walks away with their son and disappears and leaves the wife sitting at the beach.

Face it... if you have to be left by your man, there are worse places to be left than the beach.



The Mister and I went to see this yesterday.  The Mister read the book and loved it.  Shocker!  This is definitely not the type of book he usually reads. Naturally, he said that the book was better than the movie.  I thought the movie was good, carried a powerful message, and may not be for everyone.

So excited for this one.

And this one!

I've been waiting for this one to come out for awhile.

Just in case you want to read the book first.



I read the book a few years ago, and I am really enjoying Big Little Lies.
The costars of the show are the breathtaking beach houses that are the backdrops of the show. 

I was very skeptical of Imposters because I have not been impressed with scripted shows on Bravo.  I was pleasantly surprised by this little gem.  The Mister is enjoying it, as well.

The Americans is one of the most underrated shows on TV.  The acting, as well as the script, are top notch.

I don't know which I love more - the beautiful beach house or this dynamic duo.

You know what bugs me?  I don't like it when the network decides to split a TV show's season in half.  I can't remember what I had for lunch, let alone what happened 6 month's ago in this POTUS's life.  Anywho, Part 2 of Season 1 begins this week.


If you're looking for me tonight, I will be in front of the TV.
I can hardly wait.

Do you have any Book, TV, or Movie recommendations for me?

Until next time...

I know that I sound like a braggadocious Mama, but I must say that my Chowdah is a voracious reader.  If he likes the book, he then devours it.  Literally.

Linking up with:
Amaze Me Monday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I am really enjoying Imposters - But I didn't like last scene of last show...Urma Therman's role is going to be scary, I think!! We also love Designated Survivor, and I agree, too, too many breaks in between their runs! I can't even remember what show is on which night - thanks goodness for the tv guide!

  2. I was just in Costa Rica for school vacation and brought along "Sugar," that you previously recommended. I also read "The Ladies Room," " The Reinvention of Mimi Finnegan (Book 1)," and Penny Marshall's memoir "My Mother was Nuts." I also started, but didn't finish "Lucy & Desi: The Legendary Live Story of Television's Most Famous Couple."

  3. thanks for all the reviews and info Katie! So much to see and read, so little time! I agree about the split TV seasons, I do love Designated Survivor and can't wait to watch the show about Bette and Joan :)

  4. Thank you for all the wonderful recommendations. I can't wait to watch Big Little Lies, since I loved the book. But will have to wait awhile since we don't have HBO. I also read the Shack many years ago, and I'm looking forward to the movie. I put Silent, Roanoke Girls and Almost Missed you on my to be read list. They all look good. I always enjoy your selections!

  5. Katie thanks for sharing book suggestions. I am always on the prowl for a good one. Roanoke Girls sounds like one I would really enjoy!! I am looking forward to the finale of Victoria tonight on PBS....I need to read that book!

  6. Thanks for the book and movie suggestions. I hope I can stay awake until 10 pm to watch Bette and Joan. Have a wonderful week, dear Katie.

  7. Thanks Katie these are such great recommendations, I especially liked hearing your thoughts on books. Hmm can't believe I've not heard of Lisa See, shall have to look for her now. I read the Shack years ago and no longer remember it but I'm still thinking it started out intriguing and ended up feeling kinda far-fetched. Very curious about Silent bc I love the Book Thief.

  8. The costumes and sets of The Americans are top notch too. I'm jealous that Chowdah is such a good reader...we can't get Pumpkin to pick up a book for anything. Not even steak!

    Have a wonderful week! It should get warmer.

  9. SO are the remaking what ever happened to BABY JANE?
    SO OUT OF THE LOOP I AM............

  10. Katie, I would love to know what you thought of Feud. I watched the whole episode which is rare for me and I'm still not sure what i thought.

    1. Cathy... I will let you know. I fell asleep at 8:30. I guess I'll have slow down on my rich and famous lifestyle. I plan on watching it tonight. Have a great day.

  11. Now, Sis. You fell asleep? Before the end of Feud? Heavens. I've got a solution. My mother and my brother snore. Loudly. No amount of foam earplugs or noise canceling headphones will drown them out. I'll put you in as a potential proxy for their next trips, shall I?

  12. You have way too many very cool things here! Did you see Feud? Oh, very good! Can't wait for the next installment!

  13. I loved the book The Shack and hope the movie will be good. Happy to hear that you liked it. The ZooKeepers Wife is a fabulous book so I will have to see that as well. Have not watched tv but may have to look up a few of your recommendations.

    Have a great day!


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