J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Our Weekend With #2

Hello, dear friends.  I'm reporting from Snow Central.  Not too much happening yet, but it's coming.  We may not have seen a flake yet, but the news coverage is non-stop.  No Kelly or Kathie Lee for me today.

Last weekend, the Mister and I flew to the beautiful state of North Carolina to visit our #2.   It was my second visit and the Mister's first.  I wrote about my first visit here

It was Miss Daisy's maiden voyage.  If you don't know who Miss Daisy is, you can find out here.

Evidently, Delta was pretty impressed with Miss Daisy.  We were placed in what I refer to as the first class of coach, otherwise known as the seats next to the Emergency Exit Door.  I assured all the passengers as well as the Captain that they were in good hands.  Obviously, the airline knew that we had what it takes and was dazzled by our performance enough to put us in the same seats back to Boston. 

After our girl picked us up at the airport, we stopped for some nourishment at this darling restaurant.  

The Mister had not seen Duke yet, so our #2 gave us the grand tour.  

I'm pretty sure that those trees are cherry blossoms.  In any case, it was so nice to see anything in bloom after all these dreary months.

Next time we visit, our girl will be graduating.  
We made a stop at the school store to stock up on some school spirit gear.
If you're jealous, don't be.
I didn't buy the hat. 

My #2 likes to grocery shop as much as the Mister.  
Miss Daisy and me... not so much.  

Trader Joe's is my girl's favorite store.  
We also hit Whole Foods.

This is a picture of #2's cart before check out.  
I have never heard of anything in this cart.   

 If you took a picture of #1's grocery cart, it would be full of wine, Advil, and Salt & Vinegar chips.  She takes after her Mama.

The next day we hit Southpoint Mall which is one of my favorites. 

Customary mall photo.

So nice to see flowers outdoors again.

Anthropologie not only has great home accessories, it has wonderful books.  The Mister was delighted to find a cookbook to add to his collection.

Our girl needed some new running shoes.  
As you can see, the Mister took his job of guarding Miss Daisy very seriously.

Enjoyed a sumptuous lunch at Cheesecake Factory.  Without a doubt, that is my favorite chain restaurant. They have the best "light" menu in the world, which is important when one needs to save room for cheesecake.

We also met #2's beau, Sweet Nick.  He hails from Dallas and is the epitome of a Southern gentleman.

Sunday morning, we had brunch at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill.  My girl took me there on my last visit and I loved it.

So charming.

The most difficult part of visiting my girls is when I have to say good bye.  But it's a lot easier when you know that your child is happy.  

By the way, my #2 girl just started an Instagram revolving around healthy living.  She is looking to build up her followers so if you are interested, please follow her. 

Congrats to Bonnie from Living With Thanksgiving who won the Traveling Totes giveaway.

If you are in the path of the storm, stay warm and safe.  
If you're not, I'm jealous.

Until next time...

Chowdah's the only family member who truly loves the snow.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Praying you all stay safe and warm. Ha, #2s cart looks like ours. LOL Saw some new things I need to look for. Look forward to following her in IG. Seems like yesterday our oldest were graduating, now the babies :-(

  2. Looks like such a fun trip! You and your daughter seem to have a lot in common...except maybe those grocery carts. :)

  3. Duke is magnificent, and although Miss Daisy is lovely, she is also enormous. I don't know how you tote her along all day. I'm glad to see you got a break from the Northeastern winter and got to spend time with your daughter. We have about 18 inches of snow and counting here this morning. Even the post office, medical clinics, and banks are closed here today. Stay safe.

  4. The photos of Miss Daisy in various places remind me of Flat Stanley! We used to do that in school with the kids and have family members take Stanley with them on their travels!!! The storm is pushing through NJ now....stay safe!!

    1. Linda Ann... I'm the only one that calls my tote Miss Daisy. My family refers to it a Flat Stanley. Have a great week.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip with #2! A little shopping, a little food, and meeting the boyfriend, perfect.

    Stay safe in the snow!

  6. How fun!! I saw some of your pics on Instagram and wondered where you and Miss Daisy were off to! Hey, I follow Krispy Kreme on Instagram so I am with you in the unhealthy eating.lol Like Ouiser from Steel Magnolias I am trying to get more grease in my diet!!

  7. Hi Katie, I enjoy every one of your entries, but my particular favorites are the ones about your family. I too am the mother of two twenty-somethings and am always struck by how different they are from one another. It seems to me, that we parented in much the same way each time, but ended up with two completely different, albeit wonderful, results. I must echo your sentiment; there is no greater pleasure and no greater peace than seeing your children happy. Wishing you a great week, my friend.
    Cathy in NJ

    1. Thanks for your note, Cathy. It amazes me how 2 of the same people can have such different children. How's NJ weather? We're getting mostly rain now. It's going to be awful if it freezes. Have a great week, Cathy.

  8. The snow is already building up here....i enjoyed seeing pics of flowers and flowering trees. What cute couple, so adorable together! I am sure Miss Daisy was excited to be welcomed into the joy of travel - I look forward to seeing more adventures!!

  9. My first snow day all year, so glad to catch up with anything I have missed on your blog. Fabulous photos of Duke, I'll be sure not to share this post with my NC Chapel Hill friends, they never have nice/polite things to say about Duke, but I have always thought it gorgeous, scholarly, and full of fabulous athletes. Your #2 looks happy and you're right about the kids being happy...that is all I want for them, ok, health insurance too! Have a great week!

  10. I've never been to Duke, so it's great to see these snaps. Looks like a beautiful campus.
    #2 is just as adorable as #1. I want to meet her too!
    Miss Daisy travels in style, and I'm relieved to know that the mister is her guardian when you are some where with camera in hand. Wouldn't want her to go missing!
    Stay safe and warm. Hope you have power and plenty of heat. I have friends who went to NYC for spring break. Little did they know they would be playing in snow in Central Park.

  11. I love following along on your and Mr. Preppy's adventures. Hope you are safe and warm today - it isn't too bad here. Hugs!!

  12. What a wonderful trip - so many fabulous photos!

  13. Your daughter is beautiful and I always enjoy your posts. They are a fun, breath of fresh air!

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Jemimagold. You put a ray of sunshine in this cold, snowy day. Have a great week.

  14. It looks like a wonderful and productive weekend was had by all. I am with #2 on the healthy eating. It has made a huge difference in my health, but it is not easy.

  15. Your daughter is beautiful (they both are)! What a happy thing to get time with your girl. Her beau is darling, too.

    Healthy eating is the way to go!

  16. Hi dear Katie,
    I hope you are warm enough and not snowed in yet, I am thinking of you.
    I have so enjoyed the lovely post about your weekend with your sweet daughter, she is beautiful and the pictures are so happy.

    I don't have Instagram yet ( pls don't laugh) but as soon as I do I will follow her healthy lifestyle tips..

    I think you have a weekend of wonderful memories
    Much love to you
    Sally xxx

    1. Hello Sally! I was happy to see that most of the snow is gone this morning, Sally! It still is very cold today. I think I will stay in and snuggle with Chowdah and Chili today. Have a great week, dear Sally!

  17. I just followed the instagram page. It's so cute — just like her! And brains too! You did something right. I thought of you with the news of the snow storm. We switched from AC to heat today ourselves, so you know it's got to be bad where you are! Take care, and be warm!

  18. Dear Katie, I hope that you are safe and warm with all of that snow and sleet. I wore my puffer coat out to supper tonight and I am in Dallas!:) Your trip looks like so much fun. #2 is beautiful. Seeing the Mr. guarding Miss Daisy so diligently made me smile! The remark you made about seeing your daughter happy is the sweetest thing ever. As always, your post was a big dose of cheer! Chowdah, too cute for words! xo Sherry

    1. Thanks for your sweet words, Sherry. I spoke to my #1 last night in Dallas and she was telling me how cold it was there. Most of our snow is gone because it rained a lot yesterday afternoon. Very cold, though. Have a wonderful week, dear Sherry and thanks for leaving a note.

  19. BRRR - stay warm. We are down in Alabama and we are having a cold spell - hopefully, the last of this winter. EVERYTHING is blooming and has new growth so everyone in our neighborhood has funny looking yards - sheets covering all the plants trying to protect them! I love the picture of the display in the store - the blues and yellows - so pretty!!

  20. What a great trip that had to be. I love being on college campuses. You can just sense the energy all around. Sharing it with a daughter? Priceless. SCREEETCH.....back to reality and all that snow. I'm sorry. What a letdown. Just keep dreaming of those beautiful potted plants you saw outdoors...

  21. Daughter #2 is so beautiful..like her Mom! Duke University is a great school. Glad y'all had a good visit. I know it felt good to see spring arrive and leave the snow behind for a bit! What fun shopping too! Love those kinds of visits! Stay warm up there!!!

  22. Beautiful girl! Isn't it the best to take a daughter grocery shopping and know that is one less thing they have to worry about in their busy life? Looks like a fun weekend!

  23. With apologies to Miss Daisy, she looks enormous!! Your photos of Duke and your daughter are beautiful. My daughter (doing research there before grad school) sent me some pictures from her outing to the stunning Duke Gardens last week. Hope you got a chance to visit there. Your grocery store pics reminded me how I love observing my young adult kids learning homemaking. Last night I got a call from my daughter at the grocery store (a frequent thing) wondering what kind of meat to buy for Mongolian Beef and, by the way, what else goes into Mongolian Beef? Priceless.

  24. Fun maiden voyage for Miss Daisy!! Tell your daughter to hold on to that southern gentleman, they are the best! I think it's great that she is into eating healthy, I'm afraid I'm more of a wine, salty snack and advil gal myself :) I know you enjoyed your special time...

  25. It looks like a fabulous trip, Katie! I do like NC. I hope you made it back before the you-know-what. Sounds like it, in which case I hope you have a good snow removal service or a great back!

  26. Oh my -- what a wonderful visit! Your girl is such a beauty -- looks a lot like you! Hope the snow melts fast for you!

  27. Your number 2 is movie star beautiful! Love that last pic of her. Our snow is still with us, and it's freezing cold! What a difference 60 miles south makes. Hope you have a great weekend!

  28. What a fun trip, especially for Miss Daisy. Quite an adventure. We have no snow here, just lovely weather. Loved seeing all of your gorgeous photos. Congrats to Bonnie on winning.

  29. This sounds like such a fun trip and you were so close to us - would have loved to see you!! We are a family of Carolina graduates so The Carolina Inn is our home away from home - isn't it charming?! We'll be following your sweet #2's new instagram - needing a little healthier eating in my life! Happy Thursday, sweet friend!

  30. You were visiting not far from me :-) Southpoint is an awesome mall, but I haven't been to the other places you mentioned yet. Looks like you all had a great time!


  31. What a wonderful trip for you and with Miss Daisy. A nice break from your winter weather. Your #2 is lovely, looks like she is having a wonderful time giving mom and dad the tour. Such a beautiful campus! The shopping looks like fun, Anthro is one of my favorite shops and so is Trader Joe's. I know it was a great time for all......

  32. What a beautiful campus and looks like a delightful time. Looks like #1 is very happy. And, I do love Miss Daisy, a whole bunch!

  33. It is so fun seeing the places I go regularly on your blog! Southpoint is my favorite mall too. My daughter is at UNC - where The Carolina Inn is. My hubs and I just ate there last week before going to the Carolina/Duke basketball game.

  34. How did the storm turn out in your neck of the woods? My kids ended up with only 8 inches of snow (down from forecast of 18-24) but then got buckets of rain on top of that making for a slushy, hard to clear up mess! I'm now following #2's Instagram. Her photos are beautiful!

  35. That tote has a better social life than I do. I believe that Duke is one of the prettiest college campuses in the country. Just gorgeous.

    Annie G


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