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Sunday, January 29, 2017

February Books, TV, and Movies

Hello, dear friends.  I am not sad that January is almost over.  We were lucky that it was a mild one here in the Northeast and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that February will be the same.

Last night we went over to a dear friend's house for a positively delightful dinner.  The night ended with the most delicious chocolate cookie sandwiches.  I will have to bribe the hostess for the recipe for you. 

In the meantime, it is all about February's books, TV, and movies.  

Speaking of books, isn't this room gorgeous?
I think I'm in love.


This book promises to be chock full of all of my favorite things: pastry, fabulous restaurants, NYC, Seattle, beaucoup romance and best of all... a reality show.  Not only that, I would buy the book just for its cover!!

If you are a Sophie Kinsella fan, she's got a new one in the wings that sounds pretty good.

A teenage girl works on solving her mother's murder with forensic science.  
Hope it doesn't give my girls any ideas.

This is a story about a complicated woman who follows her dream of becoming a singer.
Sounds like my life story.

A girl, a coffee shop, more pastries, and a hunk-of-burnin' love who owns the pub.
Sounds like the perfect read for a dreary day.

The review says that if you loved The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and Desperate Housewives, you're going to really love this one.  It takes place in Toulouse, Louisianna and sounds like a good one.

Love, secrets, and a dark past - I'm hooked.

A story about family dynamics and what can go wrong when the lines between family and friends become blurred.

No, this is not the story of Arnold Schwarzenegger's marriage.  It is about a scorned woman who goes to work as a housekeeper for England's answer to Martha Stewart.  Dust isn't the only thing that is swept under the rug in this house of secrets.



I loved the book, and now Reese Witherspoon bought the rights and is starring in the TV series.

A spin-off revolving around Tom Keen premieres on February 23rd.  It will be interesting to see whether this one will make it without having James Spader as its star.

I could get my Ph.D. in Taken movies.  Just the same, I'll probably give this one a whirl. 


Slim pickens when it comes to the movie premieres this month.  Looks like the Mister and I are going to have to find a hobby.

The Comedian has a great cast, and the trailer looks pretty good.  It opens on February 3rd.

I'm sure the Mister will want to see this one.  
I have a feeling there's a lot of running, chasing, and shooting in it.
Sounds like it's right up the Mister's alley.

Until next time,


Linking up with:
Silver Pennies Sundays
Bloggy Brunch
Amaze Me Monday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Lot's of new books to choose from but now I'm reading You're Not the Boss of Me. DD wants to see A Dog's Purpose; I'm afraid that I will just be sobbing thru out the entire movie. Sunny here today; happy Sunday dear Katie! We need to meet up soon. Hugs, Dawn

    1. Hi Dawn! Great to hear from you! We definitely need to set up a lunch date soon. Have a great week.

  2. Pinning, pinning, pinning. Did you report about The Little Paris Bookshop? I'm reading that right now. :)

  3. Looks like some great books you're talking about here! I love psychological thrillers the best.

  4. Thanks for the reading list. I'm gong to need some cold rainy days to get through all of these. '-)
    The Founder is good according to a friend who has seen it.
    Beautiful here in TX. Enjoy the day.

  5. Always enjoy your book recommendations.

  6. I haven't read Big Little Lies but I'm really curious about the movie. Too bad I don't have HBO. :(

    Looks like some great books for the month of February. To Catch a Killer seems really exciting.


  7. Lots of great recommendations! Seems like the Mister and my husband have the same taste in movies.

  8. I seriously need to take a speed reading class! So many fab books and not enough time (truth of the matter is I read at a snail's pace ;-)

  9. Yes, that's a very pretty room, so summery! And such a cute dog - but never as cute as C&C, the dog mega stars! Fun book reviews. Dark past sounds intriguing. I'm waiting for another Tom Hanks movie. Right now I've been watching The Crown on Netflix for the third time. And Mr. C. just brought me popcorn so we can watch Victoria on Masterpiece! Thanks for the fun post. Hugs to the sweet pups.

  10. I think you helped me find the three books I can add to my reading list. Meh the movies do look like slim pickens. I can tell you my kids are super excited about the Batman movie coming out...HA! Not me. Not you. Not we.

  11. Great recommendations! I love a good psychological thriller!
    Happy Monday,

  12. I love both those home libraries and can't decide on the happy room or the moody room. I'm trying to talk my man into allowing wallpaper back in the house in the kids' bathroom, fingers crossed.

  13. Several of the books you've shared are added to my Audible list now, thank you. Wow, Redemption looks intriguing. We have enjoyed the bumpy ride of Black List---who can keep it straight as to who the good guys vs. the bad guys (who turn out to be good guys)?! I love the Tom Keen character, or at least I love looking at him! :-)

    1. I agree, Karen. Can't keep it straight. Kind of like "24" where the characters would think Jack was a bad guy for a few episodes. I love Tom Keen too. Have you ever seen him cohosting on the Today Show? He is positively charming. Have a good week, Karen.

  14. Looks like a great list! I'm looking forward to The Blacklist too. Happy. Monday!

  15. Ok now, Sis. This simply has to stop. I'm supposed to be writing, writing, writing, whenever I'm not doing the necessary things like being walked by Poppy and swiping away at the dust and dander created by her and her bunny sister Bonanza. To fall into this heavenly world of book and tv suggestions that makes me want to read every. single.one. and watch every single.trailer is not on plan. Of course I adore Sophie Kinsella. And the fact that she has a new book out? OH MY.
    I must catch my breath. Have you watched the Doc Martin prequel movie? Did you even know about it? He's actually quite civil in it. And don't tell anyone, least of all my mother, but of late I've been known to dabble in one or six sittings of Scandal. Absolutely loving it. Yes, I do get to these things eventually.
    Sneaing out tomorrow night to watch Hidden Figures with a pal ... that title reminds me of my clothing choices. Ok. I'm going to give your eyes a rest. Have a good one.

  16. From your keyboard to God's ears - I sure hope that February is a mild one, too! Please, please, please not a repeat of 2 years ago. All of the books sound great but my first stop will probably be "Sugar". You had me at "reality show". Have a great week!

  17. THE ITALIAN and THE MISTER will get on JUST FINE!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Thank you for the book recommendations! I've ordered Sugar and will be downloading The Cosy Coffeeshop to read while we are away for school vacation in a few weeks.

    1. Great Niki! Let me know how you like them. Have a great week and I owe you lunch!

  19. You are on a serious reading roll! I thought the Comedian looked good too. Great cast and I'm ready to laugh.

  20. Sugar looks like a good one and went straight to my to be read list. I also like the Cosy Coffee Shop and Housekeeper...you know I'm a sucker for a British setting. I agree about the movie selections. Not much out there. I think I will be going to see Lego Batman next Friday with a group of 4 13 year old boys...yippee!

  21. You had us at Sugar! Just downloaded it and can't wait to see Big Little Lies since we also loved the book. Happy February, Katie!
    C + C

  22. That last picture is dreamy! Tons of books, a couch and pooch...perfect!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


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