Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 9, 2017

Cooking with the Celebs

Hello, dear friends.  Did you watch the Golden Globes last night?  Between the Red Carpet with Ryan and the actual telecast, I devoted about fourteen hours to it.  Or maybe it just felt like it.

My favorite look of the night is Annette Bening's.  I loved her hair, the dress was stunning, and most importantly, age appropriate.  Best of all, her face didn't look like it was hit by a 100 mph wind storm.

After seeing the younger actresses, it looks like boob jobs are out (good for me) and dangerously deep V-necks are in (not so good for me).

When I got up this morning, I had no idea what to write about.  I started looking at all the dresses from last night.  Everyone looks so darn skinny, and it made me think that they all must have very clean kitchens.  And then it hit me... Celebrity Kitchens! 

I couldn't find a photo of Annette and Warren's kitchen, but this is the best that I could do.  It is from the movie The Kids are Alright from a movie that Annette starred in six years ago.  The kitchen still looks current. 

Naomi Watts

The only thing this kitchen is missing is Liev Schreiber.  So sorry to hear they broke up. 

My guess is she probably got sick of remembering how to spell his name.  It's not easy.

I'm not crazy about Kris, but she has a lovely kitchen.  

I don't know or care whichever Kardashian this one is, but great placement of the spices over the stove.  My OCD Mister would love that.

I bet Pharrell's wife is H*A*P*P*Y with this state-of-the-art kitchen!

How many points do you think have been counted in Oprah's kitchen in Telluride?
Maybe 40lbs. worth?

Celine Dion

Can't you just hear Celine belting out one of her songs in this gorgeous kitchen?  Maybe the lighting fixtures double as stage lights.

Dr. Ben Carson
For some reason, I never thought about what kind of kitchen the candidates have.  Looks like Mrs. Carson has good taste.  

Tom and Giselle

I can't live in Massachusetts during football season and not mention Tom Brady!
Go Pats! 

Nate Berkus

So cool, just like him.

I wonder how Drake likes JLo's kitchen.

Can you tell by now that I have a subscription to People

Lady Gaga

Rumor has it that this kitchen isn't just for show.  Lady Gaga is quite a cook.  I don't know this for sure because she hasn't asked me over... yet.

Britney Spears

No oooops in this kitchen.  Gorgeous!

Billy Joel

I wonder which one of his wives was lucky enough to work in this kitchen.


Another JLo kitchen!  This one I love.
Hope she knows how to cook.

Kerry Washington

Do you think POTUS has been over for dinner?

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

I wonder if this was Chrissy's test kitchen for her cookbook.

Diane Keaton

This one looks like it could be in one of her movies.

This is another photo of Diane Keaton's kitchens from a few years ago.

I think it fits her.


As I was working on this post, my phone rang.  What a delightful surprise to find my royal friend on the other end.

It was none other than THE Vintage Contessa.  Along with discussing world affairs, she also gave me the details of the fabulous Christmas gift that her handsome Italian presented to her.  You can read all about the incredibly romantic gift here.

My gloomy day turned into one filled with California sunshine!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Brad Pitt was wonderful!!!!!!!!!
    So happy to see him out & doing his "movie star" bit with grace & style.
    Nicole Kidman, the skinnest of them all, looked amazing !!!

  2. I LOVE tom bradys kitchen..is that brick on the ceiling??? Man, oh man....I would live in that kitchen. And your mister might not like spices on top of cooking area..I bet heat makes the spices lose their freshness faster.
    Those peeps just have entirely too much money...they should be spending it on their kid's schools, or st judes or cancer and heart research cuz you know they don't cook in them. Bet they don't appreciate them like somebody like lil ol' me who spends half her life really cooking in one!!! ooooooo...that sounded kinda bitter, eh??!!!
    Oh well, I'm mad that the "hollywooders" are not trying to bring everyone together instead of continually making digs about losing their election. So tired of it all...we may as well try to make the best of what is happening

  3. I like Nate's kitchen. It would be easy for me to keep the cabinets clean.

  4. Oops I like Britney's kitchen first and if I can't have that one I'll take Celine's kitchen. Diane Keaton is pretty much my favorite actress but I'd pass on that kitchen.

    I noticed all the exposed skinny boobage in the Golden Globes too. Those girls need to eat!

  5. Overall everyone looked pretty darn fantastic on the Golden Globes says this woman who sat on her couch wearing pajamas for what seemed like 14 hours. IMO the over 40 crowd made great choices- Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, Viola Davis, Felicity Huffman, Julia Louis Dreyfus. I want add Annette but if I were the dressmaker, I would have added some shoulder pads, a small v-neckline v following the lines at the waist and a built in bra that would have lifted the girls up just enough so it didn't look like QEII's bust line.

    What a fun post to see the star kitchen's. Even though most of them probably don't do much cooking. Many have calorie controlled meals delivered to their door daily. I see the delivery trucks all the time. The rest of them I think live of juice/smoothies and coffee based on the number of locations that opened recently

  6. What a FUN FUN post. I LOVE looking at kitchens. There are some really gorgeous ones here. Oh- I would take just about any one of them. You can do a post like this anytime!!! xo Diana

  7. Hello dear Katie
    I didn't see the show, just some highlights but I viewed all the gowns online from the golden globes. I liked Sofia Vergara and Reese Witherspoon.
    Annette Benning is wonderful, she is in one of my favourite movies, the Women.

    Are you friends with la Contessa, she is hilarious you are both so lovely and such good fun. I can imagine what it would be like if we ever met, laughter, smiles and off to la la land !! Im going to the opening night...Thursday

    Love to you

  8. If I won the lotto, I'd do over the kitchen. I know exactly what I'd do, too. Now, all I need is an extra 25 grand to pull it off. Meanwhile, I can stir with one and and practically wash dishes with the other... and that is never a good idea!

  9. My favorite is TB12's - and he is also my QB so yay! I also like Gaga's and Oprah's, nice. Did you notice the view out the window of the Carson's looks fake? Go check that out - it looks painted or something. Hmmm? Great post, sweet heart! xo

  10. ANNETTE B. is the EPITOME of GRACE & STYLE.Another favorite who I did not see there in the crown or on stage I joined in LATE HAD TO DO DINNER FOR THE ITALIAN is HELEN MIRREN.ALWAYS ONE OF MY FAVORITES!AGAIN a CLASS ACT.Fun to see people DRESSED...........one could watch for hours!AS YOU DID!
    Happy YOU forgot to ADD my KITCHEN to the CELEBRITIES.....................somehow I think it MIGHT STAND OUT not in a GOOD WAY!Velvet Love seat full of DOG HAIR,antique clothing rack to hold POTS,OLD WOLF RANGE,an INDUSTRIAL COFFEE MACHINE ALL THE WAY FROM ITALY which is Never turned off..............and a few other accessories THAT demand COUNTER TOP SPACE which drives THE ITALIAN MAD!I TOLD HIM YEARS AGO.........he made the KITCHEN TOO SMALL!!!!!!!I shall send you a few snaps TODAY just so you can share with YOUR CHEF.He will be SO HAPPY HE LIVES WITH YOU AND NOT ME!
    THANK YOU for answering THE PHONE..........had I known you were in YOUR OFFICE WORKING on THE BLOG I would have cut it SHORT!!!BEAUTIFUL FUN POST and the FACT I MADE your DAY better puts a SMILE on my FACE TODAY! THANK YOU!XX

  11. Celine Dion galley styled kitchen hands down for me, and Tom and Giselle modern rustic is right up there for me.
    This was a creative beautiful post.
    Enjoy all that inspires


  12. Celiane Dion's kitchen for me too! And Tom and Giselles, the rest are not my style but they are pretty. I hope you survived the snow! It is freezing here and no melting in sight. Your husband sounds like I was when they said we were getting 14 inches. My husband was out of town so it was just me and the stubborn pups who refused to go out to do their business of about 10 hours after they saw the snow.

  13. The kitchens are terrific - but I will pass on shelves instead of cabinets, all glass cabinet doors, white fabric counter stools, monotone all white kitchens and huge hoods in the middle of the kitchen.

    Did the Vintage Contessa inquire about the earphones she liked in your previous post?

  14. This was fun...there were several I really liked not at all coinciding if I like who owns them lol. Fun to take a peek.....hope you are staying warm!

  15. So many lovely kitchens and ideas here! We hope to get our kitchen remodelled soon as we bought this home a few months back and *gasp* I have wood paneling still on some walls and seriously outdated cabinets, etc. I make it work but I have a vision! LOL Thanks for sharing. Have a great week!


  16. Enjoyed your comments about each kitchen. You are too funny! Love most of the kitchens but the thought of any of those actors scrubbing pans in the sink or wiping crumbs off their counters just makes me smile. Probably don't know which drawer their dish towels are in! Have a warm day!!

  17. I love you - such a great fun post!! Thank you for being you! xoxo


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