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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 2, 2017

What To Do in Boring January

Hello, dear friends.  This is the first time that I have been home alone in two weeks, and it feels pretty darn good.  Don't tell my family I said that.

I took down all the Christmas decor yesterday with very little help from the Mister.  The house looks so bare now.  I think a shopping expedition to Homegoods is in order.

I hate this time of year.  It is so gray and depressing, and it lasts forever.  Oops.  Never mind. One of my resolutions is not to complain.  Forget I said that.

Here are a few suggestions for filling your idle time in ugly January.  

On my gotta read list

This novel is described as a psychological thriller ala Hitchcock and takes place on Beacon Hill.  Can hardly wait until this one is released on January 10th.

Described as rich in suspense, the plot centers around a young couple who are living in NYC searching for success.  This one comes out January 17th. 

Four friends agree to write anonymous letters about their deepest, darkest secrets.  Sounds like Real Housewives on paper to me.  This one is out on January 24th.

This book is described as witty as well as heartbreaking.  The main character is a stay-at-home Mom that seems to have everything.  Everyone is shocked when she takes her life.  From beyond, she works tirelessly to find her replacement. You've got to admit, it's an interesting premise.


Louise is a single mom and working as a secretary.  After a rare one-night stand with a guy, she later learns that he is her boss.

Did I ever tell you that the Mister was at one time, my boss?
Not to worry.  This is not a tell-all expose on the Mister and me.
P.S.  I'm the boss now.

This novel is full of twists and turns and is already being compared to Gone Girl and The Silent Wife.  Ron Howard bought the rights and is producing a film based on it.  

If it's good enough for Opie, it's good enough for me.

In the theaters...

Oscar buzz on this flick which is based on Ray Crok, the founder of McDonald's.  I'm hoping that they will give out free fries with the show.  It is in limited release now and scheduled for wide release on 1/20.


This one is on my must-see list for this weekend.  Octavia Spencer is one of my favorite actresses.  

Rumor has it that she makes a mean pie.

Ben Affleck is the star of this American crime drama about the underworld in the Roaring 20's.  Sounds like a good one to me.  Wide release on January 15th.

When my #1 watched the trailer for A Dog's Purpose at the movie theater over Christmas, she sobbed through the whole thing.  It looks like a sweet, heartwarming story to me.  The wide release opens on 1/27.

On the Boob Tube...

January 15th is a big night for premieres.

January 15th 

I just think that Jude Law playing a Pope is practically a sacrilege.   
Resolution #34: don't exaggerate.
But I wouldn't miss it for the world!

January 15th

Counting the minutes for this one.  
Hope I like it as much as The Crown.

This is the Mister's favorite show.  
Didn't the guy on the left die in one of the episodes?
The Mister loves shows where they kill people and then bring them back.  

Nashville is back and premieres on January 5th on CMT.
I love the music especially when Deacon is center stage.

Olivia Pope and that gorgeous hunk of burnin' love POTUS will be back on January 19th.  You can watch the trailer here.

If Tobey isn't included in the rest of this show, I'm going to have to go on medication.  
Not that I'm dramatic, or anything.
Another resolution:  
Calm down and stop taking TV so seriously.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We saw Hidden Figures and loved it!! You'll have to let us know what you think. :)

  2. Thank you, Katie for your great blogs...they always
    make me smile 🤓

    1. Thank you, Debbie for taking the time to read my blog. Enjoy your week!

  3. I always love the books you pick. I have to tell you this--at the last minute for Christmas I wrapped A Dog's Life up as just a little 'tuck in' for my 10 year old granddaughter. When she opened it I thought she was going to cry. She said, "Oh! Nana! This is a book I have wanted for weeks!" Warmed my heart, for sure. She started reading right in the middle of gift opening. lol

    I don't know if you know much about Ray Kroc but his story is quite interesting. I think he is listed as one of the 100 most important businessmen in America if I am not mistaken.

    Have a wonderful UN-boring January! Not my favorite month either. xo Diana

  4. Happy New Year, Katie! Thank you for the swell recommendations. They should help brighten the gloomy month.

  5. Yes, yes, yes and yes!
    Happy New Year. ☺

  6. I am so anxious for Scandal and Nashville!! It is also dreary in NY and I have a few books that need to be read! Happy New Year!

  7. You and the mister definitely need to get back to TX. January here is more like spring these days, mild days, blue skies, and sunshine. Of course, you know that can change on a dime. Someone told me they are predicting it to be in the 20s again by the end of the week.
    Adding these titles to my book list. I can always depend on you!
    January is actually one of my favorite months. Could be because I'm a January birthday and get to stretch out the celebrations for weeks. ;-)

  8. Happy New Year!! How do you find out about all these book releases? I've written every one down. Hidden Figures looks like a good one. Thanks for the info.

    1. Your welcome, Susie. Hope you have a wonderful new year.

  9. Thanks for the suggestions and tips! Can't wait to do something productive in LONG, COLD and BORING January! :) Agree with you -- Jude Law is the Pope??? OY!!

  10. You've just given me reason to live...through the next few months here in New England.
    For that I am grateful.

    1. -L - you are too funny! I hope we get more sunshine than snow the next few months. Enjoy your week!

  11. four friends tell their secrets???? OMG....I have wanted to write this book for eons. My friends and I have some juicy secrets and all I wanna do is go on tour to promote it. Oh wait...I have to write it first. Already pre ordered book!!
    Mister was your boss??? are you telling us that you were a cook in a former life???? Now that's a secret I'd like to hear about!!!!!!

  12. four friends tell their secrets???? OMG....I have wanted to write this book for eons. My friends and I have some juicy secrets and all I wanna do is go on tour to promote it. Oh wait...I have to write it first. Already pre ordered book!!
    Mister was your boss??? are you telling us that you were a cook in a former life???? Now that's a secret I'd like to hear about!!!!!!

    and I would love a boring january--my birthday, 2 grandbabies b'days, daughter in law's b'day
    and a dreaded trip to Great Wolf Lodge in grapevine....ugh. Rather take a beating!!!

  13. You married your boss?!?! Is that work place fraternization? Nepotism? Shenanigans? Looks like you have your tv viewing all lined up and ready. Happy reading, too! -Jenn

  14. Oh, thank you! I just did my 2017 Reading Challenge goal but was in desperate need of book recommendations.

  15. Thanks for the book suggestions Katie!! I am always on the look out for a good book. Yes, January is really boring since our beloved Downton is no longer on to lift those after Christmas blues. I actually thought about getting out the first season and watching them on Sunday nights!! Oh Well...I am looking forward to Victoria and I have heard that the series about Queen Elizabeth is very good as well. One day we will get Net Flicks. :)

  16. Waiting eagerly for Victoria. Are you into Sherlock? Last week's opener was a real shocker. That's probably the only show on TV I can't multitask to!

    January is such an ugh month. I'll keep meandering at Christmas decorations -- that should get me through the winter...

  17. Greetings from Rome . . . I just love saying that! Hahaha! Anyway, you've solved a mystery for me. I've seen "Founder" posters all over Italy, and my boys keep thinking it means there's a McDonald's somewhere! We get into a heavy discussion of, "No! We're not coming all this way to eat at a McDonalds" to, "We just want to go look!" But yes, I'd go see the movie. As for the Pope show . . . Vatican tomorrow. Maybe they'll give us a preview.

  18. Happy New Year Melinda!! I hope your Holidays where wonderful and if you are bored please come to NJ and help me move into this new house!! LOL! Hope to see you gals in the Spring, Karolyn

  19. Mean pie...lol... You are off to a roaring start for the new year! I am even afraid to watch the trailer for A Dog's Purpose! I get so emotional just looking at my Rosie. I think I love her too much... Wait till I tell my husband Jude Law is playing the Pope! We saw him in a Broadway show called "Indiscretions" many years ago and he had a full frontal nudity scene...and we were in one of the first few rows. That's all I think of every time I see him...I will leave you with that visual. Have a great week!

  20. OK, I know, I am probably the only one who hasn't seen this is us!!!!! Can you tell me when it is on????? I am dying to see it but can't find it. Here's to a GREAT 2017! Your list of books looks terrific too. I want to read more too!!!

  21. Happy New Year! Yes, New England in January is gray. February is gray. March is gray. December is kinda gray too but Christmas takes the edge off that. 4 gray months. When wheather gets gray, the gray goes shopping (actually I'm only partially gray). I'm down in New Jersey for a day or so. It's gray here too. We did see Passengers last night though.

  22. Happy 2017, Katie! Looks like you gave us a reading and watching list to last us the year... Thanks for always being so helpful with suggestions for a boring day.
    C + C

  23. I live on the other side of the state(Berkshires) and I am ready for spring-Big Lots has there patio cushions out already-if it could only be that quick ! Hoping for Tobey to pull through...cried my way through that episode ! Love your blog.

  24. Thank you SO much for the book recommendations to get me through my least favorite month!! And , I agree with you 100% - if Toby is not on the show on Sunday, I am done! Actually, probably not - I LOVE that show!! Have you seen Jackie yet? SO good! Xoxo


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