Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, January 6, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  If I sound a little down it's because we are experiencing that four-letter word today: s-n-o-w.  Ugh.  I'm not that person who sees the beauty in the first snowfall.  Give me a warm, sunny Summer day anytime.

Here are a few things on my mind this week. 

Great stuff I got for Christmas

My #2 knows the way to her Mama's heart.  She got me hooked on Edna Valley Chardonnay.  You can find it at Trader Joe's.

I've been using the same moisturizer for years.  Lately, my oily skin has gotten very dry.  Hmm... I wonder why.  My #1, our family cosmetic queen, gave me a bottle of Midnight Recovery Concentrate by Kiehl's.   This serum did the trick for my dry skin.  I use it every other night.   I look at least 10 days younger.

The girls and I all got a new Beauty Blender in our stockings.  It's a great applicator for liquid foundation.

Leave it to your adult children to tell you what is wrong with your house.  The girls informed us that our internet needed some serious improvement.  The Mister took it to heart and did some research.  He installed this system which has increased the speed one hundred percent.

The Mister surprised me with these earphones.  The sound quality is beyond compare.  It almost makes me want to spend another ten minutes on the treadmill.  Keyword:  almost.

Stuff I Wish I Got

Ostrich Pillow

I need this for the next three months.

Wine Glass Holder for the Shower

This is another necessity for the bitter days ahead.

Best Ugly Christmas Sweater Award!

I'm glad I didn't stay up to witness this fiasco.

I watched the Today Show for years.  I converted to GMA after Matt pulled that stunt with Ann Curry.  But I really enjoyed Katie Couric when she co-anchored.  This past week, she sat in for boring Savannah, and it was great to see her back.  No doubt about it, Katie and Matt still have the same unmistakable chemistry.

My girl, Meredith will be co-hosting next week.
Another week GMA will have to do without me.

Spring Fashion Trends

It's all about chokers for men this Spring.  I can hardly wait to buy the Mister his first one.  Good bye bow tie -- hello choker!!

Big shoulders are back.  So glad I held on to my foam shoulder pads.  The bigger the shoulders... the smaller the waist.

And rumor has it... ugly shoes are coming back.

According to Automobile Magazine, babies born today may never drive a car, let alone own a car.  Too bad they didn't invent self-driving cars fifty years ago.

If you are looking for me this weekend...

I will be watching this documentary on Saturday night.

And glued to the TV on Sunday night.

And relaxing with a good book.
Just started this thriller and now all I want to do is read all day.

Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Until next time....

The Shirk Report
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Are you doing exactly what I'm doing right now? I just finished up watching Matt's 20th celebration. I was so mad about the Ann Curry thing too. Meredith Vieira is definitely the sweetest and I cannot wait for next week. That ugly sweater, perfection! I cannot wait for the Golden Globes too, Jimmy Fallon is going to make it so entertaining! Have The most wonderful weekend my friend, there will be lots to savor!

  2. Can't wait for the Golden Globes and I need that ostrich hat! This time of year is not my favorite. I saw that meme that said Christmas is Over Now I'm Ready for Summer. That's me! Even summer in hot Texas is better than the dark days of winter. :)

  3. When I'm having a bad day (which can be any day I have to drive to work...again) I can always be sure to get a chuckle from you.I too am from Massachusetts and I wish we were neighbors although we would be fighting over that wine!
    I totally agree with you about Today!


  4. Is that a serious thing? Man chokers? Good lord, team that up with a man bun and you have a bunch of masculine Audrey Hepburns running around. I'm not sure my husband would wear one, unless it somehow draws the eye away from a double chin! My daughter uses one of those make up applicators. I have to get me one of those! -Jenn

  5. Ooooh-- you received some perfect gifts -- your girls and the Mister know you so well! ALso love Katie Couric and Meredith too! So fun to see Katie C -- she looks fabulous, doesn't she! Can't wait to watch some tv this weekend! Have a good one!

  6. 32 here and 22 in Dallas. Like you, I'm not a snow person, so I'm happy to say it's just winter brown here in TX. Love my Bose headset that was in my stocking a few years ago. Stay inside where it is warm and cozy with that good book.

  7. I have not watched Today or GMA for years and then I was babysitting at my daughter's house and they lured me back in!! And i have to find some of that moisturizer.

  8. Yeah, I got wine for Christmas too. The secret is out. We started out at 6 here. Now it's 12 or maybe 11. Really, can anyone tell a difference between those two? Once we get to freezing there is no joy in Mudville.

  9. The sleet has started here! This is about to get interesting. Yes, love seeing Katie back and adore Meredith.

  10. Rita in Cold ChicagoJanuary 6, 2017 at 11:17 AM

    It was zero this morning with lots of windchill so this post is the first time I have cracked a smile today! Thanks for being a sanity saver and give Chowdah a hug. I can't wait to go to Kiehl's because my oily skin must have gone on vacation.

    1. Hello, dear Rita. I have three very good friends that live in the Chicago and they tell me you haven't been having the best of winters this year. We are fastening our seatbelts for our storm to arrive this afternoon. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Stay warm.

  11. I totally agree about the Today Show. I used to love it, but somewhere around the Ann Curry fiasco or Matt dressing in a red Baywatch swimsuit for Halloween, I made the switch to CBS Morning Show. Love all you gifts...I need to try the Beauty Blender. I can't wait to watch the Golden Globes since we were just at the Beverly Hilton! Stay warm this weekend!

  12. I quit watching the Today show for the exact same reason! I still can't watch Matt to this day. Now I am a GMC junkie! I love George, Lara, Robin, Amy and now Michael!

  13. We just had 10 minutes of falling down snow!!!! in north loosiana. and most of the major interstates have closed! my yankee friends are laughing and laughing right now and Im digging in the hall closet for a coat. Surely I have a coat somewhere ..heheheheh
    I'm with ya on the GMA/Today show...was a diehard till they screwed sweet ann curry over. now I love lara spencer and robin!!
    gotta go check for more snow now...plz plz plz

  14. oh....and I've found edna valley wine at world market too

  15. Hello dear Katie
    I think the pond may soon be frozen for skating across. I hope you are not too chilly in the snow, your dogs will need their red bows so you can see them.
    I hope you enjoy this weekend's tv, I like the golden globes and all the glamour and red carpet zsa zsa zsu. Love it :) its a good time to stay warm with your Chardonnay. I think you will also like 'Victoria'
    Love to you my dear
    Sally xx
    ps.I have two black chokers, my mother used to wear them and I think they are very chic. Not sure about a man's version !x

  16. I have never heard of Kiehl's recovery serum. Do you love it? My skin is so dry and nothing seems to help much. Let me know how you like it.
    I plan to watch that documentary, too, unless the remote gets commandeered by 'someone' wanting to watch 'something' about the Packers. lol
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am hunkering in---our high today was 4°..uh-huh...xo Diana

  17. WHAT? you don't like Savanah? I think she is so much like Katie C and they seem to both have the same chemistry with Matt! What are you wearing Sunday night? I can't decide between my Monique Lhullier or my Oscar de la Renta....and I need to shine up my Louboutins and Harry Winston jewels!

  18. I am so with you on that white stuff outside! About the only thing it's good for is either motivating me to sit and read more or get in my basement and organize more (there's always a corner or wall begging to be organized down there of all my stuff!). One thing I'm not really big on is watching much TV. I think my hubster has me trained to watch very little live TV, so we can speed through commercials and really slow parts (as in GG). Stay cozy - put on your best fuzzy bathrobe for Sunday's red carpet.

  19. Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely pick up some Kiehl's and Edna's. Stay warm! I hope the forecast is wrong. I'm in denial about the storm. It's not working.

  20. I hate to say that I agree with Matt that Ann Curry definitely was not cut out to be a host of a morning show (although she was a lovely, sweet woman). I thought that Matt wasn't crazy about Meredith co-hosting either(??). Katie Couric set the bar high.

    How have I lived without a wine glass holder for the shower??

    Katie, you will be hit hard with snow today. I say that it's a small price to pay for your proximity to Cape Cod(??).

  21. Loved Ann C Katie and Meredith...not a fan of Matt's at all. What do you think about Meghan Kelly coming in to their network, shoudl be "interesting"!
    You got so many great gifts, think your family knows a trophy wife needs to be spoiled.
    The ugly shoes coming back..oh no, tell me we are not going to see an influx of crocs and Uggs??
    Always enjoy your recommendations and like you will be glued to the GG's tomorrow night!!

  22. Darn I wish I had seen the wine glass for the shower before Xmas my entire family needs one!!! Agreed on Matt and the today show. Savannah...yawn.,,

  23. PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT THE EARPHONES........HOW DOES THAT WORK?I KNOW I KNOW........do you download from ITUNES On the headset...................PLEASE CALL ME AND LETS DISCUSS cause I think I would walk if I had these on my HEAD!PLEASE ADVISE........as I WANT SOME!

  24. Did I share with you that I hung out with Meredith, Ann and Matt in 2010? Yes, while they were here for the winter Olympics. Weren't they blessed? The best thing, of course, would have been if you and Mo were here as well. Wish we'd met the mere six years earlier, Sis.


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