Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Friday Files

Good morning, friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your week.  The Mister took today off, so it looks like we are headed to lunch and the movies.  The best news of the day is that there is no s-n-o-w forecasted for the weekend.  Little things mean a lot when you are my age.  

Nora Murphy Country House Magazine is fresh off the press with a fabulous house tour of an Adirondack-inspired home in Connecticut.  You can find it here.


How gorgeous is this room?  My friend, Susan, sent me this link from Architectural Digest with 25 more luscious rooms dressed in blue and white.  You can find it here.


One of my favorite websites, Thrillist , recently rated the states according to how miserable their winters are.  The bad news is that Massachusetts came in as number 10.  The good news is that I don't live in Minnesota.  No offense to the wonderful people of Minnesota!


The first word added to my vocabulary in 2017

My friend Lisa sent me this article a couple of weeks ago.  During these winter months, it's all about hygge for me.


I've been hitting every nursery in the area searching for sales on topiaries.  I just hit the jackpot with the two by the sink.  The Mister rolls his eyes whenever I come home with them because I always end up killing them.  You could call me the Grim Reaper of Topiaries.


We watched Bright Lights last weekend.  At times, I felt it reminded me a little of Grey Gardens.  No doubt about it, it's great entertainment.


This made my week.
I told you that I was shallow.


Chowdah and Chili were bubbling with excitement when a present arrived for them from BestBullySticks.  

I can't put into words how much they enjoyed their new treat, so I thought I would let them show you.

As my Mother used to say... 
the proof of the puddin' is in the eatin'!


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting one of my virtual friends in person.  I met Linda from A Design Snack by Linda Pakravan for lunch in Boston yesterday.  She is a designer from the beautiful town of Andover and a wonderful lady.  I didn't want the lunch to end!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It was great to meet the force behind Preppy Empty Nester! Lunch was too much fun. Looking forward to next time, although I'll have to work on the hair... And thanks so much for mentioning my blog. Have a great weekend.

  2. My large three ball topiary that has been at our front door for years went by the way of the last deep freeze last week. I've never covered it. Didn't think it needed to be, but sadly I was WRONG. Don't think I'll find a large one on sale, do you? '-)
    Loved meeting Linda over at her blog. Great post on the new to me Carlton House desks. I may have a new furniture crush!
    I'm headed out the door shortly, but plan to indulge in a little blue and white with the link above when I return.
    Enjoy the day with the mister.

  3. I do not but anything live, as far as plants go. I do not have a green thumb and everything dies. I thought I had gotten over that and so this year I purchased a poinsettia, the leaves fell off in a week!

    Love the blue and white link! So pretty. And Nora Murphy! I love everything she does.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Love love love your blog! Silly questions - do those bully sticks stink? My dogs love bully sticks but most of them smell horrible and make the dogs' faces stink too.

    1. Hi Lynn!!! Love, love,love your comment!!!! No, I don't think the bully sticks smell. But I took it upon myself and asked the Mister, who has the keenest sense of smell. They were just chewing on them and He said that they don't smell. So if you buy them and they smell, blame him. Thanks so much for reading my blog. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!❤

  5. My standard poodle loves the bully sticks and they keep him busy for quite a while. I get them from Costco and have my husband cut them in half. I have just tried a new treat that I read about on ArtFoodHome. You freeze spoonfuls of pure pumpkin from the can! So simple and he really likes those too.
    I love reading your blog!

    1. Hi Martha Mary! The Mister cuts our bully sticks in half too. It takes Chili twice as long to eat which drives Chowdah crazy! But enough with the family drama... Thanks for the tip on the frozen pumpkin! I'm hitting the grocery store tomorrow! Have a great weekend!!

  6. My late father in law was from Minnesota but he got a trip to Savannah Ga thanks to Uncle Sam and WW2, met my lovely MIL and never went back up north. I have visited Minnesota in the summertime and it is lovely, I will pass on the winter visits. Love all the pretty pictures you shared...so nice on a winter day. However it is in the 60s here and feels like spring. I will take it and be happy.

  7. Blue and white is always swoon-worthy, thanks for sending that link. I loved Bright Lights and cried through much of it. It was very sweet but sad.
    I may have to get our pair of doggies these sticks.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Toby's survival made my week as well! Stay warm! xoxo

  9. Sounds like a great week. Rosie loves those bully sticks too! And I also kill topiaries...actually I kill most plants..


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