Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 23, 2017

A Whole New Me

Hello, dear friends.  Does anyone notice anything new about me?   No, I didn't lose weight, but thanks for the compliment.  Nope, didn't have my eyes or neck done, though I wish I did. 

My blog got a facelift!  What do you think?  I do think it makes me look thinner.

My beautiful header is taken from a house portrait that the incomparable Terry Rourke painted a year ago.  I loved it so much that I wanted it to be a part of the blog.  I wrote about it here.

The layout design is the work of our talented #1.  Let's just say that money was owed and it was created in the same spirit as the original blog.  My first blog post, which was written four and a half years ago, will fill you in on the details.  Same circumstances, just a few years later.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love the new look! What a funny story about the start of your blog! have a wonderful week!

  2. I love your new look. The picture is amazing.

  3. Love, love, love it! My #1 created mine years ago. Hmmm...might be time for a facelift ;-)

  4. First thing I noticed! Your beautiful new header. I love it---your house does look a bit thinner.....xo Diana

  5. Does #1 take commissions? I would love her to redesign my blog. I haven't a clue about web design and so use the package template. Really getting boring and would love a consultation.

  6. Perfection! I love the home portrait and the checks. ;)

  7. LOVE IT!! Beautiful picture. I see a second career for #1.

    1. Thanks. I'll pass on your words to #1. Have a great week.

  8. Oh Katie, I love the new blog look...and the painting is absolutely gorgeous! I love all the detail - flowers, trees/leaves and even the 2 Pups!! Kudos to #1!!!

  9. Katie,
    Your house's portrait is perfect for your blog, and the black checked border goes well with the painting's colors. The black check also makes me think, "preppy." :)


  10. You are so funny!! The new portrait header is STUNNING!!

  11. I love that first blog post! I hope the makeover helps make up for all those no parking tickets. :) I love the blog header, such a gorgeous house!

  12. I had to comment that I LOVE the new header. Now I'm going to go back and read about your first post. -Jenn

  13. Terrific and fresh new look! Congratulations and thanks for keeping us entertained.

    1. Thank you, Deborah for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  14. Gorgeous painting and blog header, excellent negotiation skills.

  15. Love your new look, the painting of your house is beautiful! Heard there is nasty weather up your way today-stay dry and catch up on all your reading and favorite shows! :)

    1. It was pretty bad last night. The wind was so loud!! I spent the morning at Homegoods, where it's always sunny inside. Have a great week, Lisa.

  16. It's beautiful! What would we do without these talented, tech savvy kids. Every change of my blog (before I retired) was administered by one son or the other. Your painting of your home is fabulous!
    I sure enjoy reading your posts and laughing along with you.

    1. Thanks so much, Karen. Your comments always make my day! Enjoy your week.

  17. Lovely painting and perfect for your blog! Happy new blog to you!

  18. I love the new design and love reading about your beginnings. Your success is so well deserved. Thanks for making us laugh and please keep writing for a long, long time!!!

  19. Beautiful artwork! My mom paints a photo of our home every time I move, lol. That is a neat idea making it your header, lovely!


  20. Love! Love! Love! It's fun to have a new 'home' from which to blog. I just reached my 5 year blog birthday. I was wondering how long you have been blogging, and now I know. Here's to more fun in blog world. So glad we've connected, Katie!

  21. I LOVE the new blog header and how perfectly it goes with the black and white checks! I think I need to refresh mine one of these days!

  22. Wowza! This is absolutely stunning Katie! It reminds me of a southern oil painting in a grand home! Just beautiful...I LOVE IT!

  23. Oh Katie, it is beautiful! One more reason to reason to read the next exciting adventure of Preppy Empty Nester.

  24. Stunning, marvelous, grand...love it! Good grief, look at what you have accomplished, I wish I could just finish my next post.
    I think I need a blog face lift...have a great week.

  25. I love everything, Katie! It's nice to freshen things up and perhaps, say a little more about your taste, style and personality. Good for you!

    You mentioned that you know the Chicago area pretty well, going to school in Lake Forest (beautiful area!), and have a blogger friend in Glenview. Beautiful area as well! I'm just south of Chicago, have you ever heard of Oak Lawn? The Beverly area? That's where I'm at. About 1/2 hour from downtown. I'd love to visit the blog of your Glenview friend, and please let me know if you ever come back for class reunion!! ;-D

    Jane x

  26. Gorgeous! The house portrait is a perfect header. I'm very impressed with Terry's work. Would love to have her do a portrait of our home. Need to work on that!
    Kudos to #1 for a fantastic job!

  27. Perfecto!!! Perfect image for your blog header even tho everytime someone changes their blog composition, it takes me FOREVER to figure out where everything is!!!! SO technology challenged, I am!
    I want a portrait of my house....waaaaaaaa.....going right now to check out your painter!
    (the pups just make it adorable...sure hope you've framed it in place of honor in your home!)

  28. I love your new look and the artwork is the perfect header...you know we adore your home! Happy Wednesday!

  29. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your blog. You make me laugh. Your home is gorgeous and the painting is just spectacular. My, your daughter does great work!! I love this layout! I wish you much success and happiness.

  30. Positively beautiful, inspiring and perfect to ring in the new year!
    Life is good and your positive and witty outlook make it even more so!

  31. I love it! It is beautiful and fits you perfectly.

  32. Love your new look and it's a chic as you are!! Congratulations on a beautiful new site, Katie.
    C + C

  33. Your new look is beautiful. I love your house portrait!

  34. Terry Rourke is so talented! Love the pups in the photo too.
    Your blog always tickles my funny bone - keep posting!

  35. i love it! this is perfect and so you! have a beautiful Sunday!

  36. Loving the new look! What a nice treat to see this Sunday morning....love the house rendering, picture perfect. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!


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