Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, January 27, 2017

The Friday Files

Good morning, dear friends.  Happy Friday!  I hope that you had a good week.  Mine just flew by.  Here are a few things that caught my attention this week.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you probably know that I am a big fan of Katie Couric's.  I even went to see her show a couple of years ago.  You can read about it here.

I found this article about Katie's home in East Hampton.  She touches on the topics of the role chemistry played when she was choosing her house, as well as blending the tastes of her late husband and her current husband.

If you are interested in seeing more of Katie's house, you can find it here.


I also found a tour of Adele's new beautiful home here.


Isn't this room magnificent?  Traditional Home posted this photo yesterday on Instagram.  It is from 1993.



If I had one of these rolling desks, I could stay in bed all day.
Naturally, I would have full makeup and a cute outfit on, too.


Without a doubt, the Best Company To Work For Award goes to Heinz Kraft this week.  Why? You ask.  Can you spell Smunday

Speaking of Heinz Kraft, my buddy Oprah is partnering with them to develop a new healthy frozen food line.  In typical Oprah fashion, ten percent of the profits will be donated to charities focusing on eradicating hunger.

just kiddin'


My buddies, Kathy Lee and Hoda talked about a few interesting products this week.

I may be coming late to the party on this one.  The young mothers may have known about this product for awhile.  Instatemp can take a  child's temperature without even touching the little one's skin.  It has a high accuracy rate, too.  I think this is amazing.  And to think of where I had to shove a thermometer when my girls were little!  

It seems that a lot of my friends are becoming grandmothers lately.  They're a lot older than me.  What a fabulous gift that would make!  Great to have if your buddy is lucky enough to do some babysitting.

Old houses have very small closets.  These Hang A Bunch hangers are going to help me fulfill one of my New Year's resolutions... getting organized.

Now I have to get organized enough to order them.  

I have used a few Roc products for years.  I love the serum and the night cream. Naturally, I ordered this new product since KLG and Hoda mentioned it. I really like it.  It absorbs very quickly and doesn't feel greasy. It also has an SPF 30.

My wrinkles and pores have virtually disappeared.
But then again, I don't have my glasses on.  


The Two-Family House has been out for awhile and has gotten great reviews.  I am about a quarter of the way through it and enjoying it tremendously.

Finishing The Kennedy Wives up on audible.  If you are a Kennedyphile such as myself, I  highly recommend this one.

This one is next up on my list for audible.  This Mister is listening to it now and says he likes it.

The Mister and I went to see this movie about the founder of McDonald's.  Michael Keaton is captivating in the role of Ray Kroc.  It's also an intriguing story that makes for a great movie.


Last, but not least, an update on my New Year's Resolution of eating healthy and losing weight. 

Thanks Susan!

What are you reading/watching these days?

Until next time...

Linked up with:
Best of the Weekend
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Isn't that how we all feel about the scale? I'm off to check out the ROC cream and the hangers...you always share the best ideas. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I've been a little more tolerant of my scale since it registered my 12.5 pound weight loss last week. I wish I could say I'm done, that's the perfect weight for me but no such luck!

  3. Your Friday goodness just makes me SMILE!!! I love by the musings of KLG and Hoda Woman, they can do no wrong, Trying that ROC as I liked their eye cream. Been using Rodan and Fields but hello, why have my crows feet gotten longer? Ugh!! I have those hangers, love em' for scarves. Going to get on the scale now, with the no sugar now regiment, hoping for the best, lol. Happy Cozy weekend gorgeous!!

  4. Thanks for the info on the thermometer. I'll check to see if our upcoming mum and dad, (Kevin and Molly) have one of those yet. Baby KevMo is due Feb. 22 and they'll need one if they don't! Hadn't heard of that one!

  5. I could have used that thermometer when my boys were little! Great list for the week. I always enjoy your book recommendations but I am STILL reading Gone with the Wind! I am loving it but since it's so long and I basically only read at bedtime, it's taking awhile. I am putting your recommendations on my list though. Enjoy your weekend. Are you getting snow up there? I know Vermont is expecting a bunch. We were supposed to go up this weekend but we have a bunch of colds in our house...not me yet though!

  6. I can't wait to read the book about the Kennedy women! I have read the story of Ray Kroc's life. What an amazing man. I love that when he had his first McD's in Des Plaines, IL that he would call the restaurant across the street to tell them to clean up their place. lol
    Another great post, Katie...but I expect nothing less from you!! xo Diana

  7. Oh lord, my neck seems to be falling down overnight! I must order the cream pronto! Thanks.

  8. Need to check out Katie's beautiful home. Had me at the shelves of books!! The things they have come up with for little one these days. My oldest is now a nanny and she was telling me about the baby "keurig" (Breva I believe) that the family has for bottles. What? No running hot water or boiling on the stove and testing for the right temp on the inside of your wrist?? While holding a screaming hungry baby???

  9. The house from 1993 is interesting to me because I think a lot (well, not too much, but some), about what is timeless? I found some old magazines at the library and it was interesting to see what stood the test of time and what looks dated. I think all the big EAT words on the wall are soon to be doomed to the dated world.

  10. Have you read Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly? I just finished it and it was very good. Two of the women were based on real people. As a person whose motto is you can never have enough blue, I enjoyed your pictures of homes decorated in blue and white.

    1. I haven't read Lilac Girls, Sharon. I've heard great things about it from fellow bloggers and readers. I will definitely put it on my must read list. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Sharon.

  11. Embarrassingly late to the party, but.........I LOVE your blog re-design! So awesome!

  12. Love Katie Couric too -- do you follow her and her husband on IG? They are so adorable! Thanks for the tips -- I need something for the wrinkles asap. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Sis! Your makeover is devine. I suspect that very soon Oprah, Katie, Hoda and Kathie Lee will be contacting you for a photo shoot and a chinwag. Gung Hay Fat Choy!

  14. Fabulous new design Katie-the watercolor of your home is priceless. You will treasure that piece forever- absolutely love it!! We have an uncanny number of little interests and passions in common😳- I have had that traditional home bedroom picture saved and in a notebook forever- and have pinned it over and over on Pinterest. Also love Katie Couric and her Hamptons home and just saw and loved both "Hidden Figures" and "The Founder". Two great January flicks! Next up "A Dog's Purpose"....think I'll be needing my tissues for that one. HAPPY Weekend Katie and thanks for the your wonderful blog filled with all my favorite things!!💓 xo, Jenny (alias Allie!)

    1. We are supposed to see "A Dog's Purpose" this weekend. I'm not sure I should be seeing it in public though because I will need tons of tissues. We'll see. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment Jenny aka Allie.

  15. Have you read Fairy Tale Interrupted by RoseMarie Terenzio, a former assistant to the late John F. Kennedy Jr.? It gives a very personal account of her time working with him....Great book!
    Happy weekend!

  16. Hi, I too LOVE Katie Couric, when she sat in for Savannah a few weeks ago I was nearly late to school everyday, until I remembered on Friday that I could watch it on my laptop in the classroom...lest you think I was not watching the students, no worries they were in the gym. I am currently reading A Man Called Ove... I can't decide if I like it or if I am finding it a bit depressing. I do intend to finish it.

  17. I think I would really like to see that Michael Keaton movie. Thanks for the recommendation! Too funny about the scale - hubby and I are on a quest as well and when he got on our digital scale and the readout indicated he had not lost any weight, he declare it "broken" and actually went out and bought a new scale! (seriously?) -Jenn

  18. I love Katie and Adele...I'm headed over to each of the links you provided. I asked for (and received) a fitbit to motivate me to get up from my computer and move. If the weather would cooperate, it might work. :-)

  19. Bad scale! Bad scale! I'm going to make sure my kids have one of those thermometers in their houses. Also, I'm going to order that Kennedy Wives book for my daughter's birthday. Shhh...don't tell her!

  20. Always good info here!! I love Katie C. bedroom, always loved a bedroom with lots of books, makes it so interesting and warm and cozy. Lots of amazing new products too...and cannot wait to see The Founder, looks amazing. Hope you are having a great Sunday.

  21. I was sooo disappointed when Katie Couric's show was cancelled. So fun you attended a taping.
    My favorite book from 2016 was Marriage of Opposites.

  22. I love Katie too..I must check out more of her house. Hey if that Roc cream works that well on you I can imagine what it will do on my wrinkles. I am sure I am even blinder than you...and older!!


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