Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Heavenly Hingham

Hello, dear friends.  It's me, your middle aged, moody, menopausal correspondent, reporting from Snow Central. 

Yesterday, the Mister was up at the crack of dawn spreading his roof melt, sanding the driveway, dispensing shovels at all doors, and arming all outdoor pipes with enough heat tape and insulation for the whole county.  

Meanwhile, I was walking around the house in a pre-blizzard fog modeling seven layers of fleece and wearing an expression resembling the time I found out that Downton was going off the air.  I detest snow.

And then I thought to myself... 
What would the Gilmore Girls do?

Thanks, Lorelai, I needed that.


A few weeks before Christmas I made a lunch date with a reader whom I had never met before.  Dianne lives in the Hingham area, so we decided to meet there.

Hingham is one of my favorite towns on the South Shore.  The area is bursting with beautiful, antique homes and the downtown is a treasure trove of darling shops and fabulous restaurants. 

I have written about La Petite Maison before.  You can read about it here.  It is always my first stop because it is my favorite.

A table set to Yuletide perfection.

Love this platter.

Are these not the absolute cutest?  

Hingham is also the home of the original Talbots.

It was opened by Nancy Talbot in 1947.

Talbots' headquarters is located a few miles away.  There is also a Talbots Outlet in the Shipyard area which is very organized and always has great buys.

Hingham also has a couple of garden and flower shops that are so fun to browse.

The town bank even has character!

Loring Hall was built in the 1800's and became a movie house in 1936 and has been ever since.  

I met Diane for lunch at the Square Cafe.  
The food and service are always exemplary.

 Dianne is a great lady, and we shared a lot of laughs.  My little Grandma used to tell me that if you made a new friend it was a good day.  And that, it was.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sorry to hear about the snow, Katie. Maybe binge watching Gilmore Girls all day would be a good option, with or without the ice cream and pajamas. Hang in there...spring is only a couple of months away. :)

  2. As you know I am about a bajillion miles SOUTH of you and I have eight inches of that snow crap in my yard. It isn't slated to go away until maybe Tuesday. I do not like it one bit. BUT what I do like is all the beautiful pictures of MA that you give me this morning. I will visit one day for sure! However, it will be in a warmer season. Happy Sunday.

  3. Seems like a decent trade off...nearby charming towns like that but you get lots of snow?? Spring will be here before you know it, and you'll appreciate it that much more. Love the traditional style and pics. Sisters are all texting each other now what soups we're making today...Hamburger soup, weight watchers cabbage soup, barley and cabbage soup...it's that kind of day all over. Happy Sunday.

    1. Hamburger soup? Boy, does that every sound delish. I've seen many a bowl of WW soup although I don't look like it. I can't diet when it's so cold out. Stay warm and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Carol.

  4. I feel your snow pain. I'm in the infamous "north & west of 495" area, and we only got about 4 inches, a dusting in these parts. I want to live where the sand is on the beach, not on the roads. Stay warm and think of spring!

    1. Maureen, every time you all get less snow than us, I say "Mister, where is north & west of 495" and why aren't we living THERE??? So nice to meet you! I love that saying... sand on the beach and not on the roads. Can I borrow it? Thanks for reading my blog. Have a great week.

  5. You are not in Texas, my friend. ;)

    It's so much fun to meet blogging readers and friends. I agree with your granny.

  6. Hi Katie! You probably don't want to see how much snow we have. I hope yours goes away soon. That is such a pretty town! Did you buy anything for yourself? -Jenn

  7. Katie,

    I just read a cute article that rated states by their miserableness during the winter. My home state of Nebraska was number 25, but Massachusetts was number 8. I would even consider a move to Hingham to enjoy the gorgeous shops and a lunch with you. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to convince my husband that it's a good plan though. On the bright side we don't live in Minnesota which got the number 1 miserable winter weather rating!!!


    1. Bobbie... Too funny. I read the same article and even wrote about it on next week's Friday Files. Thanks for giving me my new mantra..."At least we don't live in Minnesota." Have a wonderful week!!

  8. Oh, I'm so glad you had a blog meet-up. They are such fun. And Hingham looks like just the place to do it! I don't know how I managed to not know about this town, though it might be a good thing. I think I could do a lot of damage there! What a fun day and beautiful spot to meet and talk!

  9. What fun! Glad you made a new friend! Charming historic towns are something I miss about the Northeast. We just don't have as many in the South.

  10. I'm putting Hingham on my list. It looks like a charming town! I hope you took that beautiful French platter home for your kitchen. At least a box of the French butter cookies! '-)
    Have the mister fix a pot of hearty soup and cuddle up on the sofa with a good book or movie. ;-)
    Sunny and cold here. Heading out on a walk. ;-)

  11. I loved seeing the pictures of Hingham, what a pretty place. I had to crack up reading your description of the snow. I'm such a wimp when it comes to cold I'd be wearing the same thick padding as you were and yeah, being next to a fire with some kind of comfort food always sounds good to me Katie!

  12. What a beautiful little town. We had snow flurries on Friday and the entire area went ballistic! We aren't prepared in any way for ice or snow. It pretty much paralyzes our area. Happy new week!

  13. What a great trip through Hingham - thanks for sharing - and I did not know that's where Talbot's started. That platter! That tablescape! What a fun day that must've been.

    I rarely hear of people talking of all the prep and post work it takes for the long seasons of frigid cold and snow, even though I've personally experienced the drill of the walks and driveways. The roofs and water pipes always concern me here and I've often wondered what Northerners actually do to prepare. So, now I know for certain I don't like snow, and could never get used to anything more than my tolerance level for it in my region (our WV conditions are typically short-lived but annually consistent, plenty of salt trucks to put potholes in streets most everywhere). My ideal snow is visiting it somewhere else, with clear roads getting there, and all utilities intact. With that said, I think your snow is beautiful, lol.

  14. I'm from Minnesota! Winters here in our beloved MA are tropical by comparison. The weather will be better by Valentine's Day! Keep warm.

  15. Katie,
    We always want what we can't have---I was born and raised in Southern California and have always been certain I should be living in the mid-west! One of the "attractions" for me is the seasons and honest to goodness snowfall. Over the years I've been convinced by blog friends that I would not like it as much as I think I would. Could be you all are right, but it sure makes for some pretty photographs---even of the puppies! Fun post. I love Talbots.

  16. Good morning, Katie - I remember the LONG snowy winters from a couple of years I spent in grad. school in Michigan. I feel you! It's cold and rainy here, but we don't need to dig out for 30 minutes to go out and get milk (or vino!). I like your idea of following the Gilmore Girls. Your lunch out looked amazing. It's so much fun to meet blog readers, isn't it? Here's to some sunshine in your winter forecast this week!
    xx, Heather


  18. Those pictures lifted my frozen spirits this morning Katie. And it is always fun to make a new friend! Most of my blog friends are very real to me, some I have never met! Come to Alabama and we will have lunch but you might want to wait until Wednesday when the temps are in the 60s!!

  19. How much total snow did you receive?

    I'm with you; how does anybody diet when it is cold outside?? All I want to do in the winter is drink hot beverages and eat cookies, banana bread and sweet rolls.

  20. Snow and cold here too -- how many days til spring?? What a wonderful outing and so cool about a Talbots outlet -- count me in! :) Hoping for a warmup in temps for you!

  21. I hate snow too. BLEH!!! The little bit we got will be quickly melting this week as we are having a warming trend. I am personally ready to pull out the cropped pants and sandals.:)
    xo Laura

  22. I love Hingham and the Talbot's Outlet (TO) at the shipyard. I have a TO about 2 miles from my house her in MD...it is a regular stop along with the Hingham TO whenever I visit the Family Matriarch. Sorry about the snow...we have a bit here as well, would also like to go back to bed. Take Care.


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