Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Barn Sale!

When I moved into my new/old house, I noticed a very pretty farm in the area.  It is impeccably maintained and painted in a bright, sunny yellow.  One day, while driving by with my #2, there was a big sign by the road with two of my favorite words, "barn sale."  

We turned into the driveway, and it looked like Sista's  idea of heaven on earth.  The most beautiful grounds laid the backdrop for a menagerie of fabulous finds.

 I was so delighted when I saw the sign again this weekend.  At last, Sista could see what I've been talking about these past couple of months. On our way to lunch we stopped by to do some browsing.

Do you not LOVE this flower box.  When I commented on it to the lucky lady who lived there, she told me her husband made it for her for her birthday.  
Helloooo Mister??? Are you reading this?

I told the Mister to sit down and I'll give him a shave.
A really close one if he doesn't build me a windowbox! 

OK creative DIYers... 
What would you do with one of these boxes?   
I love to hear your ideas!
although it makes me feel inadequate.

The Mister and BIL didn't think this barn sale would have anything of interest until they spotted this little beauty.

Again, a point of great interest to the Mister and BIL.  
Not the raccoon - the boat.

Love the "beware" sign.

Sista loves yellowware so she was delighted to spot some at the sale.

Sista showing the Mister a very old cookbook that she found.
He wasn't having it - he wanted the police car.

Sista delighted with her purchases.

Hope your day is filled with fabulous finds!

The Mister is not going to be happy when he sees this picture!

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou
1928 - 2014

Rest in Peace

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This One's For You, Girls

For some reason, this video reminds
me so much of my girls whenever they get together growing up.  #1 obsessed with the mirror, the little one always trying to get into the act.  Within seconds,  it turns into a scene reminiscent of the World Wrestlers Foundation. 

Miss those days and miss my girls.

Hope your day is filled with sweet memories!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

sista weekend Part 1

Good morning, dear friends.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  

We were delighted to entertain Sista and Bro In Law (BIL)  for part of the long weekend.  Friday night we went to a cocktail reception celebrating the Festival of the Arts in Maaahshfield Hills.  It was a chilly but clear evening.

Sista checking out the program of events for the weekend.

BIL thinking this could be a veeery long weekend. 

2 wild and crazy sistas ready to party like it's 1999! 

When we came home, the Mister prepared the most delicious dinner of asparagus brushed with dijon and rolled in popcorn.  He also made a salad of heirloom tomatoes, radishes, golden beets and cilantro.

Flatbread of Nann with artichokes, arugula, and a shallot vinaigrette.

Baby lambchops (my very favorite food in the whole world) accompanied by a cilantro pesto.

Sorry no pic of dessert - I inhaled ate it too fast.  It was a banana chocolate conglomeration of total unbridled decadence.  All I can say is it should be outlawed in the state of Massachusetts.

And as if this post wasn't exciting enough, I have a couple of other posts covering this weekend.  
I can hear you counting the minutes right now... 

Have a sweet Monday!

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