Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 11, 2016

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  That was quite a week!  

The Friday Files is a new series that I am starting that basically covers some stuff I want to talk about, but I don't have enough material for a full post.  If you like it - great.  If not - not to worry - I'll probably forget about it by next week.

  1. utterly astonished; astounded.

My new favorite word.
Exactly how I felt when I turned on the News on Wed. AM.
End of my political commentary.


Last weekend, the Mister dragged me to see Hacksaw Ridge.  I was semi-gobsmacked by the fact that I actually liked it and found it to be a very inspirational flick.  The battle scenes are brutal, though.  I think that I am suffering from PTSD as a result of some of its gruesome, raw moments.  But I must say, this sentimental true story is nothing less than mesmerizing.

If it weren't for Tom Hanks, I would have given this film a thumbs-down.  The Mister loved ti.

To all my friends who recommended Goliath, thank you.  The Mister and I are enjoying it tremendously.  One more episode to go and then on to The Crown.

Jane Iredale Circle Delete Concealer

If you have read this blog for awhile, you know that I am a huge fan of Jane Iredale's foundation.  I have mentioned it here, here, and here.  I also am a big fan of her concealer and just realized that I never talked about it before.  You can achieve your custom color by using the duo of creams.  It hides dark circles and does not accentuate wrinkles laugh lines.  It also lasts me at least a year.  And I look 20 years younger.  OK, that's not true.  Just wanted to make sure that you were listening.  And no, I am not a paid sponsor, just a supermodel trophy wife sharing her beauty secrets.


Great minds think alike.  I called Sista the other day to tell her that the straightening brush that I ordered arrived and I loved it.  She told me that she ordered one too and was waiting for its arrival.  She's probably just saying that.  I don't blame her - she wants to be just like me. 

Anyway, I love this electric brush.  It does a miraculous job on getting rid of the frizzies.


Are you a fan of Suits?  It's one of our favorite shows. I've always thought that Meghan Markel is one of the most beautiful actresses on TV.  When I heard that she and Prince Harry were a couple, I thought that it was a match made in royal heaven.   And then when I read the letter that the Prince's Communication Secretary wrote to the press, it proved that Prince Harry is truly is a knight in shining armor.


I am almost finished listening to The Woman in Cabin 10.  It's very good so far, but I am going to reserve my opinion until I finish it because the ending can make or break a book.  I'll keep you posted. 


These are two of Sista's favorite websites.

Everything But the House calls itself the premier estate sale market place.

Chairish is the place where design lovers buy and sell.

Until next time...

Linking up with:
Foodie Friday & Everything Else
Home Sweet Home
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm curious about the Woman in Cabin 10. I just finished In a Dark Dark Wood. At first it really bugged me but by the end I was glad I stuck with it. Curious.

    And I hope Harry does indeed find someone who can handle all the stuff that comes with the job. Sounds like grim duty to me, even though I know they probably have really great dishes.

  2. Thanks for the thumbs up on the frizz brush as I call it. I have been on the fence, just wondering if it truly works. And I will look for the concealer. Like most fair skinned gals, I struggle with darkness under my eyes and I have not really found anything that works well. As for Hacksaw Ridge, I am not sure I could sit through the brutal scenes. I had to leave the room when my husband and I were watching Unbroken. I am so thankful for the men and women who were braver than me.

  3. Love the new Friday Files! The Houston humidity does a number on my hair year around, so I want to dry the straightening brush! Thanks for the recommendation. And the pic of the pup chewing on the brush...well my 10 month old boxer pup got my brush off the bathroom counter the other day and went to town on it, chewed it to shreds. Wish I had a pic to send you. Have a great weekend.

  4. Definitely gobsmacked! Oooh -- I want that concealer and that brush! Thanks for the tips! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I bought that brush for my niece as she has thick wavy hair and spends hours blow drying it out. She fell in love with it! :-) Sounds like an intriquing book may have to add that to my reading list. Have a great weekend!


  6. Ok- I HAVE to look up that electric brush!!!! I have thick heavy hair that gets all frizzy on me. What a gob-smackingly good post! Friday Files is perfect to pull all different bits and pieces together. xo Diana

  7. Katie,
    enjoyed your post, lots of interesting tidbits. The brush sounds interesting, have to tell my daughter about it. LOVE suits and you are right, Meghan is gorgeous! I thing it's totally ridiculous what the so called press and paparazzi get away with. I don't know what but something should be done about what they can and can't do.

  8. Hi! I also enjoyed Hacksaw Ridge, but I agree, the war scenes were brutal! But the story was new to me and i would also recommend it!

  9. Hi,
    I am happy you gave a review of Hacksaw Ridge, my boys want to see it.
    As always, love how you write, makes me smile.

  10. Enjoyed your Friday Files! I'm sharing the electric brush suggestion with some friends. My straight, limp hair doesn't need it. '-)
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Yes, we watch Suits and I was pleasantly surprised at the news of the new couple. I have a friend in SoCal whose daughter looks exactly like Meghan - dopplegangerly so! EBTH - I follow their FB page but haven't purchased yet. Hacksaw Ridge - someone posted "This is Your Life" episode from YouTube of the real Desmond Doss that I watched from the 1950s - good man. Thanks for the brush suggestion- that's now possibly a contender for the Christmas grab bag game. ;) Friday Files - thumbs up!

  12. Proud to live in a blue state. I haven't heard a word about Prince Harry's new girlfriend; I wonder how they met. An infomercial product that works well! Have an enjoyable weekend!

  13. GOBSMACKED Back at YA!
    WE BOTH USED the same word............on our blog posts.

  14. Katie, Every time I come here I learn all kinds of new things. I am not a royal watcher but Harry is cute and fun to follow. I was actually in England the day he was born and all the bells in the church towers rang and rang! I think I have a soft spot for him because of it. I need the opposite of the straightening brush so if you hear of one let us know! And I'm looking forward to starting the Goliath series too. It's already time to abandon watching the Knicks just a few weeks into the season! Linda

  15. What a fabulous idea..... I loved reading all the bits and pieces. I am definitely trying out the straighten brush. I hope you are having a beautiful weekend. Hugs!

  16. Gobsmacked pretty well says it all!! I NEED that brush now! Have a great week! Xoxo

  17. For many of us, gobsmacked in a GOOD way.


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